Space Battleship Montana - Chapter 1 - AStupidMidge - 宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199 (2024)

Chapter Text

17 January 2199 AD


The once former ninth planet of the Sol System, now reclassed as a Dwarf Planet.

About two hundred thousand kilometres away from the planet, a spaceship bearing the markings of the United Nations Cosmo Navy (UNCN) approaches Pluto's orbit. An Isokaze-class destroyer, the Yukikaze.

Aboard the bridge of the Yukikaze, its navigator called out on their position.

"We're currently in orbit 200,000 kilometres from Pluto."

"To your battle stations!", called Yukikaze's XO, Eiji Ishizu, as the ship's commander, Mamoru Kodai, arrived by floating onto the deck. A buzzer before Klaxon sounds as Kodai's feet land on the deck floor.

"No enemies sighted off the coast of Pluto.", informed the radar operator.

"The seas are calm, it's almost scary.", commented Ishizu, as a slight smile formed on his face.

After adjusting his hat, Kodai issued a command.

"Set up a signal flare to the main fleet."


First Fleet

180,000 kilometres behind the Yukikaze, a fleet of 21 UNCF warships called the First Fleet, arrived at its intended destination, 380,000 km off the coast of Pluto.

Consisting of a mix of Isokaze-class destroyers and Murasame-class cruisers, this fleet is led by the flagship Kirishima of the Kongo-class battleship.

On the bridge of the Kirishima, Admiral Juzo Okita stands defiant with Captain Osamu Yamanami sitting beside him. Out in a distance in front of of them, out the windshields, appears a source of light that flashes in a pattern.

"Signal round sighted from vanguard ship, Yukikaze.", reports a Communications Officer. "It says, "I have entered the operations area.""

"Spotters report enemy sighted!", the Radar Operator called. "Multiple contacts at starboard. 4 o'clock."

"EM wave restrictions released. Identify the enemy ships.", commanded Captain Yamanami.


On a large display, four silhouettes pop up from top to bottom. The first ship is of a large-looking design that's followed by proceeding smaller silhouettes, with their dimensions to the left and ship count to the right of the display.

"Scan complete. 1 Super Dreadnought-class Battleship, 7 Heavy cruisers, 22 light cruisers, and 90 destroyers and counting.", reported the Radar Operator, who kept a steady and professional voice despite seeing the numerical superiority of the enemy.

This is it. The fate of humanity settles on this battle., thought Okita before raising his head and issuing an order.

"All ships to combat positions. 30 degrees to starboard. Prepare for exchange of fire."

"30 degrees starboard!", affirmed Kirashima's helmsman, as sirens cry out from the speakers.

As the Kirishima turns to starboard, all other ships in the First Fleet turn to follow suit.

Meanwhile, approaching rapidly from behind the First Fleet, the before-mentioned massive fleet of enemy warships, the Garmillas, soon arrive on the scene alongside the First Fleet.

As the First Fleet arranges in their battle formation, so too do the Garmillian ships with each side preparing to target each other. Okita and Yamanani turn their heads to the left, facing their enemies as the Garmillas take their battle positions.

Moments later, Kirishima turns all her 4 triple gun turrets 90 degrees starboard, full broadside at the ready. The entire First Fleet follows suit.

"Distance 7500. Relative speed unchanged."

"Message recipe from enemy fleet. "Attention, Earth fleet. Surrender immediately and you will not be harmed."", reports the comms officer, before turning his chair to face Okita. "What should we reply, sir?"

Okita responds, "Tell them, "Nuts."


Okita turns to face his officer. "Nuts!"

"...Yes, sir."

Turning back to his station, the comms officer relays Okita's message.

"Reply from Earth fleet. Nuts!"

Outside, the Garmillian fleet swiftly responded by turning their cannons to the First Fleet, their ship's illuminated "eyes" turning from peaceful green to hostile red. Ominous red positron energy builds up in the gun barrels before unleashing them in deadly beams towards their target. A salvo lands successfully on a cruiser near the Kirishima, destroying it in a fiery explosion.

"The Yuugiri has been sunk! The Kurama is out of formation!"

"Commander!", Yamanami voices out, but Okita only calmly responds, "Not yet."

"The enemy is within our firing range!", reports Kirishima's weapons officer as he aims the guns at a Garmillian ship.

"Target locked!"

"Open all gunports.", commanded Okita. "FIRE!"

Green energy builds up in all of Kirishima's guns and soon unleashes her broadside on the Garmillian fleet. All other allied ships quickly open fire as well.

The green beams travel steady and true to their targets, but instead of detonating their targets they are simply repelled or tanked by the Garmillian fleet's armour, showcasing their superiority in both weaponry and defence. Not a single Garmillian ship was sunk with the salvo.

More salvos are exchanged between the two fleets, with the Earth fleet rapidly diminishing in numbers while the Garmillians remain strong.

Two Earth cruisers are quickly destroyed one after the other with more Earth ships being sunk, and the now crippled wreck of the destroyer Shimakaze is rapidly on a collision course with fellow cruiser Abukuma.

"Take evasive manoeuvres!", ordered Abukuma's commander, but the cruiser could not clear the distance in time. Abukuma's crew cry out in fear as both it and Shimakaze sink into a devastating demise.

"Both Abukuma and Shimakaze have sunk!", said an officer on Kirishima.

"Still no response from the 'Amaterasu'?", Okita asked, still standing firm despite the carnage surrounding his ship.

"Negative, sir!"

"The Isokaze has been hit and is leaving formation!"

"Will they really come?", worriedly asks Yamanami to Okita.

"We need to believe. Have patience.", Okita calmly responded. "They will arrive."

Or at the least, I really hope so., thought Okita, as a stray blast from the Garmillians suddenly hit Kirishima and melted through its hull, causing indirect damage to the bridge and detonating the communications station.

"Argh!", cried the comms officer as he took the brunt of the explosion.

Kirishima fires another broadside salvo before she's suddenly struck just underneath her first upper gun turret by another enemy beam. The beam struck in her most armoured area that's applied with salvaged Garmillian Migobueza coating which allowed Kirishima to stay afloat, but the blast still caused internal damage.

On the bridge, officers continue to report damages on the Kirishima.

"Hull breach on starboard side!"

"We've suffered damage on starboard deck three!"

"We are leaking cyanide gas and hydraulic fluids on decks four and six!"

"Engine output is dropping to 60 per cent!"

Yamanami grabs a radio and calls for damage control.

"Damage control, get the bulkheads sealed! Hurry!"

Below deck near the hull breach, crew and debris are being sucked out to the vacuum of space. Heavy hydraulic doors quickly seal the damage, preventing more objects from being sucked out.

Outside, Kirishima is taking some serious damage, with her hull suffering heavy burn marks. A senior crew member who was attempting to mitigate damages is tending to a junior member, who couldn't be more than 18 years old and had his lower abdomen pierced with sharp debris.

"Hey kid, hang on! Don't die, please!", the senior crew cried out, attempting to assure the young crew member.

"M-mom? that you?", the young crew weakly uttered before bleeding out, his eyes going blank, and his body hanging limp.

"No. No no no NO! DAMN IT!", exclaimed the man, seeing another life snuffed out in his arms.

Onboard the Yukikaze, still far ahead at the vanguard position, the bridge is filled with cries of distress and calls for help emanating from the radio.

"We have lost control of our vessel! We are leaving formation!"

"Their firepower is too strong!"

"We are taking damage! I repeat, we are-*static*"

"The enemy has an overwhelming advantage.", an officer reported to Kodai over the sounds of anguished screams and cries.

"So, this was an ambush?", asked Kodai, who only received a nod. With wide eyes, he turns to the helmsman and orders him, "Turn this ship around! Reverse course and max speed!"

"Aye, sir!", said the helmsman, turning the Yukikaze around 180 with its RCS thrusters and then pushing the throttle lever to max power. The main thrusters roar to life as they propel Yukikaze back to the battlefield.

Back onboard the Kirishima and deep in the engine room, Chief Engineer Hikozaemon Tokugawa does his best to keep the situation under control.

"Everyone, keep working! Make sure the engines maintain constant output!", Tokugawa calls to his group of engineers over the sound of emergency bells ringing. "Watch out for any plasma leaks! Firefighters, keep any flames at bay!"


Just as he makes the call, a hatch on the floor flips open and Tokugawa's assistant, Sukeji Yabu, pops his head out but his face is full of uncertainty.

"We got things under control down here, but at this rate...", Yabu nervously voiced out.

"I said it would be alright.", answered Tokugawa replied, his voice full of confidence and surprising Yabu. "Believe in him, that man is running this ship."

At Kirishima's Bridge, an officer informs Okita about the current situation of the First Fleet.

"Our fleet has suffered nearly 80 per cent damage. We only got 5 ships left."

Just 5 ships...the damage we received is great. But if this plan doesn't work, then the sacrifice of these brave men and women will mean nothing., Okita thought grimly, but his thoughts were interrupted by the Radar Officer.

"Signal from the 'Amaterasu' confirmed! It's on course and it will be crossing Neptune shortly!", the officer reported as his radar display showed a blip passing over the blue planet of Neptune. "It'll be about 10 minutes before it reaches Mars!"

The first part of the plan is complete., Okita thought in relief. "Send an encoded message to UN Headquarters,

"The Stone Gate of Heaven has opened!"."

UNCF Headquarters, Far East Sector

Deep beneath the Earth's crust, where the irradiated surface can be called "Hell on Earth", large underground cities house whatever remaining civilization is left. Tall apartment-like buildings serve as shelter for the remaining population of approximately 20 million, a massive decrease from the 12 billion who once resided on the Earth's surface.

Seven years prior, Earth suffered a massive bombardment of Garmillian planet bombs, which irradiated the planet to the point where the best radiation suits couldn't keep a person safe for more than half an hour and forced humanity underground. Each planet bomb, upon landing on Earth, released so much energy that one caused the entire Mediterranean Sea to evaporate in an instant. Subsequent bombings eventually caused all water to dry up, leading to the deaths of all plant life and consequently animals as well. The bombs also released radiation so deadly that scientists even observed the infamously invincible American co*ckroach easily succumbing within half a minute of exposure.

One such city is located underneath the border to the once and now dried-up East China Sea and the Sea of Japan, off the coast of South Korea, known simply as the United Asia Capital City. With a population of approximately 7 million, it is the largest city by population, with the United Americas City underneath the coast of Florida coming a close second at 5 million, and third being The Consolidated Europe City underneath Germany at 4 million.

Within the United Asia Capital City is where the Headquarters of the United Nations Cosmo Force, or UNCF, is located. The UNCF, a branch of the United Nations Joint Forces, was formed to counter and successfully defeat the once technologically superior Martian Government Space Navy. The UN later reversed engineered the Martian ships to create their own, thus forming the United Nations Cosmo Navy, or UNCN.

At the underground command centre within the Headquarters, multiple large monitors are displaying the status of the battle on Pluto with the largest screen showing a map of the battlefield status. This battle is part of an operation, codenamed "Operation M", and is being overseen by Chief Administrator Heikuro Todo and Admiral Ryu Hijikata.

"At 1200, the First Fleet encountered the enemy 380,000 kilometres off the coast of Pluto. The state of battle is currently unknown; however, it's confirmed no enemy vessels have been sunk.", an officer reports.

"Have we gotten a report back from the Kirishima, gentlemen?", Todo asked.

"Negative, sir."

"I pray that the Garmillians hadn't taken him out.", said Hijikata, concerned. "But knowing that stubborn bastard, he'll make it somehow."

"I pray so as well. But this is Okita we're talking about. He'll manage to cheat death even when the odds are against him!", Todo playfully replied, trying to keep spirits up.


Just then a blonde woman wearing a headset called out to Todo and Hijikata from her station beside the two men.

"We received a coded message from the Kirishima.", she said. "'The Stone Gate from Heaven has opened!', it says.

"Then everything is going as planned.", said Todo.

"When will the rendezvous with the target take place, Mori?", asked Hijikata.

The woman, Yuki Mori, types a few commands before showing a satellite image of the fourth red planet Mars, with a trajectory line to the planet's surface labelled "Amaterasu".

"There's a two-man recovery team awaiting at the Arcadia Port on Mars."

"Let them know that the special delivery is about to arrive."

Mars, Remains of Arcadia Port

On the barren surface of Mars, within the ruined remains of the former human settlement of Arcadia Port, lies a small crew capsule with the UNCF markings.

Inside, two men, both 20 years old, are residing in the capsule and wearing their spacesuits. Both are just recently promoted Ensigns of the UNCF.

"It's been three weeks since we were dropped here.", commented the man with short curly brown hair, sitting down on a fold-up chair and drinking from a water canister. "I wonder if Operation M was a success. What do you think, Kodai?"

The other man, Susumu Kodai who has longer, messier brown hair, only stares out of the capsule window. His face was in a firm yet anxious expression.

"My brother's fighting out there on Pluto, and I'm just sitting here.", replied Kodai. "I can't help but be a little worried, Shima."

Daisuke Shima, the one with curly hair, only chuckles before taking another sip of water. Just as he was able to, their communication headset rang out with a series of beeps. Shima then puts down his water and picks up the headset up to his ear.

"Ensign Daisuke Shima speaking."

"Ensign Daisuke Shima, Ensign Susumu Kodai, you are to intercept an incoming spacecraft heading your way and retrieve the package inside."


After this brief exchange, Shima puts down the comms device and grabs his helmet, securing it to his suit before tossing Kodai his helmet.

"That's our cue, Kodai."

"Finally, some action!"

Outside of Mars and rapidly approaching the red planet, a sleek-looking gold spaceship is now entering the upper atmosphere. While burning from the atmospheric entry, trouble soon arises as the starboard side engine suddenly fails and detonates, leaving a trail of fire behind the ship.

Running outside of their capsule, Kodai and Shima hop on board their Type 100 Recon Plane and take off to intercept their target.

Quickly climbing to altitude, the pair soon finds and rendezvous with the descending gold ship, that's quickly being consumed by flames.

"Is that it?", asked Kodai, piloting their Recon Plane. "It looks badly damaged."

"Badly is an understatement.", said Shima, sitting behind Kodai. "If it blows up, whoever is flying that thing will not survive."

Not even a few seconds later, the gold ship explodes into a ball of flames, succumbing to its damages. But not before ejecting a crew escape pod, which is quickly spotted by both Kodai and Shima.

"Hey Kodai! There's an escape pod!"

"I see it, I see it!"

Kodai quickly turns to follow the rapidly falling crew capsule, which lands hard on the Martian surface and throws up a small dust cloud.

Landing the Recon Plane nearby, Kodai and Shima quickly deboard their plane and rush towards the crashed pod, now wedged to the ground and in a nearly 45-degree list.

"Do you think someone could have survived that?", asked Kodai as he and Shima slowed down to a walk when they reached the escape pod.

"At that speed and force, I doubt anyone could survive that.", Shima gave his thoughts. "It'll be a miracle if anyone did."

The two men split up to examine the escape pod, with Kodai examining the front wedged to the ground and Shima looking up at the rear that's facing up.

While examining the front, Kodai soon finds what looks like to be the crew section, obscured by a large nearly opaque purple dome. Taking a closer look, Kodai finds what appears to be a human-looking silhouette underneath the purple dome.

"Hey, Shima! I found somebody inside!", exclaimed Kodai as he tried to pry the dome open with his gloved hands, hopefully rescuing the person inside.

"I'm coming!", Shima responded, running forth and helping Kodai with opening the dome. "Here, let me give you a hand."

"Alright, together on three. One, two, THREE!"


With the combined efforts of the two men, the dome of the escape pod opens up with a click and a hiss, revealing a truly remarkable sight inside.

"Holy...are you seeing this, Kodai?", Shima asked his friend, breath taken away.

"Yeah, I am.", Kodai replied, equally breath taken.

"Do you think she's still alive?"

Kodai only responds by taking out a handheld device and using it to scan the occupant inside the escape pod, which reviews to be a beautiful blonde woman lying down on her back. Wearing clothes that exude an aura of royalty with her facial features resting in a relaxed expression. Almost as if she was at peace.

With the scan of the woman complete, Kodai takes a look at the device's screen.

Let's pulse, no lung or brain activity, no residual electrical signals in the nervous system...damn, she must have passed away during reentry.

With a solemn shake of his head, Kodai says the words that neither two men were hoping to hear.

"No, Shima. She's dead."

"Crap. She was beautiful looking, too."

"Are you telling me that you are attracted to hot-looking corpses?", Kodai retorted, his face playfully contorting in a disgusted expression. "Frankly you disgust me, Shima!"

"Hey! If I remember correctly, didn't you tell me that your type of women are beautiful blonde types? Kettle, meet pot.", Shima shot back. "I should be saying the same thing to you!"

"Hardy har. Hey, what's this?"

Within the clutched hands of the woman, was a strange oblong cylindrical-looking device. This alien-looking artefact has a golden-yellow colour and is covered with an intricate pattern, with the ends lighting up in a rotating fashion.

Shima gently pried the alien device from the woman' cold fingers and picked it up, turning it around in his hand. "Could this be the "package" we were told to collect?"

"Could be. Let's tell HQ we found...whatever this is."

Back at Pluto, the First Fleet is in absolute shambles. Out of the 21 ships it began with, only 4 now remain afloat: battleship Kirishima, cruisers Tsurugi and Yakumo, and destroyer Isokaze. The remaining 17 ships are now floating, cold and charred wrecks.

Isokaze, the first of the Isokaze-class destroyers and trailing smoke from being hit earlier, fires another broadside salvo but its efforts are futile as the green beams bounce harmlessly off a Garmillian ship. In return, incoming deadly red positron energy rapidly approaches the destroyer.

However, a small fast-approaching object intercepts the incoming red beams and detonates, surrounding the Isokaze in an almost transparent blue hue and saving the destroyer from destruction.

Nearby, the cruiser Tsurugi witnessed this unexpected miracle.

"Something just saved Isokaze!"

"How the?! What happened?!", Tsurugi's commander asked, flabbergasted. But before he received an answer, another officer cried out in alarm. An incoming volley of Garmillian fire is approaching the Tsurugi.

"Incoming enemy fire!"

Just as the volley of Garmillian beams is about to hit Tsurugi, another small fast object reaches and detonates before Tsurugi, surrounding it in the same blue hue as the Isokaze. The red Garmillian beams hit this blue hue and exploded, with no damage done to the Tsurugi.

"This is Isokaze to Tsurugi! Come in, Tsurugi!"

"This is the Tsurugi. Isokaze, do you know what happened?", Tsurugi's commander asked over the radio. Meanwhile, Garmillian fire continues to hit Tsurugi's blue shielding but they all explode upon impact.

"We don't know. One moment we are about to be hit, and the next we are surrounded by this blue shield. We are currently receiving hits but doesn't look like this shield going out anytime soon.", the Isokaze replied.

"Same here.", says Tsurugi's commander, as he witnesses both his ship and the Isokaze tanking multiple Garmillian laser fire, with the shield glowing blue every time it's being hit. "Should we report this to the fleet commander?"

"Maybe not now, but definitely after when we make it out of this slaughter. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm beginning to feel some hope."

Up front, the Kirishima and Yakumo are exchanging fire against the enemy. The Kirishima launches a volley of 8 missiles from its VLS at the Garmillian ships. They might as well be launching fireworks instead as all the missiles completely miss their targets, only illuminating the Garmillion ships in a bright orange hue.

The Yakumo fires another broadside salvo, only for a row of Garmillian laser fire to approach the Yakumo.

But there's a saying that goes, "Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. Three times it's a trend.". And this couldn't be more true as the Yakumo is suddenly enveloped by blue energy and all approaching Garmillian beams hit and detonate upon impact.

However, unlike with Isokaze and Tsugiri, the Yakumo is enveloped by smoke from all the detonating positron beams and is unseen by the Kirishima which is executing evasive manoeuvres to avoid enemy fire, all the while firing everything it's got. Beams, missiles, torpedos, everything.

Back on board Kirishima's bridge, the comms officer, injured but still kicking, receives a message relayed from Headquarters.

"Message from HQ! The Uzume has retrieved the 'Amaterasu'.", the officer said, half his face burnt and covered with soot.

Okita nods his head at the confirmation. "Good. The First Fleet's task is now complete. Issue a withdrawal order."

Suddenly, alarms blare out from the Radar Operators station. Okita rushes over and asks the officer manning it.

"What's the situation?"

"Sir, incoming enemy destroyer approaching quickly from above at 6 o'clock!", the radar officer informed, his radar screen showing a green blip rapidly closing in on top of the Kirishima.

