maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (2024)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (1)This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level.
heroism infusion (die at -399; dur 6; cd 26)
Infused by
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: scroll / infusion

When inscribed on your body:
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 26
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn)
Is: a nature gift
Description: Activate the infusion to endure even the most grievous of wounds for 6 turns.
While Heroism is active, you will only die when reaching -399 life.
The duration and life will increase by 1% for every 1% life you have lost, to a maximum of 100% at 0 life or less (currently 798 life, 12 duration)
If your life is below 0 when this effect wears off it will be set to 1.
It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion.Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent.

heroism infusion (die at -399; dur 6; cd 26)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (2)Prismatic Rune (6 turns; physical, light, blight, cold, mind, fire)
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: scroll / rune
When inscribed on your body:
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 18
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn)
Is: a spell
Description: Activate the rune to create a shield for 6 turns blocking several instances of damage of the following types: 2 physical, 3 light, 4 blight, 5 cold, 5 mind, 5 fire
It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune.Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent.

Prismatic Rune (6 turns; physical, light, blight, cold, mind, fire)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (3)Rune of Dissipation ( )
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: scroll / rune
When inscribed on your body:
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: 10
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn)
Is: a spell
Description: Activate the rune to remove 8 beneficial magical sustains from an enemy target or all magical debuffs from you.
It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune.Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent.

Rune of Dissipation ( )

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (4)Rune of the Rift (514.00 temporal damage, removed from time 4 turns)
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: scroll / rune ; tier 3
When inscribed on your body:
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: 6
Cooldown: 14
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn)
Is: a spell
Description: Inflicts 514.00 temporal damage. If your target survives, it will be sent 4 turns into the future.
It will also lower your paradox by 25 (if you have any).
Note that messing with the spacetime continuum may have unforeseen consequences.
It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune.Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent.

Rune of the Rift (514.00 temporal damage, removed from time 4 turns)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (5)This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level.
manasurge rune of the warrior (regen 1373% over 10 turns; mana 69; cd 15)
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: scroll / rune

When inscribed on your body:
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn)
Is: a spell and usable during Aether Avatar
Description: Activate the rune to unleash a manasurge upon yourself, increasing mana regeneration by 1373% for 10 turns (0 total) and instantly restoring 69 mana.
Also when resting your mana will regenerate at 0.5 per turn.
Its effects scale with your Strength stat.
It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune.Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent.

manasurge rune of the warrior (regen 1373% over 10 turns; mana 69; cd 15)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (6)shielding rune of the duelist (absorb 215; dur 4; cd 14)
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: scroll / rune

When inscribed on your body:
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 14
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn)
Is: a spell
Description: Activate the rune to create a protective shield absorbing at most 215 damage for 4 turns.
Its effects scale with your Dexterity stat.
It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune.Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent.

shielding rune of the duelist (absorb 215; dur 4; cd 14)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (7)Sealed Scroll of Last Hope
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: scroll / scroll
It can be used to open the seal and read the message.Magical scrolls can have wildly different effects!

Sealed Scroll of Last Hope

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (8)Taint of Purging (5 turns)
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: scroll / taint ; tier 3
When inscribed on your body:
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn)
Is: a spell
Description: Activate the taint to purge your body of physical afflictions for 5 turns.
Each turn the purge will attempt to cleanse 1 physical debuff from you, and if one is removed, increase its duration by 1.
It can be used to inscribe your skin with the taint.Corrupted taints may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand ability.

Taint of Purging (5 turns)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (9)Haramayon the Hellskill
Infused by
Crafted by
a master
0.10 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
Damage when hit (Melee):
4 fire
Changes stats:
+4 Con
Changes resistances:
+10% lightning
Changes damage:
+9% fire
Talent mastery:
+0.16 Cunning / Survival
Stun/Freeze immunity:
Defense after a teleport:
Resist all after a teleport:
New effects duration reduction after a teleport:
+15%Amulets make your neck look great!

Haramayon the Hellskill

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (10)Mirror Shards
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 3
When wielded/worn:
Effects when hit in melee:
30% chance to blind
Changes resistances:
+25% light
Changes damage:
+12% light
Light radius:
It can be used to create a reflective shield (50% reflection rate, 182 strength, based on Magic) for 5 turns

Activation costs 24 power out of 24/24.

Said to have been created by a powerful mage after his home was destroyed by a mob following the Spellblaze. Though he fled, his possessions were crushed, burned, and smashed. When he returned to the ruins, he made this amulet from the remains of his shattered mirror.

Mirror Shards

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (11)Spellblaze Echoes
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
+6 (+2 eff.)
Spellpower on spell critical (stacks up to 3 times):
+8 (+4 eff.)
Spell crit. chance:
It can be used to unleash a destructive wail, destroying terrain and dealing 357.60 physical damage (based on Magic) in a radius of 3

Activation costs 60 power out of 60/60.

This ancient charm still retains a distant echo of the destruction wrought by the Spellblaze

Spellblaze Echoes

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (12)The Far-Hand
Powered by
unknown forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 3
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+10 Con
Teleport immunity:
It can be used to activate talent Teleport (costing 36 power out of 36/36) :
Effective talent level: 4.0
Power cost: 36 out of 36/36.
Range: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a spell
Description: Teleports you randomly within a large range (128).
At level 4, it allows you to specify which creature to teleport.
At level 5, it allows you to choose the target area (radius 15).
If the target area is not in line of sight, there is a chance the spell will partially fail and teleport the target randomly.
Random teleports have a minimum range of 15.
The range will increase with your Spellpower.
You can feel this strange metallic hand wriggling around, it feels as if space distorts around it.

The Far-Hand

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (13)Withering Orbs
Infused by
psionic forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 1
When wielded/worn:
Damage (Melee):
5 mind
Damage (Ranged):
5 mind
+5 (+1 eff.)
See stealth:
See invisible:
Blind-Fight: This item allows the wearer to attack unseen targets without any penalties.These opalescent orbs stare at you with deathly knowledge, undeceived by your vanities and pretences. They have lived and died through horrors you could never imagine, and now they lie strung in black chords watching every twitch of the shadows.
If you close your eyes a moment, you can almost imagine what dread sights they see...

Withering Orbs

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (14)Elenukhad the Growthenvy
Crafted by
a master
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
Effects on melee hit:
20% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 29
Changes stats:
+4 Str
Changes resistances:
+6% temporal
Changes resistances penetration:
+10% mind / +20% nature
Changes damage:
+15% nature / +15% mindRings make your fingers look great!

Elenukhad the Growthenvy

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (15)Inertial Twine
Crafted by
a master
Infused by
psionic forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 3
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+4 Str / +8 Wil
Changes resistances:
+5% physical
Changes damage:
+5% physical
Physical save:
+12 (+4 eff.)
Knockback immunity:
+100%This double-helical ring seems resistant to attempts to move it. Wearing it seems to extend this property to your entire body.

Inertial Twine

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (16)Ragiregochik the Furnacepower
Infused by
Crafted by
a master
0.10 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+24% lightning / +24% cold / +3% acid / +3% fire
Changes damage:
+12% lightning / +12% cold / +15% fire
Disarm immunity:
Pinning immunity:
Knockback immunity:
Maximum life:
+24.00Rings make your fingers look great!

Ragiregochik the Furnacepower

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (17)Ring of Growth
Infused by
Crafted by
a master
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+4 Str / +4 Wil
Changes resistances:
+10% nature
Changes damage:
+8% nature / +8% physical
Physical save:
+8 (+3 eff.)
Life regen:
Healing mod.:
+20%This small wooden ring has a single green stem wrapped around it. Thin leaves still seem to be growing from it.

Ring of Growth

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (18)Crude Iron Battle Axe of Kroll (68-102 power, 7 apr)
- Strength 50

Crafted by

a master
3.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 4
It must be held with both hands.

Base power: 68.0 - 102.0
Uses stat: 130% Str
Damage type:

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
When wielded/worn:
+6 (+2 eff.)
Changes stats:
+2 Dex / +2 Con
Changes damage:
+10% physical
Stun/Freeze immunity:
Knockback immunity:
+30%Made in times before the Dwarves learned beautiful craftsmanship, the rough appearance of this axe belies its great power. Only Dwarves may harness its true strength, however.

Crude Iron Battle Axe of Kroll (68-102 power, 7 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (19)Poltergeist's Stormfront (30-45 power, 15 apr)
- Strength 16

Infused by

3.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 2
It must be held with both hands.

Base power: 30.0 - 45.0
Uses stat: 120% Str
Damage type:

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon crit:
* inflicts either shocked or wet, chosen at random
Damage (Melee):
+15 lightning / +15 cold
When wielded/worn:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Changes damage:
+12% lightning / +12% cold
Physical save:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Spell save:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Mental save:
+4 (+2 eff.)The blade glows faintly blue, and reflects a sky full of stormy clouds.

Poltergeist's Stormfront (30-45 power, 15 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (20)Dagger of the Past (25-32 power, 20 apr)
- Magic 24
- Dexterity 24

Powered by

arcane forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 3
It is part of a set of items.
Potentially it would go with a sword in the future.
Base power: 25.0 - 32.5
Uses stats: 50% Mag, 50% Dex
Damage type:
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
Damage (Melee):
+5 temporal
Damage conversion:
30% temporal
When wielded/worn:
+10 (+3 eff.)
Changes damage:
+5% temporal
Talent masteries:
+0.10 Chronomancy / Blade Threading +0.10 Chronomancy / Temporal Guardian
Spell save:
+10 (+3 eff.)
Movement speed:
Defense after a teleport:
Resist all after a teleport:
New effects duration reduction after a teleport:
+15%Legend has it this blade is one of a pair: twin blades forged in the earliest of days of the Wardens. To an untrained wielder it is less than perfect; to a Warden, it represents the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of the past.

Dagger of the Past (25-32 power, 20 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (21)Moon (10-13 power, 0 apr)
- Cunning 24
- Dexterity 24

Powered by

arcane forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 3
It is part of a set of items.
The moon shines alone in a starless sky.
Base power: 10.0 - 13.0
Uses stats: 20% Str, 20% Dex
Damage type:
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Attack speed:
On weapon hit:
* Deal 70 Darkness damage.
When wielded/worn:
Light radius:
-1A viciously curved blade that a folk story says is made from a material that originates from the moon. Devouring the light around it, it fades.

Moon (10-13 power, 0 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (22)Poltergeist's Silent Blade (25-32 power, 10 apr)
- Cunning 25

Crafted by

a master
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 2

Base power: 25.0 - 32.5
Uses stats: 35% Str, 65% Dex
Damage type:

Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon kill:
* Enter stealth for 3 turns.
When used from stealth a simple attack with it will not break stealth.
Damage (Melee):
+10 silence
When wielded/worn:
+10 (+5 eff.)
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+4% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
+2%A thin, dark dagger that seems to meld seamlessly into the shadows.

Poltergeist's Silent Blade (25-32 power, 10 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (23)Spellblaze Shard (20-26 power, 10 apr)
- Dexterity 17

Powered by

arcane forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 2

Base power: 20.0 - 26.0
Uses stats: 50% Str, 50% Dex
Damage type:

Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
Lifesteal (this weapon only):
Damage (Melee):
+20 blight / +20 fire
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+5 Mag
Changes resistances:
+10% blight / +10% fire
Talent granted:
+1 Virulent Disease This jagged crystal glows with an unnatural light. A strap of cloth is wrapped around one end, as a handle.

Spellblaze Shard (20-26 power, 10 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (24)Star (10-13 power, 0 apr)
- Cunning 24
- Dexterity 24

Powered by

arcane forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 3
It is part of a set of items.
The star shines alone in a moonless sky.
Base power: 10.0 - 13.0
Uses stats: 20% Str, 20% Dex
Damage type:
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Attack speed:
On weapon hit:
* Deal 70 Light damage.
When wielded/worn:
Light radius:
+1Legend tells of a blade, shining bright as a star. Forged from a material fallen from the skies, it glows.

Star (10-13 power, 0 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (25)Swordbreaker (25-32 power, 20 apr)
- Cunning 10
- Dexterity 10

Crafted by

a master
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 3

Base power: 25.0 - 32.5
Uses stats: 50% Cun, 50% Dex
Damage type:

Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon crit:
* Breaks enemy weapon.
When wielded/worn:
Armour Hardiness:
+15 (+5 eff.)
Changes stats:
+8 Cun / +8 Dex
Talent granted:
+1 Dagger Block
Physical save:
+15 (+5 eff.)
Disarm immunity:
Can block like a shield, potentially disarming the enemy.This ordinary blade is made of fine, sturdy voratun and outfitted with jagged hooks along the edge. This simple appearance belies a great power - the hooked maw of this dagger broke many a blade and the stride of many would-be warriors.

Swordbreaker (25-32 power, 20 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (26)Unerring Scalpel (15-20 power, 25 apr)
- Cunning 16

Powered by

arcane forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 1

Base power: 15.0 - 19.5
Uses stats: 45% Str, 55% Dex
Damage type:

Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Attack speed:
Damage Shield penetration (this weapon only):
When wielded/worn:
+20 (+8 eff.)
Blind-Fight: This item allows the wearer to attack unseen targets without any penalties.This scalpel was used by the dread sorcerer Kor'Pul when he began learning the necromantic arts in the Age of Dusk. Many were the bodies, living and dead, that became unwilling victims of his terrible experiments.

Unerring Scalpel (15-20 power, 25 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (27)This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level.
caustic stralite dagger of massacre (42-55 power, 9 apr)
- Dexterity 35

Infused by

Crafted by
a master
1.00 Encumbrance.

Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 4

Base power: 42.5 - 55.2
Uses stats: 50% Str, 50% Dex
Damage type:

Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
Damage (radius 2) on crit:
+17 acid / +5 nature
When wielded/worn:
Armour penetration:
Changes resistances penetration:
+14% acid / +6% natureSharp, short and deadly.

caustic stralite dagger of massacre (42-55 power, 9 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (28)Spellcrusher (32-48 power, 4 apr)
- Strength 20

Infused by

Infused by
arcane disrupting forces
5.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / greatmaul ; tier 2
It must be held with both hands.

Base power: 32.0 - 48.0
Uses stat: 120% Str
Damage type:

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% base dam (max 20%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon hit:
* 50% chance to shatter magical shields
Damage (Melee):
+20 nature
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+6 Con
Changes damage:
+25% nature
Spell save:
+15 (+5 eff.)This large steel greatmaul has thick vines wrapped around the handle.

Spellcrusher (32-48 power, 4 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (29)Colaryem (48-77 power, 12 apr)
- Strength 10

Powered by

arcane forces
3.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 3
It must be held with both hands.

Base power: 48.0 - 76.8
Uses stat: 130% Str
Damage type:

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+0.4% crit mult (max 40%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+7 Dex
Changes resistances:
+7% lightning
Changes damage:
+7% lightning
Maximum encumbrance:
Movement speed:
Avoid Pressure Traps: The wearer never triggers traps that require pressure.
Attack speed improves with your strength and size category.This intricate blade is impractically long and almost as wide as your body, yet contrary to its size and apparent girth it is not only light, but threatens to escape your grasp and fly away. You will need to be really strong to keep it grounded. Or really big.

Colaryem (48-77 power, 12 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (30)Anmalice (47-66 power, 20 apr)
- Willpower 20
- Strength 32

Infused by

psionic forces
Powered by
unknown forces
3.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 4

Base power: 47.0 - 65.8
Uses stats: 10% Wil, 100% Str
Damage type:

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+0.4% crit mult (max 40%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon hit:
* torments the target with many mental effects
On weapon kill:
* reduces mental save penalty
When wielded/worn:
Changes damage:
+8% mind
Mental save:
-30 (-10 eff.)
+9 (+3 eff.)The eye on the hilt of this blade seems to glare at you, piercing your soul and mind. Tentacles surround the hilt, latching onto your hand.

Anmalice (47-66 power, 20 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (31)Elyrama the Loamlore (27-38 power, 4 apr)
- Strength 24

Powered by

arcane forces
3.00 Encumbrance.

Type: weapon / mace ; tier 3

Base power: 27.0 - 37.8
Uses stat: 100% Str
Damage type:

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% base dam (max 20%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon hit:
* 25% chance for lightning to strike from the target to a second target dealing 47 damage
When wielded/worn:
Damage when hit (Melee):
2 nature
Changes resistances:
+3% nature
Changes resistances penetration:
+5% nature
Changes damage:
+9% nature / +9% fire
Light radius:
+3Blunt and deadly.

Elyrama the Loamlore (27-38 power, 4 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (32)Manoyasin the Chillgrinder (37-52 power, 5 apr)
- Strength 35

Powered by

arcane forces
Crafted by
a master
Infused by
psionic forces
3.00 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: weapon / mace ; tier 4

Base power: 37.0 - 51.8
Uses stat: 100% Str
Damage type:

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% base dam (max 20%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon hit:
17% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 29
* Create an explosion dealing 47 lightning damage (1/turn)
Damage (Melee):
+15 mind
When wielded/worn:
+15 (+7 eff.)
Armour penetration:
Changes stats:
+4 Cun / +3 Wil
Changes resistances:
+5% arcane / +9% cold
Changes resistances penetration:
+16% lightning / +9% physical / +10% arcane / +10% cold
Changes damage:
+16% lightning / +3% cold / +6% arcaneBlunt and deadly.

Manoyasin the Chillgrinder (37-52 power, 5 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (33)steel mace 'Halobers' (16-23 power, 3 apr)
- Strength 16

Infused by

3.00 Encumbrance.

Type: weapon / mace ; tier 2

Base power: 16.5 - 23.1
Uses stat: 100% Str
Damage type:

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% base dam (max 20%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
When wielded/worn:
Damage when hit (Melee):
6 arcane
Changes stats:
+4 Str / +4 Dex / +5 Mag / +6 Wil / +5 Cun / +5 Con
Changes resistances penetration:
+10% arcane
Critical mult.:
Vim when firing critical spell:
Only die when reaching:
-20.00 life
Maximum vim:
+10.00Blunt and deadly.

steel mace 'Halobers' (16-23 power, 3 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (34)Eye of Summer (8-9 power, 18 apr, fire damage)
- Willpower 18

Infused by

3.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 2
It is part of a set of items.
Nature requires balance in these matters.
Base power: 8.0 - 8.8
Uses stats: 50% Wil, 30% Cun
Damage type:
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon.
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
-10% cold
Changes resistances penetration:
+10% fire
Changes damage:
+10% fire
+8 (+2 eff.)
Mental crit. chance:
Global speed:
Talent on hit(mindpower): Flame Fury (10% chance level 2).This mindstar glows with a bright warm light, but seems somehow incomplete.

Eye of Summer (8-9 power, 18 apr, fire damage)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (35)Psionic Fury (12-13 power, 25 apr, mind damage)
- Willpower 24

Infused by

Infused by
psionic forces
3.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 3

Base power: 12.0 - 13.2
Uses stats: 50% Wil, 30% Cun
Damage type:

Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon.
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+3 Cun / +3 Wil
Changes resistances:
+10% mind
Changes damage:
+15% mind / +5% physical
+10 (+3 eff.)
Mental crit. chance:
It can be used to release a wave of psionic power, dealing 213.80 mind damage (based on Willpower) to all within radius 5

Activation costs 40 power out of 40/40.

This mindstar constantly shakes and vibrates, as if a powerful force is desperately trying to escape.

Psionic Fury (12-13 power, 25 apr, mind damage)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (36)Serpent's Glare (7-8 power, 15 apr, nature damage)
- Willpower 12

Infused by

3.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 1

Base power: 7.0 - 7.7
Uses stats: 50% Wil, 30% Cun
Damage type:

Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon.
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
Damage conversion:
30% poison
When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+10% nature
Changes damage:
+10% nature
Poison immunity:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Mental crit. chance:
It can be used to activate talent Spit Poison (costing 8 power out of 8/8) :
Effective talent level: 2.0
Power cost: 8 out of 8/8.
Range: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a nature gift
Description: Spit poison at your target, doing 198.89 poison damage over six turns.
The damage will increase with your Strength or Dexterity (whichever is higher).
A thick venom drips from this mindstar.

Serpent's Glare (7-8 power, 15 apr, nature damage)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (37)Eclipse (18-22 power, 4 apr, physical element)
- Magic 32

Powered by

arcane forces
5.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / staff ; tier 2
It must be held with both hands.

Base power: 18.0 - 21.6
Uses stat: 110% Mag
Damage type:

Staff Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+2.0% proc dam (max 200%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
When wielded/worn:
Changes damage:
+15% light / +15% physical / +15% darkness / +15% temporal
Talents cooldown: Twilight (
-1 turn) Moonlight Ray (-1 turn) Searing Light (-1 turn)
Talent granted:
+1 Command Staff
P.Energy each turn:
N.Energy each turn:
+12 (+6 eff.)
Spell crit. chance:
+8%This tall staff is tipped with a pitch black sphere that yet seems to give off a strong light.

Eclipse (18-22 power, 4 apr, physical element)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (38)Gravitational Staff (30-36 power, 8 apr, physical element)
- Magic 35

Powered by

arcane forces
5.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / staff ; tier 3
It must be held with both hands.

Base power: 30.0 - 36.0
Uses stat: 80% Mag
Damage type:

Gravity pin
Staff Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+2.0% proc dam (max 200%)
Armour Penetration:
Attack speed:
When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+15% physical
Changes damage:
+20% physical / +10% temporal
Talent masteries:
+0.10 Chronomancy / Gravity +0.10 Chronomancy / Matter +0.10 Spell / Earth
+25 (+12 eff.)
Spell crit. chance:
It can be used to activate talent Gravity Spike (costing 14 power out of 14/14) :
Effective talent level: 3.0
Power cost: 14 out of 14/14.
Range: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a spell
Description: Creates a gravity spike in a radius of 3 that moves all targets towards the spell's center and inflicts 80.72 physical (gravity) damage.
Each target moved beyond the first increases the damage by 10.09 (up to a maximum of 40.36 bonus damage).
Targets take reduced damage the further they are from the epicenter (20% less per tile).
The damage dealt will scale with your Spellpower.
Time and Space seem to warp and bend around the massive tip of this stave.

Gravitational Staff (30-36 power, 8 apr, physical element)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (39)Staff of Destruction (20-24 power, 4 apr, fire element)
- Magic 24

Powered by

arcane forces
5.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / staff ; tier 3
It must be held with both hands.

Base power: 20.0 - 24.0
Uses stat: 100% Mag
Damage type:

Staff Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+2.0% proc dam (max 200%)
Armour Penetration:
Attack speed:
When wielded/worn:
Changes damage:
+20% lightning / +20% fire / +20% arcane / +20% cold
Talent granted:
+1 Command Staff
+10 (+5 eff.)
Spell crit. chance:
Talent on hit(spell): Impending Doom (10% chance level 1).This unique-looking staff is carved with runes of destruction.

Staff of Destruction (20-24 power, 4 apr, fire element)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (40)Raventaint the voratun waraxe (40-57 power, 6 apr)
- Strength 48

Powered by

arcane forces
Infused by
3.00 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 5

Base power: 40.5 - 56.7
Uses stat: 100% Str
Damage type:

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon hit:
* 25% chance for lightning to strike from the target to a second target dealing 47 damage
Damage (Melee):
+19 temporal
Damage (radius 1) on hit:
+8 darkness
When wielded/worn:
Effects on melee hit:
10% chance to reduce damage dealt by 24%
Changes stats:
+11 Str / +9 Dex / +12 Mag / +12 Wil / +10 Cun / +10 Con
Changes resistances:
+6% cold / +17% temporal
Spell save:
+3 (+1 eff.)
Stun/Freeze immunity:
Healing mod.:
+10%One-handed war axes.

Raventaint the voratun waraxe (40-57 power, 6 apr)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (41)Scorchgrinder
Powered by
arcane forces
1.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / belt ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+7 Dex / +7 Mag / +7 Wil / +3 Cun
Changes resistances penetration:
+25% fire
Changes damage:
+15% fire
Spell crit. chance:
See invisible:
+15A belt that goes around your waist.


maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (42)Robe of Force (12 def, 8 armour)
Infused by
psionic forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / cloth ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
+12 (+4 eff.)
Changes stats:
+3 Cun / +4 Wil
Changes resistances:
+15% acid / +12% physical / +9% all
Changes resistances penetration:
+10% mind / +10% physical
Changes damage:
+5% mind / +5% physical
Physical save:
+10 (+3 eff.)
+8 (+2 eff.)
Mental crit. chance:
It can be used to send out a range 5 beam of kinetic energy, dealing 55.68 to 69.60 physical damage (based on Willpower and Cunning) with knockback

Activation costs 10 power out of 10/10.

This thin cloth robe is surrounded by a pulsating shroud of telekinetic force.

Robe of Force (12 def, 8 armour)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (43)Silk Current (12 def, 0 armour)
Powered by
arcane forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / cloth ; tier 1
When wielded/worn:
+12 (+4 eff.)
Damage when hit (Melee):
10 cold
Changes resistances:
+7% all / +15% cold
Changes resistances penetration:
+8% cold
Changes damage:
+10% cold
Talent masteries:
+0.30 Spell / Glacial waste +0.30 Spell / Rime wraith +0.30 Spell / Water +0.30 Spell / Frost alchemy +0.30 Spell / Grave +0.30 Spell / Ice
+5 (+2 eff.)
Movement speed:
Talent on hit(spell): