The Sentinel from Carlisle, Pennsylvania (2024)

1 Ti i1 ttlAi 'Ml te-f Ifctemn tlicj. WfftaimW-frtil EVENING SENTINEL. CARLISLE. PA MONDAY, AUGUST 10. 1959 FIVE II I 11 Personals 7 Nine Tton'ts" to Help Set Up Beauty Habits Weddings Hall Wisotzkey Miss Sandra Virginia Wisotz-key, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Roger O. Wisotzkey, Cavalry Road, was married to James E. Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Clyde Hall, RD1, Orrtanna, on Saturday, Aug. 8, 1959, in St. John's Episcopal Church. Rev. Kermit Lloyd, Hershey, performed the double-ring ceremony.

Nuptial music was played by Anthony Bauer, or Mr. and Mrs. C. Guiles Flower and Susanna and Mary, Darien. are visiting Mr.

Flower's mother. Mrs. C- Guiles Flower, 166 West Pomfret St. Mr. and Mrs.

John H. Lightner and John, Sammy and Annette, and Mrs. Lightner's brother, Fred Lambert, all of 327 East North Street, and Miss Paula Nickey. 140 North Pitt Street, are visiting Mr. Lightner's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Vyral Light ganist. Miss Dianne Hair of ner at their Summer home, near Carlisle, sang, "The Lord's and "A Perfect Ontario, Canada. Mrs. Richard Walter and Philip, 143 East South Street.

Mrs. R. M. Finkey and Robert Jr. and Jan, 175 East South Street, spent the weekend in Atlantic bride, given in marriage by her father, was attired in a full-length gown of silk sheer with Chantilly lace, fashioned with a scooped neckline inset with lace and sequins, fitted bodice and brief sleeves above City, N.J-.

at the Sea Shell Guest House, operated by Mrs. Ira Noel, formerly of Carlisle. tp.v y'wyjwiBwiiiw-eyvr- i i iii'iiiiniin hi mi leiaeaii utm mmm iijii.yiMwiieiiM urn jm lhjjiijimi I 't I' i i i 'i v. I v' 1 I t' f''. 4 a bouffant skirt." Her fingertip veil of silk illusion fell from a 4 it Mm wreath of sheer petals and pearls.

She carried a cascade of stephanotis, roses, and lillies Quotes In The News of the valley. Miss Elizabeth Beittel, 333 CROWNS 'SISTER' Mary Ann Mobley (right), last year- Miss America, crowns Lynda Lee Mead, 20, as the new Miss Mississippi in Vicksburg. Both girls are "sisters" in Chi Omega sorority at the University of Mississippi. Miss Mead will compete in the Atlantic City Miss America contest in September. Franklin Street, was maid of honor.

Bridesmaids were Miss Bonnie Ahlers, Belvedere WASHINGTON Vice President Street; Mrs. Gary Chronister, Richard M. Nixon, on the eco Snap To Sew Washington, D.C., and Miss nomic contest between the Unit Jane Willey, Salisbury, Md. ed States and Russia: "We have a tendency too often Miss Sherlene Wisotzkey, sister of the bride, was junior brides just to assume that because we are ahead, that we will continue maid. Miss Loren Senseny, Chambersburg, and Gerard to stay ahead.

Hall, Aberdeen, niece and nephew of the bridegroom, were LITTLE ROCK, Ark. The Rev, flower girl and ring bearer. MRS. JAMES E. HALL Photo by Wm.

C. Meads Studio ii i ililMM ii' 1 1 ii fciiwf Kf--riM iirm.iiiiirtiiMiiMhiiirtw.iiiiniiii'i mj The bride's attendants wore ballerina-length dresses of silk M. L. Moser, a segregationist minister on Wednesday's scheduled opening of Little Rock sheer in pastel tints of blue, pink, mint, yellow and orchid, Crantly DONT rULL your pretty sun specs down and peer over them. You'll loosen, blngea and throw ear pieces out of line.

Her veil was attached to a cap of organza embroidered with daisies. The bride carried a bouquet of daisies and ivy. Mrs. John Lefever, Dillsburg, was matron of honor for her sister-in-law. Mrs.

Raul Rodewald, State College, and Miss Judy Otto, Dillsburg, were bridesmaids. J. Richard Cramer, Lewistown, brother-in-law ef the bridegroom, was best man. Garth Lefever, brother of the bride; David Long Philadelphia; and Joe Darlington, New Blomfield, were ushers. The bride, a graduate of Northern High School and Shippensburg State Teachers College, will begin teaching in September at Well ville elementary school.

Her husband an alumnus of Perry Joint High School and Shippensburg State Teachers College, will teach at Northern High School. Dillsburg. Upon their return from a wedding trip in the Poconos they will live at Dillsburg. designed with scooped necklines fitted bodices and accented with back bows above full skirts means shaking ashes into ash They chose matching picture trays, not scattering them over hats and carried baskets of By JEANNE D'ARCY TODAY we're listing some "Don'ts' la connection with good beauty habits. 1.

Don't pull specs down on your nose and peer over 'em. flowers in colors contrasting PROPERTY TRANSFERS The following deeds have been recorded at the Court House Trustee for Clark, Peffer and Brown Inc. to AMP property on Claremont Road. $58,000. Harry E.

Donson, RD2, to Robert R. Otto, Carlisle, dwelling in Country Club Acres, $22,000. Edith M. Comager, Mechan-icsburg, to Rose Marshall, Mechanicsburg, property on West Simpson Street, Mechanicsburg, $2,500. with their dresses.

erf. The flower girl wore a long white dress of silk sheer and It's a Granny-typa gesture wore a wreath of white daisies on her head. schools on an integrated basis: "1 question the wisdom of integration, but I want us to pray to one end and that is that there is no trouble." NEW YORK William Randolph Hearst editor in chief of the Hearst newspapers, saying the Russians want trade not war with the West: "If they (the Russians) will renounce all movements that attempt to overthrow recognized governments, the Western world might make trade agreements. But the Russians first must demonstrate a relaxation of their Fifth Column movement. And then if we catch them at it, we can call them off and tell them 'You're the skunks at the garden DES ALLEMANDS, Earl K.

Long, defending his record during a campaign tour: "You know what the Bible says? It says 'He who is with Marlin L. Stone, RD6, to The mother of the bride wore a powder-blue chiffon dress with matching accessories. Mrs. Hall, mother of the bridegroom, chose a navy-blue dress of chiffon with matching accessories. Both Plans Completed For Masland Picnic Friday Members of the C.

H. Masland Sons picnic committee met today in the mill cafeteria to discuss final plans for the company's annual picnic on Friday from 10:30 a.m., to 4:30 p.m., at Hershey Park. Buses for those without transportation will leave the Masland plant at 9 a.m. James Prescott Masland personnel director and picnic chairman, has announced that prizes will be awarded by Frank E. Masland company president, to the oldest Associate, the youngest person and the largest family attending.

Prizes will also be presented to the winners of scheduled games and contests. Serving on this year's Picnic Committee are Kenneth Getty, Masland recreational director; John Ege, Oscar Loy, Mrs. Thel-ma Saphore, Mrs. Helen Crum, Mrs. Frances Shafer, Miss Shirley Lippert, Miss Lyrian Kough, Mrs.

Auralia Finkenbinder, Mrs. mothers wore orchid corsages. Parker E. 1 Dunbar, Carlisle, property on West Penn Street, $8,000. Nancy C.

Hinkle, Granville, Ohio, to Robert H. VanZandt, Carlisle, dwelling at 140 Glen-dale Street, $19,000. carpets, floor and furniture. It also means you should be smoker who doesn't go at a cigarette like Mount Vesuvius on the verge of eruption. 6.

Don't dye hair unless you have the time, money and inclination to take care of touch ups. There's nothing pretty about dark roots. Sheer Blouses 7. Don't wear sheer blouses unless your lingerie's lacy, love ly and worth showing off. 8.

Don't insist on a size 14 dress when an 18 is really what you take. The smaller size may make your ego feel better but it will make your figure loom larger because of the tight fit, 9. Don't use polish on nails unless you can manicure them at least once a week. Better un painted nails than nail that sport chipped polish. that's very unattractive but, more than that, it's a habit that can throw specs out of Una and loosen ear pieces.

'iM-m. Too Much Pomade 2. Don't slather so much pomade on hair that locks take on a well-greased look. Only a little pomade la needed to do a good job. 3.

Don't borrow anyone else's comb and don't lend yours. This Is a personal item and tot one person's use only. Keep 'em Straight 4. Don't wear jseamed stockings unless you take pains to keep them straight. Richard Hall, Aberdeen, brother of the bridegroom, was best man.

Ushers were Dennis Joseph H. Dyarman, RD2, to Harold E. Schlusser, North Mid-dleton Township, property in North Middleton, $5,250. Russell R. Davis, Carlisle, to NEGLEY REUNION One hundred and sixty-two persons registered at the 30th annual Negley reunion held recently at Col.

Denning State Park. Officers elected for the 1960 term are Mervin Negley, president; Kenneth Negley, vice-president; Dorothy N. Sheaffer, secretary; Boyd W. Sheaffer, assistant secretary; Paul K. Negley, treasurer; H.

K. Negley, assistant treasurer. Prizes were awarded Howard Negley, oldest man; Elsie Negley, oldest woman; John Reihl, youngest child; William Vaughn and H. K. Negley, largest families, and Richard Hewitt, Glas Walter G.

Arnold, Carlisle, tract in North Middleton Township, $600. Boyd F. Fisher, Mechanicsburg, to James W. Bowen, out fault let them chunk the first Senseny, Chambersburg, brother-in-law of the bridegroom; Jack Miller, Gettysburg; and Dennis McArver and Bernard Kolanowski, both of Carlisle. Steven Prescott was the acolyte.

The bride is a graduate of Carlisle Senior High School and Jefferson Medical College, School of Nursing. Mr. Hall graduated from Gettysburg High School and Shippensburg State Teachers College. He is a member of the faculty and coaching staff at Bel Air Senior High School, Bel Air, Md. Jingling slippers tots love 5.

Don't smoke unless you can do so with grace and ease. This Mechanicsburg, dwelling at 108 Evelyn Cleland, Mrs. Mary Als-J Smart Daytimer PRINTED PATTERN 'em! A snap to sew and they cost just PENNIES to make. Easy! Make a pair or more for a bazaar. Use cotton, felt, terry cloth for jingle slippers.

Pattern 933: transfer pattern, small, medium, large included. Send Thirty-five Cents (coins) for this pattern add 5 cents for WISHING WEU.J South Walnut Street, Mechanicsburg, $11,000. John A. Eckrich Carlisle, to Charles E. Wise, Carlisle, tract in Middlesex Township, $499.

Paul A. Bahn, Mechanics paugh, Mrs. Mary Good, Luther Mountz, Charles Trostle, Merrill Herr, Glenn Shughart, Mrs. Jean Sunday, Kenneth Snyder, Mrs. Mary Long, Leo Wagner, Paul Shatto, William Wimer, Wcodrow Stitt, P.

Donald Fry, Harry Seiders and Merle Smith. tonbury, longest distance traveled. Following a reception at the home of the bride's parents for Registered U. S. Patent Office.

each pattern for lst-class mailing. burg, to William E. Curtin, Har-risburg, dwelling in Mechanics 200 wedding guests, the couple left on a wedding trip to the Po-cono Mountains. They will live at Aberdeen, Md. Send to The EVENING SENTINEL, 374 Needlecraft P.O.

Births Births at the Carlisle Hospital on Saturday: Box 169, Old Chelsea Station, New Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. (Dorothy Wilt) Long 168 East 7885364 75382 TNBAAATHBAEPR 5 1 I 3 5 1 4 1 3" IVE IC RWIifiHPTR "7 6 2 5 i 8 1 3 8 2 i 6 HKNLLPIECETEO "1 3 7 6 5 i 7 3 '85 "2 CLNKEUO JO O.RTR "i 5 3 1 I 8 2 6 5 7 3 8 OSAFYYTESPOKI 1 3 5 4 8 2 7 J5 8 2 6 i TOMSORTJANir.IOW "5 1 2 3 7 6 4 2 5 3 5 7 i IAIENLOPDEYTN PICNIC TOMORROW The WSWS of the First Evangelical United Brethren Church will hold a picnic tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. at LeTort Park.

Guests are to bring box lunches and table service. ADVERTIsem*nT Baker Lefever St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Dillsburg, was the setting on Saturday, Aug. 8, 1959, for the marriage of Miss Jane Adele Lefever, Pomfret Street, a girl. Mr.

and Mrs. Vaughn (Gene 4750 WW SIZES 111 I I 12-20 il York 11, N.Y. Print plainly PAT-TERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS and ZONE. Send for a copy of 1959 Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Book. It has lovely designs to order: embroidery, crochet, knitting, weaving, quilting, toys.

In the book, a special surprise to make a little girl happy a cut-out doll, clothes to color. Send 25 cents for this book- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. burg, $14,750.

Frank T. Baltz, Lower Allen Township, to Charles M. Shank, Mechanicsburg, dwelling in Highland Park, $15,750. Paul Sipe, North Middleton Township, to Velva E. Hand-shew, North Middleton Township, property in North Middle-ton.

$2,300. Charlotte R. Loy, Carlisle, to Virgil A. Gordon, Carlisle, property at 320 West Penn Street, $3,600. Clarence J.

Stover, Mt. Holly Springs, to Robert E. Fahne-stock, Mt. Holly Springs. 106 Baltimore Avenue, Mt.

Holly, Blaine Lefever, of Range End Manor, Dillsburg, to Robert C. vieve Brown) Reid, 20 North High Street, Newville, a boy. Born on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond (Etta Altice) Ayres, RD2, Gardners, a boy.

Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stops Heart Gas 3 Times Faster Certified laboratory tests prove IELI-ANS tableti neutralize 3 timet at much ttomwh acidity In cm minute at many leodlng digeitlve tableti.

Get 8EU-ANS today for the fastest known relief. Baker, New Bloomfield. Rev. Ralph A. Greirnan officiated- Miss Arlene Stough was organist.

A reception was held at the Range End Club House. The bride was attired in a gown HERE Is a pleasant little game that will give you a message every day. It is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters in your first name. If the number of letters is 6 or more, subtract 4.

It the number is less than 8, add 3. The result is your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner of the rec tangle and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message the letters under the checked figures give you. by Willl.m J.

MMtr Distributed by Klnc Feeturee Srndlette. SLAYBAUGH REUNION Approximately 135 persons attended the 26th annual Slaybaugh Reunion at the South Mountain Welcome was given by Miss Joyce Starry, R.D.2 New of silk organza fashioned with short scalloped sleeves and a SALE OX SATURDAY The Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 8851, Boiling Springs, will hold a chicken corn soup and bake sale at the home of Mrs. Donald DeWalt, 201 Fourth Street, Boiling Springs, on Saturday. modified scalloped sabrina neck Oxford.

line embroidered with daisies. The embroidered motif was repeated in a peplum effect on the skirt. Entertainment was furnished by the Girls Trio of Biglerville High tfmiiilble WASHES RINSES at the same time I RAPT Of 1 1 jYrp School, Marie Coble, Nancy Sheaffer, and Cecelia Yoder. Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Slaybaugh, TWS KIND Of PiACM R.D.I Aspers, were longest mar THf UMLUCIfV lHfl- ried couple. 56 years present. Most TO IMPRESS Hi WIFE IIEPCO I LJ LA recently married couple was Mr. and Mrs. Gene A.

Starry, East Berlin, June 7, 1958. Persons trav eling the longest distance were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Slaybaugh and GISEE -41 I I family, Towson, Md. The largest family present was Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Slaybaugh, R.D.I Aspers with 37. The boy and girl between the aces of six and 14 with the longest Sunday School attendance record were Beverly Spertzel, Idaville and Stanley Spertzel, Idaville. The officers elected for 1900 are Daytime success! Sure to be the busiest dress in your wardrobe for office or home, work or play. Choose stripes or solids for this Nelson Slaybaugh, New Cumber land, president; Walter Slaybaugh, shirtwaist with a nipped waist, Biglerville, vice-president, Earl Slaybaugh, Towson, Md.

treasurer, rippling skirt. Tomorrows pat' tern: Wonder Apron. Joyce Starry, R.D.2 New Oxford, Unscramble the 4 seta of letters, making a word of each jumble. Print each word, a letter to a square, beneath each jumble. The letters you have printed on the eircUd squires may then be arranged to spell the $urprite arttwtr suggested by the cartoon clue.

What is it? (entwrr tomorrow tnwtm KNEEL EVADE WINCt BURLAP-SHE WAVED BACK secretary; Mrs. Keith Rex. Aspers, Printed Pattern 4750: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 40, 42. Size PINS AND EARRINGS assistant; J. Fabor Wildasin, Abbottstown, song leader; Mrs.

G. Marion Stambaugh, Gettysburg, historian. 16 takes 4 yards 33-inch. Printed directions on each pat tern part. Easier, accurate.

Send Thirty-five rrnf in coins Nest year's reunion will be held for this pattern add 10 cents for Sentinel Advertising Brings Results the first Sunday in August at the South Mountain Fair Grounds. Each Values to $5" Reduced to 220 each pattern for lst-class mailing. Send to Anne Adams, care of The EVENING SENTINEL. 392 Pattern 213 West 17th New York 11, Y. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER.

Advertise yovx sale In FHE SENTINEL Including Tti. ft SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER Hi' "ad" tlACr NOW AND SAVE Jl nn a jl! La CARLISLE CHIROPRHCTiC CUIHC! rmnestone settings pins and ca Trine- rn lS spring coats, fine-looking. NOBODY would guess they're only $2.20. Order by Mail cr Phone 1 OFFICE HOURS lUlsksttflow tteB CbImsJbiS CONCRETE WORK SIDEWALKS DRIVEWAYS PATIOS A. F.

BLESSING SOU R. D. 1, Newville, Pa. Carlisla 1776-Jor 1006 i' a i fi -j I 9otOA.M. 1ie2 P.M.

6to7P.M. Others by Appoinlfflcnt Fion 2421. you can net sey have dwt tvery thing unlets Chiropractic was included 1 133 N. Hanover St. Carlisle, Pa.

34 N. Honover Sf. Carlisle, Pa..

The Sentinel from Carlisle, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.