Okita then heads to a viewport on the ceiling of the bridge, looking up and immediately spotting the Garmillian destroyer swiftly completing its turn and taking more and more of the viewport area.

"Activate the point defence systems! Don't let the enemy get to us!"

"Incoming enemy torpedos!"

As the Garmillian destroyer quickly descends to its target, it launches two torpedos at the Kirishima. They are swiftly destroyed by Kirishima's point defence weapons. However, the ballistic rounds only prove little effect on the Garmillian ship itself as they either miss or get bounced off.

The destroyer seems to be showing no signs of slowing down as it gets closer and closer to the Kirishima.

"Sir! Our defences can't do anything against the incoming enemy!"

Could this be the end of the line for me?, thought Okita, as for the first time in the 35-plus years serving in the UNCF he began to feel afraid for his life.

Back on the Yukikaze, which just arrived on the battlefield, its crew looks out in fear and awe at the floating, empty, and charred wreaks of their fellow vessels.

"It's like a pig slaughterhouse here.", grimly commented Ishizu. "Well, if the pigs were us and the slaughterhouse is this battlefield."

"sh*t, if we only could have turned around earlier!", Kodai exclaimed, slamming his hands on a nearby console. "I should have known better. I was there when we fought those bastards back on Mars!"

The crew of Yukikaze took a brief moment of silence to mourn for their fallen shipmates before they were interrupted by warnings and beeps from the ship's radar.

"Radar picked up an enemy ship on an attack run!"

"What is that enemy's target?", asked Kodai.

"The enemy is heading towards the Kirishima, sir!"

Kodai's eyes widen in shock. "That's..."

"..Okita's ship.", Ishizu finishes.

"Target that ship and take it down before it reaches Kirishima!", yelled out Kodai to his men.

"Aye!", they replied and the Yukikaze, at full forward thrust, closed in on the Garmillian ship that was being fired on by Kirishima's point defence weapons.

As the Yukikaze gets closer, the rear guns of the Garmillian ship open fire to shoot its chaser down.

"Evasive manoeuvres!", commanded Kodai as the Yukikaze swerved to avoid incoming enemy fire.

"Enemy in sight!", the weapons officer called out as he aimed two reticles on his targeting screen at the Garmillian vessel.

"Target locked on!"

"Torpedo tubes 1 and 2, FIR—!"


Just before Kodai was able to finish his command to fire, a blue beam of light pierces the Garmillian destroyer and it soon explodes in a magnificent ball of orange flames and debris.

The Yukikaze turns to avoid the incoming wreck while on the bridge, while the crew remains in shock at the sight.

"Was that...", said Ishizu, his mouth hanging open.

"Yeah, a Shock Cannon fire.", clarified Kodai, more composed but no less surprised. "But who could have fired it?"

"Enemy ship has been sunk!"

"The enemy fleet is reorganizing!"

Onboard the Kirishima, Okita let out a sigh of relief and relaxed his shoulders upon hearing the good news.

"Issue a withdrawal order to all ships.", Okita gave out his order. "How many of us have survived?"

"Just us and, wait. Us and four more, sir.", an officer stated.

"Which ships, officer?", Yamanami asked.

"Isokaze, Tsurugi, Yakumo, and Lieutenant Kodai's Yukikaze, sir."

"Receiving a withdrawal order from the Kirishima.", said Yukikaze's comms officer.

"Withdrawal?", asked Kodai, looking up to see a flashing signal lamp from on top of the Kirishima.

"We will now withdraw. Follow us.", relayed the comms officer. "We are leaving the battlefield. Hard to starboard."

In front of the Yukikaze, the Kirishima proceeds to do a hard starboard turn, away from the battlefield and passing over Yukikaze, whom Kodai and his men salute.

"We received confirmation from Isokaze, Tsurigi, and Yakumo. However, the Yukikaze isn't turning!", said Kirishima's radar operator in alarm as his radar screen shows three dots approaching and lining up behind Kirishima while a fourth one is getting further away.

"What!?", Okita exclaimed in surprise, grabbing a radio and opening a communication channel to the Yukikaze. A screen lights up on the bridge's ceiling, showing the face of Lieutenant Mamoru Kodai.

"Kodai, follow me. The battle's over, we can withdraw.", Okita said over the radio.

"Commander Okita, I'm not going to withdraw. The Yukikaze will remain on the battlefield and support Kirishima's withdrawal.", Kodai replied defiantly.

Okita tries to convince Kodai, "Kodai, we made many great sacrifices but the operation is a success. Withdraw!"

"If we don't do anything, Earth's fleet will be annihilated for good and there will be no one to defend our planet!"

"Kodai, please!", cried Okita, tears threatening to form in his eyes as he didn't want to see Kodai, whom Okita saw as his second son, throw away his own life. "I will not let you die out here. Earth still needs you!"

"I could say the same thing to you too, Commander. You are still a hero of Earth. The people will continue to look up to you if you make it back. I'm just another run-of-the-mill officer compared to you."


Just then, the Radar Operator spoke up in alarm.

"Commander! I'm detecting signatures similar to what the Garmillians call a Geshtam jump!"

"More enemies warping in?", inquired Yamanami, alarmed. "Where is it coming from?"

"It's...It's right IN FRONT OF US!"

"What!?", cried Kodai over the radio, overhearing the alarm."Commander Okita, GET OUT OF THERE!"

A couple of hundred metres above and in front of the Kirishima and her convoy of the surviving First Fleet, a huge tear rips open on the empty vacuum of space.

Out from the tear emerges a large vessel bigger than the Kirishima, with a navy grey top and red bottom colour scheme. Seven large triple cannons are mounted on the ship, with 4 on top and 3 on the bottom, alongside multiple smaller secondary guns scattered about. Its design is strikingly similar to the World War 2 battleships of old, built over one and a half centuries ago.

Outside, proudly emblazoned on the sides of the ship's hull is the logo of the United Nations with the flags of the countries of Earth. And up on the bow, calls out the ship's name to its friends and foes alike.

SBB-67, EDFS Montana.

"Unidentified vessel up ahead!"

"What the hell is that!?"

"What is our course of action, Commander?!"

The bridge of the Kirishima is in a near state of panic at seeing this new massive ship suddenly warping in.

"Everyone, calm down!", barked out Yamanami. "Comms, could you try and hail this unexpected visitor?"

"Currently attempting to hail on all frequency channels, but no luck at the moment; however, IFF signatures return as a friendly vessel."

So another one of ours?, Okita thought in surprise. As the Fleet Admiral of the UNCN, he is fully aware of what ships are still at his disposal. But nowhere in Okita's memories has he been made aware of this new vessel.But I have never seen such a ship in front of me in my life. Unless Headquarters has made changes to the Yamato Plan in secret...

Suddenly, the forwardmost turret on the bottom of the ship turns in the direction of the Kirishima, with blue energy building up in its triple barrels.

"Positron energy signature detected!"

"Where is that ship aiming at?"

"I can't make heads or tails of it, sir!"

Onboard the bridge of the mysterious vessel Montana, its captain lets out a sigh of relief.

He is a young man in his mid-twenties, with short spiked black hair and brown eyes and wearing a black captain's uniform. He stands up from his captain's chair and makes his way forward.

"Looks like the jump is a complete success. The stardate is correct. 17th of January, 2199 Anno Domini", the captain said, his shoulders relaxing. Walking forth and looking out of the front windshield, a smile formed on his face. "And it seems our targets are safe and sound."

Out past the bow of Montana are the remaining 4 members of the First Fleet, with Kirishima taking the lead position.

"Captian, we are receiving a hail from the lead vessel up our bow. Codename: Kirishima."

A young woman, also in her mid-twenties with long blonde hair and amber eyes wearing a yellow jumpsuit under a white officer's jacket with yellow outlines, spoke up and looked to the captain. She's also wearing a communications headset as she examines the radar screen in front of her.

"Open up the comms channel, Lieutenant."

Just then, alarms blare out from the blonde Lieutenant's radar screen.

"Captain, three enemy vessels are approaching the First Fleet from behind.", the Lieutenant reports; however, her voice showed no fear or uncertainty in her words.

"Keel Gun 1, aim at the targets and fire when ready. Lieutenant, scramble their targeting systems."

"Aye, Captain."

On The bridge of the Kirishima, the men watch in uncertainty as they witness the blue energy building up on the forwardmost triple gun turret on the keel. After a tense second, 3 streaks of bright blue energy shoot out from the barrels, zooming past Kirishima and the First Fleet, and landing on three Garmillian vessels coming from behind. Two cruisers and a destroyer are blown up in a spectacular display of flames.

"So it was targeting the enemy coming from behind us.", said Yamanami, who had been sweating earlier.

"But how could we have missed it?", inquired Okita, to which the Radar Operator gave a reply.

"It's likely that the enemy ships are outside our radar coverage. Whatever that thing is, it's got better radar than ours."

"Commander, those blue beams.", Kodai pointed out over the radio."Those are shock cannon blasts."

Then, the comms officer spoke up.

"We managed to secure a channel to the unidentified vessel."

"Patch them through comms.", said Okita, as another screen lit up from the ceiling beside Kodai's showing the face of the unknown caption of said unidentified vessel.

"This is Commander Juzo Okita of the United Nations Cosmo Navy Fleet ship, Kirishima. To whom am I speaking?"

"This is the Captain of the United Nations Earth Defence Force ship, Montana. It is a pleasure to meet you once again, Commander Okita.", replied the Captain, his eyes and most of his facial features shadowed by his hat.

Earth Defence Force? Montana? I've never heard of them., thought Okita, confusion forming on his bearded face.And he said "again" as if known me from before, but I don't recall ever meeting this man.

"I see that you are evidently confused, Commander. But rest assured, I mean no harm to you or planet Earth.", reassured the unknown Captain. "In fact, I'm here to support you with the withdrawal of you and your ships."

"If you may not have noticed, the three ships behind you are surrounded by a special shield, courtesy of us. If we had not interfered, those ships would have been destroyed earlier."

"So you are truly here to help us then?", cautiously asked Yamanami, still a bit sceptical but not enough to fully distrust the unknown captain. "You are not pulling any strings here?"

"From the bottom of my heart, I am here to assist in any way possible.", replied the unknown Captain, his words laced with sincerity and trust."By the way, is the man known as Mamoru Kodai of the Yukikaze here on this channel?"

"Here.", Kodai spoke up from his radio."Lieutenant Mamoru Kodai of the Yukikaze speaking."

"Mamoru, whatever you do, do NOT stay back and engage the enemy."

"Huh?!", exclaimed Kodai, angered at this command."What do you mean, do not engage?"

"Mamoru, if you do you'll be shot to bits like a fat turkey in a turkey shoot.", firmly said the Montana's caption, his expression hardening."There is no point in doing your suicide run when the enemy can kill you in one shot. What about your friends? Your family? Your brother?"

"Wha-? How do you know Susumu?"

"The specifics are irrelevant. However, what I do know is your brother is waiting back on Mars, hoping to see you again when you make it out of here. You can't do that if you're dead, Mamoru!", the Captain yelled out the end."Listen to Okita! There are still those who are looking forward to your return back on Earth! Especially your little brother!"

"I...I...", Kodai upsettingly stammered, before his mind suddenly flashed upon the memories of his life up until now.

Hugging his mother and father Noriko and Go Kodai.

His parents arriving home with his little brother Susumu.

A big happy birthday with his Aunt Maki and Uncle Yoshio.

Joining the Space Academy and meeting his best friend Shiro Saneda.

Dating Sanada's lab assistant, Karou Niimi, albeit ending their relationship just before departing for Pluto.

Raising little Susumu after most of his family is bombed six years prior.

Comforting a distraught and crying 15-year-old Susumu in bed one night.

Confiding in Okita, whom he saw as his second father, after fearing that he was not doing a good job of raising his little brother.

Teasing Susumu one night after he brought a friend, Shima was his name, over from the Academy to a sleepover.

Dammit, he's right. What was I thinking? If Susumu ever hears that I threw my life away for nothing, then...then he..., thought Kodai with clenched eyes. Gritting his teeth and tears leaking from his eyes, Kodai looked back up to his communication feed and resolutely spoke his decision,

"Alright, the Yukikaze will withdraw from the battlefield."

"...Thank you, Kodai. This means a lot.", thanked Montana's Captain, a grateful smile on his lips."Don't worry, I'll give cover to you all. Just make sure you all arrive back on Earth in one piece. Especially you, Mamoru. Ya hear me?"

"Alright alright, I hear you."

"What about you, Captain?", asked Okita as he saw the Montana passing over him and the Yukikaze lining up in front of the Kirishima.

"Don't worry, Commander. I'll be fine, just sit back and enjoy the show.", assured the Captain, saluting Okita and turning his ship around, broadside against the Garmillians."Farewell for now."

"As do you too...Captain."

And with that, the comms channel is closed between Kirishima and Montana.

Within the Montana, the Captain lets out a sigh and drops his salute. With that, he walks over to the female Lieutenant and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Well then, let's go give these Garmaillan bastards a good hard kick to their asses."

"As much as I loathe hearing obscenities, I have to agree. They need a good kick to their posterior.", said the blonde Lieutenant, turning her head to face the Captain, "Should we give something to boost the morale of our friends?"

"Why not? Open up an audio-only channel to the Kirishima and play the anthem.", the Captain replied, standing up straight with his hands behind his back. "All guns, target all enemies at our starboard side. Local control and fire as you bear!"

"So it seems like we'll be making out of this, huh?", Yamanami commented with a smile as he looked at Okita. "How are you feeling, Commander?"

"...To be honest, I'm feeling a little bit odd."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"That Captain. Felt a strange sense of familiarity from him, but I can't explain why."

"Same here, Commander.", Kodai voiced out his thoughts. "Frankly, this situation is all a bit too strange. First, he saved three of our own from certain death, including me. And now he's back there, giving us one last chance to escape."

Okita hummed in thought but was interrupted by the sounds of beeps from Communications.

"Audio-only transmission coming from the Montana."

"Put them through.", Okita ordered.

When the comms channel opens, the sound of initial cymbals and other brass instruments plays out from the bridge speakers. All personnel look on in shock at hearing the familiar song they were taught when they joined the UNCN, and both Okita and Yamanami are no different.

"This is...", began Yamanami.

"...our anthem. The song of the Cosmo Sailors. The Galactic Pilot.", finished Okita.

"Ginga suihei namima o koete, (Over the gelid waves of galactic streams,)

Mezasu kosei kentauri! (Set course for the fixed star of Centuri!)"

Sang out a male voice, as a camera feed from the rear of the Kirishima showed the Montana firing all of her seven main guns at whatever Garmillian ship unlucky enough to be its target, unable to fire back or completely missing due to Montana scrambling their guns. Bright blue positron energy hits and blowing up whatever poor sods in quick succession with the wrath of a thousand suns before the guns train around to target even more ships. Almost like a predator hunting its prey.

"Holy crap, that's some serious firepower!", exclaimed one crew member.

"It's taking them out like nothing!", another exclaimed.

"Hoshi no mata daki haruka no koete, (Our glorious cosmoship crosses over the void far,)

Sora ni kagayaku hoshi no fume. (Beyond those twinkling stars.)"

This time, a female voice sings out. The secondary guns of Montana, while smaller but no less deadly, are rapidly firing at whatever Garmillian ships that the main guns didn't hit. It only took no less than five well-placed shots before their targets were blown into smithereens, breaking the Garmillian formation.

"Yeah, baby! That's what we're talking about!"

"Kick those bastard's arses!"

"For Mother Earth!"

"Batsubyo funadeda ikari o agero! (Set Sail! We're casting off, anchors aweigh!)

Shinro sonomama yosoro! (Stand on your bearing, steady as she goes!)

Hoshi nu mukatte kai o kire. (Weather your helm towards the stars.)"

Montana then launches 10 anti-ship missiles, five from each side of the ship, then 12 more from the VLS in the keel in front of the forwardmost keel gun, and even more from the two chimney stacks behind the superstructure.

In total, 36 missiles are launched and they are rapidly heading towards the Garmillian fleet. The Garmillians can't do anything to defend themself as Montana also scrambled their defensive weaponry, leaving them powerless and defenceless against the incoming metal tubes of destruction.

Out of the 130-plus ships the Garmillians had to begin with, nearly half were destroyed by the combined firepower of missiles and shock cannons of Montana. This prompted the Garmillian fleet to retreat, with the Montana firing on any stragglers left behind.

"The enemies are retreating from the battlefield!"

That declaration promptly caused all the crew on board Kirishima to cheer loudly in celebration.

"Alright, we won! We f*ckin' WON!"

"Go go, Montana!"

"Suck Earthling co*ck, losers!"

"Ore tacha uchu no! (We are Pilots!)

Ore tacha uchu no funanori sa! (We are Pilots of the Cosmos!)"

As both male and female voices complete the final lines of the anthem, the Garmillian ships begin to turn around and prepare to warp away, accepting their loss. But not before Montana turns around one of her triple torpedo launchers and fires a torpedo right at the middle of the Garmillian fleet.

Once it does, the torpedo detonates and sends out a blue electrical shockwave. This doesn't seem to affect the Garmillian ships, however, because one by one the entire remaining fleet warps away, leaving behind a trail of green wrecks in their wake.





Okita, drowned out by the sounds of cheering from his men, collapsed onto his knees with tears slowly leaking from his eyes. For the first time since the beginning of the Great Garmillias War that broke out between Earth and the Garmillians, Okita began to smile and felt hope like never before.

"Commander! Are you alright?", exclaimed Yamanami in surprise, seeing the great Okita on his knees. He gets out of his chair and gently pulls his Commander onto his feet.

"I'm alright, Yamanami. I'm alright.", Okita reassured the Captain, rubbing away his tears with a broad smile on his face.

"That's good, Commander. But why were you crying there?"

"Those were not tears of despair, Yamanami. Rather, those are tears of joy."

And hope. Hope that I haven't felt in a long, long time., thought Okita as he saw the Montana pulling up to the starboard side of the Kirishima. He salutes to Montana's captain, who he salutes back.

Whoever you are, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving humanity hope for its future.

"Incoming hail from the Montana!"

The shadowed face of Montana's Captain once again pops up on the communication feed.

"Well, how's that for a show Commander?", the Captain asked with a cheeky smile.

"It was a good show indeed.", Okita smiled back and bowed down. "We are in your debt."

"No need, Commander. If anything, you can pay off that debt by returning to Earth safely."

"Captain. Thanks to you, I can see my brother again.", Kodai expressed his gratitude and, like Okita, bowed down his head."I, Lieutenant Mamoru Kodai, am in your debt."

"Once again, there's no debt that needs to be repaid.", the Captain waved off."Please, stand up lieutenant."

"Once more, thank you.", thanked Kodai, then cutting off his comms feed.

"Pardon me for asking, but I can't help but notice you fired something at the enemy fleet just before they retreated.", said Yamanami. "Could you explain what that thing was?"

"Oh, a little parting gift. It's a torpedo equipped with a warhead that erases all battle records of the Garmillian vessels.", the Captain replied with a smug grin."If it works, then the existence of this ship and their defeat should not be recorded."

"Amazing.", said Okita, astonished by that tidbit of information. "In simple words, the enemy will have no proof of why they have retreated if they report back to whoever they serve."

"That's correct. Your next stop should be Mars, right? To pick up the "Uzume"? By the way, you should report to your headquarters that it will be picked up earlier than expected."

"Why is that, may I ask?"

"Well, I'm about to jump all of us to the coast of Mars. It'll cut the return journey down significantly. Don't worry, I'll explain everything once we get back."

"Well after everything that's happened, I'd be a fool to turn down your offer."

"You'll never be a fool in my eyes, Commander. Just tell your fleet to brace themselves. I'm about to prepare the warp. Montana, out."

"Understood, Captain."

With that, communication is cut between the Kirishima and Montana.

"Alright, you heard him! Relay a message to HQ!", barked out Yamanami. "Tell them that an unexpected Saviour has arrived on our doorstep!"

UN Headquarters

"Sir, I just received another message from the Kirishima!", voiced out Mori, one hand on her headset. "It says, "An unexpected Saviour has arrived on our doorstep!"."

"So, did something happen on Pluto?", curiosity asked Todo.

"Unknown, but I can confirm that the enemy"

Mori's eyes widen in shock, then in excitement and happiness as she further reads the message from the Kirishima. Turning to face Todo and Hijikata, she happily relays the message.

"The enemy fleet has retreated, sir! They have been defeated!"

"What?!", exclaimed Todo in surprise. Beside him, Hijikata too is in complete shock upon hearing the news.

"Did Okita just pull some miracle from his ass?", Hijikata asked.

"Negative, but the message does say that they will explain what happened once they return. They say that five ships had made it out, including the Kirishima."

"Could it be the help of our unknown "Savior" that the message was saying?", inquired Todo.

"Could be. But it's too early to tell.", responded Hijikata, scratching his chin before telling Mori, "Is there anything else on that message?"

"It also says to alert the team back on Mars that they'll be "picking them up sooner than expected."."

"So this new ally of ours is also capable of faster-than-light travel.", said Hijikata.

"Tell the Uzume to pack up and stand by for pickup.", issued Todo.


Back on Pluto, Montana pulls ahead in front of the Kirishima and lines up in front of the Yukikaze.

Then four missiles are launched from each side of the Montana, each exploding to form two purple walls which join together to form a cuboid surrounding the entire First Fleet.

"The perimeter has been secured, Captain.", reported the blonde Lieutenant of Montana. "We can commence the warp to Mars."

"Excellent. Tell the rest of the Fleet to brace themselves and that we'll be jumping in 15."

"Understood. Sending the message now."

"Receiving a message from the Montana.", said Kirishima's comms officer. The soot on his face has been wiped off and the burnt marks treated. "They finished the preparations and are telling us that we'll warp in 15 seconds."

"Relay that message to the entire fleet. Tell them to brace themselves.", said Okita.

"Yes, sir!"

"So this is what a faster-then-light jump would look like, huh?", commented Ishizu as he and Kodai witnessed the purple walls surrounding the Yuikaze. "I'll admit, it looks a bit disappointing compared to the shows we watch at home."

"Maybe that's because we never know what warping is like for us until now.", rationalised Kodai. "It does look pretty, though."

"Message relayed from the Kirishima! It says we'll be warping soon and to brace ourselves."

Just wait a little bit longer, Susumu. Your big brother is returning home soon.

Out in front of the Yukikaze, the two massive thrusters at the stern of Montana begin to glow brightly before emitting two jets of orange exhaust from behind.

"Captain, we'll be warping in about 10 seconds.", said the Lieutenant on the bridge. "Shall I begin the countdown?"

"Begin the countdown, Lieutenant.", the Captain replied.

"Beginning countdown. 10. 9. 8."

This is it. My mission to change the future., the Captain thought in his head.

"7. 6. 5."

The jets of orange exhaust quickly turn to blue as Montana and her convoy begin to build up speed.

"4. 3. 2."

Maybe not my future; that has already passed. But the future of those who I can make a difference to.

"1. Commencing warp."

As the convoy of ships picks up even more speed, a tear just like the one Montana emerged from, ripped open on the vacuum of space. Montana and her convoy then enter this tear as they slowly disappear into nothing on the other side.

Finally, as the last ship, the Isokaze, enters the tear, the entire fleet suddenly accelerates to an unimaginable speed before disappearing into a white line.

After that, the tear seals itself up. As if nothing has ever happened in the first place.


Out on the coast of Mars, a purple tear emerges open on the fabric of space. Out it emerges the massive battleship Montana, as well as her convoy of the remaining First Fleet with Yukikaze coming second, then Kirishima, Yakumo, Tsurigi, and finally Isokaze.

"The jump to Mars is a success.", reported the female Lieutenant on the Montana. "No damages have been detected, Captain."

"Alright, I'll hail the Kirishima on what to do next."

After a few seconds, the face of Okita shows up on display in front of the Captain.

"Commander Okita, how's the status of your fleet?"

"Everything's good, Captain. All ships are accounted for.", Okita replied.

"How's the experience of your first faster-then-light warp?"

"To be honest, overwhelmingly disappointed. I expected a little bit more flashiness and flair to it."

"Hehe, yeah. I thought that as well, but after enough warps, you'll get used to it.", chuckled the Captain, before going into business mode. "Now, Commander. I need your fleet to go up ahead and pick up the "Uzume". They should be taking off soon."

"Understood, Captain. But what about yourself."

"Don't worry, I'll stay a little further behind you all. Don't want to draw too much attention just yet."

"Alright, I understand. The First Fleet will continue up ahead and pick up the Uzume. Afterwards, we'll continue on our way back to Earth."

"Affirmative, Commander.", the Captain then salutes, which Okita salutes in reply. "Godspeed."

The communication feed is then cut.

On the surface of Mars, lies the now-empty wreckage of the gold ship that crash-landed earlier.

Beside the wreck, rests a mound of dirt that's reminiscent of a burial site, with a piece of long golden wreckage serving as a makeshift headstone. Hanging on this is a small makeshift plaque, inscribed with the message in kanji:

"Here lies a messenger from a distant star. January 17, 2199."

Above the grave site, a white streak of contrails leads up and out of the Martian atmosphere.

"This is the Uzume, requesting permission to dock."

Just after leaving Mars' upper atmosphere, Susumu Kodai and Daisuke Shima fly onboard their Type 100 Recon Plane and rendezvous at the starboard hanger bay on the Kirishima.

"Permission granted. Welcome aboard."

The hanger bay door then swings upwards where hydraulic arms slowly reach out and gently pull in the Recon Plane.

"Hey look! There's my brother's ship!", said Kodai, his finger pointing excitedly at the Yukikaze to his right. But after taking another look around, his mood falls. "But where's the rest of the fleet?"

Shima looks around him, seeing only a total of five ships in their vicinity before his eyes suddenly lock on a ship unfamiliar to him.

"Hey Kodai, look over there!"

"Huh? What is it?"

But before Kodai can get a good look at what Shima is talking about, their Recon Plane is pulled fully into the hanger and the bay doors on the Kirishima close with a loud thud.

Shima, however, tries to describe what he saw.

"It looks like a giant naval battleship except it looks like it is floating here in space instead of on water."

"Really? But I don't recall seeing this space battleship on our fleet list. Are you sure being on Mars made you a bit doosey?"

"I'm telling you, my eyes never lie to me. I know what I saw."

"Alright, alright. I believe you."

After deboarding their plane, the two men make their way to the upper decks as instructed by a crew member, with Shima holding a box containing the alien device they recovered on Mars.

The two then meet up with a classmate from the Academy, Hajime Hirata, whom they hand over the box Shima was carrying onto a trolley.

"Alright, everything looks good.", confirmed Hirata after examining the alien device in the box. He then closed the box with a click. "Well done, you two."

Before Hirata was able to push the trolley away, Kodai spoke up.

"Wait, Hirata."


"Tell me, what happened out there? Where is the rest of the fleet?"

Hirata slowly shook his head, "We were badly beaten down. One after another, our ships were being sunk."

However, a smile then dawned on his face. "But in the end, by some unexpected miracle, we managed to force the enemy into retreat."

"Could that be the work of that massive ship I just saw?", Shima asked. "Was it some super secret weapon that the Navy can't use until now?"

"You could say that. If it weren't for that new ship, we wouldn't be here right now. Now if you don't mind, I have to hand this over to the higher-ups."

And with that, Hirata then pushed the trolley, away from the two brown-haired men, who are left flabbergasted.

"My brother could have died out there...", whispered Kodai, to whom Shima put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"But he didn't. I guess we should be giving our thanks to our new friend here."

"Yeah, you're right."

Back at Headquarters, a large 3D holographic map of the Solar System is displayed in front of Todo and Mori. The map shows the trajectory of the First Fleet returning from Pluto, rendezvousing with Mars, and then finally to planet Earth.

"The Kirishima and First Fleet has recovered the "Amaterasu" and is now on a course to Earth.", a man reports.

"It cost many lives, but Operation M was a success.", said Todo, looking at the map.

"Now the "Yamato Plan" can actually start, right?", asked Mori, to which Hijikata replies.

"No, it's just beginning."

"There's too much we don't know about our enemy.", Hijikata commented ominously, looking down to a flower floor level where inside a glass dome is a shard of metal with the symbol of a red four-pointed star. "All we know is that the enemy are these devils called Garmillians."

"And we know even less of this supposed "Saviour"."

Earth, a few hours after picking up Uzume

"Now entering Earth's orbit."

Far away from Earth, the First Fleet and Montana are now passing over the Lunar orbit and are now entering Earth's outer geostationary orbit. The fleet is in a diamond formation, with the Yukikaze taking the lead, then the Kirishima and Montana, then lastly the Isokaze. Flanking them are the two cruisers Tsurugi and Yakumo.

"Radar picking up two contacts on the starboard side. Planet bombs.", Kirishima's radar operator called out. "Collision course with Earth."

Okita turns his head to his right as he sees two large glowing asteroids flying past Kirishima's starboard side.

"Passing Earth's geostationary orbit. Speed unchanged."

It's useless. We can't stop it., Okita grimly thought.We don't have the power to stop it.

"Sir, the Montana is requesting permission to shoot down the planet bombs."

"Permission granted."

But that all will change from now on., thought Okita, his mood rising this time as he saw two anti-ship missiles passing from below before intercepting the two asteroids. One is destroyed just as it was beginning to burn up in the upper atmosphere while the other is blown up mid-re-entry, showering Earth with small chunks which subsequently burn up into nothing.

Still, it's hard to believe that this ugly red planet is Mother Earth.

Planet Earth. The fourth planet in the Solar System. Once full of life, its surface is now charred and red from constant bombardment.

Just you wait, devils. You've been a huge thorn in our backside for long enough., Okita thought defiantly, brows furrowing and lips in a hard frown.

As long as there is air in my lungs and blood pumping through my body, I will not stop fighting.

The Kirishima and the remaining First Fleet then begin to descend to the Earth's barren surface. As they get closer to sea level, large slabs of ground open up revealing entrances for large underground hangers where the fleet of UNCN ships take off from.

Even if I'm the last man standing, I will not lose to despair!

Suddenly, a hail comes from the Montana, which is immediately opened and showing the face of Montana's Captain

"Commander, we'll have to temporarily part ways from here. We'll divert tothatsite to land; besides, none of the hangers here are big enough to house Montana anyway."

"Understood, I'll inform Headquarters to arrange a team to pick you up and to prepare a meeting between us and the higher-ups."

"Thank you, Commander Okita. I'll see you soon."

"We have arrived at Yamato's proposed launching site, Captain."

A while later, Montana arrives at Bonomisaki Cape off the Japanese region of Kyushu after breaking off from formation with the First Fleet.

"And it seems like they have already finished constructing the Yamato.", the Captain said, looking out and seeing the half-buried ancient WW2 Japanese battleship. Of course, he's aware that this is just camouflage and that the real space battleship is buried deeper down.

"Lieutenant, manoeuvre Montana around so it lines up parallel with the Yamato's port side and list the ship 10 degrees starboard.", the Captain ordered. "Keel Guns 1, 2, and 3. Load High Explosive rounds and fire at the target 300 metres away at nine o'clock. We'll land this ship in that trench."

Outside, the Montana's RCS thruster fires off as she lines up parallel with the Yamato and the ship begins to list to port. After which all three main guns begin to turn to 90 degrees port, their triple barrels angled downward.

Nine large ballistic rounds fire off in quick succession, blowing up chunks of the ground upon impact and creating a large gaping trench.

Two more salvos are fired before the trench is deemed big enough to house Montana's hull, to which the battleship descends and lands with a loud thud.

Inside the bridge, the Captain turns to face the Lieutenant.

"Lieutenant, camouflage if you won't mind."

"Of course.", answered the blonde Lieutenant, before rising from her seat and lifting her right arm, hands open and face in concentration.

After a moment of silence, a loud bang is heard.

Then another.

And another.

Each subsequent bang caused the bridge windshields to be blocked off with something and the bridge gets darker and darker until the only source of illumination is the lights from the bridge consoles and screens.

The blonde Lieutenant then lowered her hand and faced the Captain with a small smile.

"Well, here's your camouflage, Captain."

The Captain gave a small chuckle, "Heh, never fails to amaze me whenever you use that ability of yours. Come on, shall we deboard?"

"We shall."

Both crew members exit Montana's bridge. But before the Captain exits out the door, he gives out one last order.

"Computer, make sure to keep the weapons and radar on standby. Keep a lookout for any incoming threats."

And with that, the door of the bridge closes shut, leaving the room silent and computer screens shutting down one by one.

Outside, half-buried beside the Yamato, the Montana is caked with rocks, dirt, and mud. Two of her four upper main guns, her main and upper bridges, and her two smokestack silos are visible above ground and all covered with brown grime, giving the ship the appearance that it has been rusting away for centuries.

"Well, this is quite a predicament."

"I'll be honest, I didn't consider that the blasts would cause this much damage."

As both the Captain and Lieutenant deboard the Montana underground via the inbuilt stairs, both carrying a briefcase and backpack respectively, they are suddenly stopped by a large pile of rubble in front of them.

"I could use my ability, but I fear it may cause a bigger cave-in, Captain."

"We're off duty now, Sasha. You can drop off the formalities. Besides, I never liked it anyways.", waved off the Captain. He then walked up to the rubble, scratching his cheek. "Still, we should find a way to get out of here. I could try yelling out loud."


"Yeah, yelling. You know, so we can be heard from the other side."

The blonde Lieutenant, Sasha, arched an eyebrow and gave a side smile, crossing her arms. "Riiight, yelling. Do you think the rubble is thin enough for our voices to get through?"

"Maybe. Let's give it a shot."

But before the Captain takes a deep breath to yell, a muffled male voice is heard from the rubble.

"Hello! Is anyone there?! Can you hear me?!"

"Well, would you look at that? Our question answered itself.", the Captain said, turning to Sasha who rolled her eyes. Facing back towards the rubble, he yelled out. "We're fine! The two of us are trapped behind this rubble!"

"Ok, that's good! Just hold on, we're going to get you out of here! We'll be using charges to blow up a hole so stand back!"

"You heard the man. Come on, let's move further away, Sasha.", said the Captain, as both he and Sasha moved away from the rubble and stood near Montana's stairs.

"You sure this will work, Abe?"

The Captain, Abe, only responded with a grin, "Well, if explosives got us into this mess, then by that logic more explosives surely would get us out."

"Ah yes, the good old human logic of "if it doesn't work, you're not using enough of it.".", Sasha quipped.

"Charges are placed! Clear the area!"

"Welp, brace ourselves.", warned Abe, as he covered his face with his arms and Sasha with the briefcase.





An explosion rips through the cave and a source of light emerges from the now-cleared-up rubble, throwing small rocks and dust everywhere.

"Is anyone there?!", called out a man in a blue jumpsuit and wielding a flashlight. "Is anyone injured?!"

"We're here!", Abe called back, coughing afterwards and clutching his right arm. "Some debris hit my arm during that explosion but I'll be fine."

"I'm alright, but I strongly recommend that my colleague be given medical treatment for his injured arm.", said Sasha, gently cradling Abe's right arm and slowly leading him to the man with the flashlight.

"I apologize for the injury, sir. It seems we used a bit too much explosives than needed.", the man apologized, leading the two past a crew of men wearing orange hardhats and safety vests, and to a waiting van with the UN logo.

"This van will take you to the hospital to get you treated. Afterwards, you have a meeting with Administrator Todo.", the man said, helping both Abe and Sasha into the van and then sliding the door close. He then hits the door twice, signalling the driver to go ahead.

Inside the van, the sounds of the engines revving are heard as Abe and Sasha relax on their seats, both their pieces of luggage on the floor as they are driven away from the Montana.

"This isn't exactly how I imagined my first day back on Earth to be like, hehe.", Abe chuckles, Sasha humming in response and intertwining her and Abe's hands together.

Inside a colourful classroom, Yuki Mori sits down on a chair in front of a group of children all ranging from 6 to 12 years old. Behind her is a digital whiteboard which displays the image of planet Earth, still blue and covered with water, as she gives a brief presentation.

"It's 2199 AD.", began Mori. "The Earth is on the verge of its destruction."

"Eight years ago, Earth made contact with an unknown alien life. However, all attempts at negotiation and peace were met with war."

The whiteboard then changes to a recovered CCTV footage of a planet bomb descending and blowing up the city of Osaka, Japan and sending a huge mushroom cloud to the sky.

Another video plays, showing aerial footage of another bigger planet bomb descending on Los Angeles, cleaving through the Hollywood Sign, and deleting the Californian city off the face of Earth. A huge mushroom cloud, many times larger than the Tsar Bomba and so dense lightning can be seen, is made as a result.

"At the Second Battle of Mars, we were barely able to stop their direct assault.", Mori continued, the whiteboard showing satellite images of wrecked UNCN ships off the planet of Mars.

"But afterwards, they began long-range strikes with asteroids, which we call planet bombs."

Still images of men and women in blue uniforms leading and urging people to large entrances of the underground cities are shown. In the background is another large mushroom cloud rising, courtesy of the planet bombs.

"As a result, humanity was forced to build large underground cities and retreat to them. The Earth Defence Fleet is almost completely annihilated by their more powerful military."

A video of an Earth ship being destroyed by Garmillian fire then plays, transitioning to other videos of more Earth ships in flames before the video cuts out, a "No Signal" message on the screen.

"The planet bombs have dried up the land, polluting the atmosphere and killed everything that lives."

Kodai and Shima, now off-board the Kirishima, are sitting onboard a funicular car that's descending lower into the Earth's crust. Inside, Shima is taking a nap while Kodai is looking out the window, seeing abandoned and ruined buildings and infrastructure around him. Above in front of the funicular cabin is a display saying, "Passing Through Polluted Zone".

"And the Shadow of Death has started to cover the underground cities, humanity's last fortress."

A while later after passing the last level of ruins, the funicular car arrives at a residential district. Tall apartment-like buildings serve as housing for the refugees of humanity.

"The Earth is heading towards destruction. Scientists estimate that the human race may be extinct within one year.", Mori says as the whiteboard shows a city in ruins with many buildings overrun with alien-looking plants, labelled as "Enemy Plant Emitting Poison", releasing ominous-looking yellow spores into the air.

"The enemy also had modified the environment of Pluto and continues to launch their horrible and cruel weapons from there.", finishes Mori, behind her is a time-lapse of Pluto from 2191 to 2199 as the planet's surface turns from white to blue.

In front of Mori, one of the children, a boy with brown hair and about nine years old, raised his hand and spoke up.

"Why are the aliens doing that, Ms. Mori?", he curiously asked.

Mori thought for a moment, turning the whiteboard off in the meantime, before answering the young boy.

"Well, just like how we terraformed Mars so humans can live there.", Mori began to explain. "The aliens may be trying to change the Earth so that can live here."

Hanging on the wall behind the children is a blue poster of the blue planet Earth, surrounded by flying doves, being raised by two human hands. Mori eyes the poster longingly as she reads the text.

"Let's Take Back Our Blue Earth!"

"It must be hard, teaching kids while working at Headquarters."

Said a brown heated man wearing glasses standing beside Mori, holding a digital folder, as both she and the man descended via escalators to a lower level. Above them is a sign saying they are arriving at Sector 27, with a scrolling warning message and an automated voice plays out as Mori and the man pass underneath.

"At 16:30 today, a riot has broken out in Zone 6. Sector 702 has been sealed."

"Another riot...", sighed the brunette man as he looked up the sign.

"Considering the situation right now, I believe it's understandable.", said Mori with a straight face.

"You're as unemotional as ever.", playfully replied the man, to which Mori ignored him with closed eyes.

After stepping off the escalator, the duo then walk towards an elevator and Mori presses the down button beside the doors.

"By the way, I heard that only five ships from the First Fleet made it out of Pluto?"


"I heard something weird about that though.", the man then whispered, leaning closer to Mori's left ear. The door of the elevator opens with a ding, and out walks Kodai and Shima with the former overhearing what the glasses man whispered next.

"They said that Operation M was a diversion to draw the enemy away. It was classified, so they never told anyone but the brass that they were a decoy."

Kodai stopped in his tracks and turned around to face Mori and the man who was just about to enter the elevator.

"Hey, you there!", Kodai called out, walking up and confronting the glasses man.

"Is everything that you just said true?"

"No no, it's just something I heard!", the man denied, both hands up and his glasses sliding off his nose.

"You work at Headquarters, right? Where's Commander Okita?", asked Kodai, his turning to face Mori.

Upon seeing the blonde, Kodai's eyes widen and he lightly gasps as his mind suddenly flashes to the deceased woman whom he and Shima buried back on Mars.

She...she looks just like the beautiful woman who we buried on Mars. Could this just be a coincidence? I must admit, she's very pretty.

As Kodai stares at Mori in an almost trance-like state, the blond woman begins to feel uncomfortable with the prolonged eye contact.

"Hey!", Mori called to Kodai, walking up and breaking Kodai out of his trance.

Meanwhile, Shima just awkwardly watches the interaction. The pair, however, pay no attention to him anyway.

"Who are you anyway?"

"Uh, well.."

Well, this is awkward., Shima thought before deciding to answer for Kodai.

"Ah, well. As you can see, we just came back from the battlefield.", said Shima with a dramatic flair, but Mori ignored him and shot him down while telling Kodai.

"Admiral Okita is in the hospital, recovering from his wounds."

Mori, turning away from Kodai, walks into the now-empty elevator.

"Come on, Nambu."

"Ah, right.", the glasses man, Nambu, replied then followed Mori into the elevator, before the doors began to close. Mori gives Kodai one last glare as the doors fully close.

"Not to point out the obvious, but she does look just like her.", said Shima.

"It's just your imagination.", retorted Kodai as he walked away. "Besides, it could just be a coincidence."

"Where are you going?"

"Is it not obvious? The hospital zone."

Later, Kodai and Shima are now onboard a high-speed train, standing up despite the train being lightly occupied.

Currently, they are on their way to the hospital zone.

"So you are really good to see him, huh?", clarifyed Shima. "We were ordered to stay on standby."

"I just want to know for myself.", answered Kodai as the train arrived closer to the hospital.

Inside a hospital room, Juzo Okita gently smooths out his recently bandaged chest and buttons up his white shirt before donning his black coat. Standing beside him is fellow Admiral and good friend Ryu Hijikata. A short, elderly, and bald doctor sits on a seat opposite to Okita with a nurse standing beside him.

"Geez, it's like you're immortal.", the doctor said as Okita buttoned up his shirt and donned his hat handed over by the nurse.

"Well, I got the best doctor in space treating me, Dr. Sado.", Okita complements the doctor, Sakezo Sado.

"Aw, I'm not the best...well okay, maybe I am."

Okita, finishing adjusting his hat, asked Hijikata.

"Where is the capsule we retrieved?"

"The tech people are looking at it.", answered the fellow Admiral. "It'll be analyzed soon, though I'm afraid I may not understand most of the results."

Okita gives a nod of acknowledgement, then hears knocking and a male voice from behind the door.

"This is Ensign Susumu Kodai. Requesting permission to enter the room."

"You can enter.", Dr. Sado answered, and then the door opened up with a hiss.

"I apologize for arriving in unannounced, but I have a question I need to ask the Admiral.", said Kodai as he walked up and stood in front of Okita. "Is it true that Operation was a diversion? Did my brother and the others know?"


Upon hearing the cough, Kodai looks past Okita and sees Hijikata lightly glaring at him. Immediately, Kodai bows his head down in respect.

"Admiral Hijikata! I apologize, I didn't notice you there."

"Apology accepted, Kodai. You can stand up straight now."

Outside the hospital room and leaning against the wall, Shima rubs his head and exhales at Kodai nearly embarrassing himself.

"You said that your family name is Kodai?", Okita inquired. "Then you must be Mamoru Kodai's..."

"Yes. Susumu Kodai, younger brother of Lieutenant Commander Mamoru Kodai, Captain of the Yukikaze."

"...Mamoru Kodai is a true man. A great man and a great leader.", Okita began. "But if it weren't for an unknown miracle, I would have led him and many more good men to their deaths."

Okika then bows down to Kodai. "I'm sorry."

Kodai takes a brief moment to absorb the old Admiral's words, before standing up straight, legs together, and saluting.

"I accept your words, Admiral Okita, but no apology is needed. My brother is alive, and that's all that matters to me."

Relaxing his salute, Kodai then turns around and meets up with Shima as both men walk down to the reception.

"So, what's next?", Shima asked his best friend, arriving at the reception with some people in various states of recovery.

"Well remain on standby as ordered, what else?", answered Kodai.


"Hey! Susumu! Shima!"

A male voice called out, revealing to be Mamoru Kodai who was walking towards the two younger men.

"Mamoru!/Big Brother!", both men cry out as they hug Mamoru, whom he hugs back. A few bystanders smile at the sight of the familial reunion.

"Hey there. How's my favourite pair of Ensigns doing?", Mamoru greeted, releasing the hug before his voice took a serious tone. "You two aren't injured, are you?"

"We're fine, Brother. We're only here to ask Admiral Okita some questions. Why are you here, though? Are you hurt?"

"Don't worry, I've just been cleared by the doctors. No injuries here. In fact, I was just leaving to head off for an important meeting."

"Is there anything special about this meeting, Mamoru?", Shima asked.

"Well, this meeting is so important that I can't disclose anything without prior permission.", Mamoru answered sadly, scratching his head. "Not even to family members, I'm afraid."

"Well, these meetings almost always sound boring so I'm not missing anything out really.", Susumu said with a slight scoff, to which Shina lightly smacked him in the back of the head.

"Hehe, well you two have fun for the moment. I have to really go now to prep for the meeting.", said Susumu, walking out of the reception area. "I'll see you boys soon!"

"Bye, Mamoru!/Bye, Big Brother!"

Manoru walks out of the hospital reception. As his figure gets smaller and smaller from the distance, Shima turns to ask Kodai.

"What do you think that meeting is about?", asked Shima.

"I don't know, beats me.", Kodai nonchalantly replied, arms raised and hands behind his head. "All I know is they are likely incredibly boring."

"Hey! They might be very important in what the Navy will do next!"

"Well, every time Brother comes home from a meeting, he almost always looks dead inside. I'm telling you, Shima, it might just be some form of mental torture."

"You're exaggerating it Kodai."

As both men continue to playfully banter, Shima catches something unfamiliar in the corner of his eye.

A brown-haired man with a captain's coat and a blond female beside him, at the reception desk.

"Hey Kodai. Look over there.", said Shimabas he turned Kodai to face the reception.

"Huh? Who's that?"

"Don't know. He's ranked Captain based on his insignia but I don't recognize him from the textbooks."

"Maybe he's someone who just got promoted or something. Wait.", Kodai commented, then gasped as he realised something. "Shima, remember that space battleship you saw back on Mars? Could he be the man running it?"

"Now that you mention it, he might be the one who prevented the entire Navy fleet from sinking, and also saving your brother!"

"Why don't we go and find out? If he is the one who saved my brother, I must thank him.", Kodai said as he walked towards the reception, Shima following suit.

"Everything checks out. You're clear to go, Captain!"

"I appreciate it, Miss."

At the reception desk, Abe is finished doing paperwork to check out of the hospital, sporting a bandaged right wrist. Sasha stood beside him with furrowed brows as they walked to the exit.

"I don't like the way that young lady looks at you. Same with the other ladies we went past.", she muttered.

"Hoh? Are you perhaps jealous, Sasha?", Abe teased.

"No.", denied Sasha, turning away with a pout.


"...Okay, maybe a little."

Just as they were about to reach the exit, a male voice called out and two men approached him.

"Hey there!"

"Oh, hello there.", Abe greeted back to the two brunettes. "I believe we never met each other before. Name's Captain Abraham."

"I just like to ask you a few questions, Captain."

"Go ahead. I'll answer to the best of my ability."

"Is it true that if you hadn't arrived on Pluto, my brother would have died?"

"Your brother?"

"Mamoru Kodai of the Yukikaze, sir."

"Lieutenant Kodai? Yes, indeed if I hadn't interfered, Kodai would have likely died from his suicide run to assist Kirishima's retreat."

"I see.", Kodai then bows his head down deeply. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my brother."

"No problem, er.."

"Susumu Kodai, sir."

"No problem, Susumu. Just doing what any man would do if he had the power to save his comrades.", Abraham waved off. "Anything else you two would like to ask?"

"I do, actually.", Shima answered with a raised hand like a schoolboy. "Back on Mars, we saw this giant battleship with the remaining fleet. Is that some secret weapon that the Navy was unable to deploy until now?"

"Hoo boy, they noticed huh?", Abraham thought as he tried to create a plausible explanation. To be fair, the Montana is definitely eye-catching pre-2200."

"So you saw it, huh?", Abraham said. He then leans forward and drops his voice to a whisper. "Promise not to tell anyone? What I am about to reveal is classified information that most of the top dogs don't even know."

"Classified?", whispered Shima. "Then it must be real important that we keep quiet about this."

"Don't worry, we won't tell anyone a thing.", Kodai promised.

Daisuke Shima and Susumu Kodai. I can definitely trust them with my life., Abraham thought, and then he began his explanation.

"Well, regarding your question Shima, yes. What you saw back there is a secret weapon that the Navy has just recently deployed. But because of the current resource situation, that ship can't be launched unless absolutely necessary. Until Operation M."

"Wow.", awed both men.

"So will it be used to defeat our enemies and save Earth?", Kodai enthusiastically asked.

"Maybe, but because of its hasty launching to Pluto, there's currently no plan at the moment for future deployments. Which brings me to the next point."

"Which is?"

"I'm the captain of that ship, and as the captain I have to attend a post-battle meeting to discuss our steps in deploying the ship for future endeavours."


"So will more of that kind of new ship be built?"

"There's currently one more, but that's as much as I can give out. Please, don't disclose this to anyone alright?"

"Excuse me, Abraham, but I think these two are trustworthy enough not to expose what they have heard."

Sasha said beside Abraham, whom Kodai immediately took notice of. His mind once again flashes to the woman back on Mars and Mori whom he met earlier.

What the? She looks exactly like the two women I saw earlier! How? Is this really just some coincidence?! Could they be twins or something!?

Oh no. Not again., Shima exasperatedly thought, seeing his friend freeze up at the sight of the opposite sex. Doesn't matter what type of woman you prefer, you can't do anything if you're that bad with women.

"You can count on us, ma'am", said Shima as he slapped Kodai out of his stupor, literally.

"Ah, yes! What he said!", Kodai frantically said, his cheeks red from embarrassment.

"Hey! You guys!"

An elderly voice cried out, grabbing the group of four's attention. Dr Sado approaches Kodai and Shima with his assistant in tow.

"Doctor, sorry about coming into your room unannounced.", Kodai apologized, bowing to the short doctor.

"Ah, don't worry about it.", Dr. Sado waved off, his expression turned serious. "But you aren't the only ones fearing and losing relatives in the war. Just don't forget that."

"Anyway, I still can't believe Admiral Hijikata was there.", Shima changed the subject, attempting to sound casual.

"Those two are good friends from the Academy.", explained the doctor, looking at the two men before him. "Just like you two are right now."

"Nah, we're not like them.", Shimla tried to wave off the compliment.

"More importantly, how about it? Wanna have a drink with me?", Dr. Sado pulls out a large brown bottle of sake.

"Doctor!", his assistant chastised him, but the short doctor ignored her and he remained unaware that Kodai and Shima had snuck away.

"This isn't some cheap hooch out of the two yen store! It's real sake, the good stuff!"

"Um, Doctor? They're gone.", pointed out the assistant.

Before Dr. Sado, only Abraham and Sasha stood before him. The doctor looked around, only to find Kodai and Shima disappeared without a trace.

"If you don't mind, Doctor?", Abraham spoke up. "I would like to have one drink, please."

"Ah, splendid!", happily explained the bald doctor, taking out two sake cups from who knows where and pours sake. "Someone who appreciates a good drink. You can't go wrong with sake now and then."

"Are you sure about drinking right after being cleared?", Sasha asked.

"One drink should be fine.", answered Abraham, taking a sake cup from Dr. Sado and and both men downs it in one go.

"Hoo, boy. Indeed, this is the good stuff.", Abraham complimented, handing over the now-empty cup. "Thank you, Doctor. Though I'm afraid this is where we must part ways; I have to attend a meeting soon."

"Don't worry. You can go to that meeting of yours. It's rare that I get to drink with someone."

Abraham bows down to Dr. Sado. He and Sasha then turn around and exit the hospital.

"What a good young lad, eh?"

"You consider anyone who drinks sake a "good young lad". Though I must point something out, Doctor."

"What is it, Ms. Harada?"

"When they were walking away, I noticed that both their fingers were glowing gold for a moment."

"Eh? They are married? In this day and age? And in their position?"

Okita's Office

Inside a relatively barren office room, the decorations only consisting of a few flags and some potted plants, Admiral Juzo Okita sat on his seat reading the contents of a file on his desk. Inside is a list of UNCN members with their portraits beside it.

Susumu Kodai
DOB: 07/07/2178
Position: Tactical
Rank: Lieutenant

Daisuke Shima
DOB: 15/08/2178
Position: Navigation
Rank: Lieutenant

Yuki Mori
DOB: 21/12/2179
Position: Operations
Rank: Lieutenant

Shiro Sanada
DOB: 12/02/2171
Position: Technology & Science
Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Yasuo Nanbu
DOB: 30/01/2178
Position: Chief Artillery
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade

Yoshikazu Aihara
DOB: 17/05/2178
Position: Chief Communications
Rank: Ensign

Kenjiro Ota
DOB: 14/02/2178
Position: Chief Weather
Rank: Ensign

Hikozaemon Tokugawa
DOB: 31/10/2136
Position: Chief Engineer
Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Susumu Yamazaki
DOB: 09/09/2153
Position: Assistant Engineer
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade

Sukeji Yabu
DOB: 12/01/2166
Position: Assistant Engineer
Rank: Petty Officer 1st Class

Okita was about to finish reading the contents of the file when the phone beside him on his desk rang with a series of beeps.

Picking up the phone, he answered, "Okita speaking."

"Sir, the test preparations are ready. Also, you have a meeting coming up soon in Room 25 on Floor 1."

"I see. Thank you."

After the call, Okita hung up the phone. Closing the file he was reading, the title is revealed.

Yamato Plan Crew List


Inside an underground laboratory, Admiral Hijikata and Major Shiro Saneda are standing around a lab piece of equipment. Inside a glass dome is the alien device, held up in place by an apparatus and connected with probes and cables.

"It was with believing and waiting.", said Hijikata, looking down into the dome.

"Her words were all true.", said Sanada, then turning to his right where two technicians and two lab assistants were taking care of a large white capsule.

"It's been one year since we moved from the Izumo Plan, and we are finally nearing the end of the Yamato Plan.", Administrator Hekuro Todo said, standing opposite to Sanada and Hijikata. Beside him stood General Koketsu Serizawa.

"Where are the crew?", Todo asked the general.

"Currently on standby at the designated area."


"I've never seen a ship like this before."

In one of the UN force's hangers, Kodai and Shima are standing before an unusual piece of equipment. Red pointed nose, sleek grey airframe, and short yellow-lined wings, this is a fighter craft that neither of the two men has seen before.

"You think it's an air defence prototype?", Shima asked.

"The Type-zero Space Modal 52."

A male voice answered the two men, who turned around to see a man wearing a bomber jacket and sporting dark hair in a near buzzcut approaching them. Emblazoned on the back of his jacket is an emblem of a flying white hawk, a peregrine falcon, in front of a shield. On top, Cosmo Falcon is embroidered on the back.

"AKA, the Cosmo Zero. This is a ship-based craft only, not used for air defence missions.", the buzz-haired man explained, looking at Kodai and Shima. "You two here to sightsee?"

"We're ordered to standby here in this hanger.", answered Kodai.

"I see. Same for me as well."

"Lieutenant Kato!", a voice called out.

"Yeah, I'll be there!", the buzz-haired man, Kato, called back then turned to face the two men. "Just don't touch it."

He then walks away from the two men.


"Saburo Kato. The Top Ace. Number one in Combat Simulation Trials in his class."

As Kato walked further away from Kodai and Shima, both men turned to each other sporting mischievous grins.

"But more importantly, when someone tells you to not touch something...", Kodai implied, he and Shima fully facing the Cosmo Zero.


Suddenly, alarms blare out from the hanger speakers and red warning lights flash about. Both men look up in alarm.


"An enemy mobile squad has broken through our defence line."

"Hostiles coming from satellite orbit."

"Scramble any ready aircraft and prepare to intercept. Hurry!", General Serizawa ordered.

"So they noticed it...", muttered Hijikata as men below him gave out the scramble order to available hangers.


"The enemy is targeting the sea area of Bonomisaki Cape. Latitude, 3o degrees 40 minutes north. Longitude, 128 degrees 10 minutes east. All aircraft, prepare to launch."

A female voice announced from the hanger speakers. Meanwhile, Kodai and Shima finished strapping themselves into the Cosmo Zero to prepare for take-off, despite Kato warning them not to touch it.

"Good timing.", said Shima, as he secured his helmet.

"Yeah. We can use this puppy to shoot them down.", Kodai adds as the Zero's canopy closes down and its engine spools up.

While the Zero begins to taxi for take-off, Kato is in the middle of an argument with a ground crew.

"It'll take too long if we have to wait for orders!", Kato yelled.

But before the ground crew member is about to speak up, he spots the Zero moving behind Kato's shoulders and warns the airman. Kato turns around, only to see the Zero now beginning its take-off run with blue afterburners.

"Hey! What are you two doing!?", exclaimed Kato, but its unlikely his voice will be heard over the loud noise of the Zero's engines. He doesn't falter, however, and tries to run beside the fighter.

"You imbeciles! That's not-"

As the Zero's engines reach take-off thrust, picking up speed, and racing out of the hanger, Kato could only stop and hang his arm in anger and defeat, unable to finish his warning.

"...armed and airworthy..."

Outside, Kodai and Shima have taken off and are now on their way to intercept the enemy aircraft with their "borrowed" Zero.

In the co*ckpit, the onboard radar shows the Zero getting closer to the enemy target, indicated by a blip labelled "unknown".

"I got them.", Kodai said, looking up to find the enemy.

"Enemy contact from above. 1 o'clock."

"Is that it?", Shima asked looking up to find the enemy above, a Garmillian flying wing aircraft.

"Looks like a recon aircraft.", Kodai deduced.

"Think you can do this?"

"Of course! Just trust me."

Kodai pulls back in the control stick and pushes the throttle forward, the Zero gaining altitude and lining up behind the Garmillian recon plane.

As they do, neither Kodai nor Shima notice that the engine parameters are climbing to the red zone.

The Garmillian enemy plane does an evasive left roll, which Kodai immediately follows by leaning the slick left and pulling back.

The enemy aircraft, after levelling out from the left roll, accelerates forward but the more nimble Zero quickly catches up.

Kodai proceeds to aim his guns at the enemy aircraft, reticles slowly locking on from the heads-up display.

"Enemy locked on. You're Mine!"

Kodai then pulls on the trigger, but instead of the guns spewing out lead they make a clicking, rattling noise.

Both men are thrown into shock when they realise:

The Zero isn't armed.

"Hey, they took out the ammo!", cried Shima. Kodai then looks at the weapons display.

Cannon 1: EMPTY
Cannon 2: EMPTY

The recon aircraft makes its escape as it pitches right angle up and accelerates away out of the atmosphere, leaving the Zero in the dust.

"Damn it!", exclaimed Kodai, having lost his target.


Suddenly, the Zero's engine fails and explodes with trailing flames, rocking the fighter with a shudder.

The engine displays shows a warning that the engine is now on fire.

"Engine failure?", exclaimed Shima.

"Hang on, I'll get us down!"

As the Zero gradually descended down to Earth, Kodai wrestled with the controls to try and make a safe landing. When the Zero is within a couple of dozen feet from the ground, Kodai released the landing gear and the Zero landed hard on the uneven terrain. The fighter's right wing is torn off as it comes to a hard stop beside a rock wall.

Now at a complete stop, Kodai and Shima exit from the now-wrecked Zero from the open canopy.

"Are you okay?", Kodai asked his friend.

"Yeah, I guess.", Shima affirmed, then looking down at their uniforms. "But dressed like this, we won't last long until reinforcement arrives."

Kodai then walks away from the wreckage to the rock wall, trying to get to the high grounds.

"Hey Kodai!", called Shima as Kodai climbed up the wall. "Wait up!"

When Kodai finally got to the top, with Shima following suit, his eyes widened in shock at what he saw.

"What's wrong?", asked Shima before turning to face Kodai's direction. His eyes, too, widen in shock.

"What is that?"

Before them below, are two giant and rusted wrecks of naval battleships, their hulls having sunken to the ground with only some of their massive guns and bridge visible. The now-setting sun shone magnificently behind their superstructures.

"It's the scrapped wreckage of a battleship, sunken ages ago.", said Kodai, eyes fixed at the two wrecks. "But I never heard about another wreckage being here."

"Could they be what the enemy was reconning?", asked Shima.


Space Battleship Montana - Chapter 1 - AStupidMidge - 宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199 (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.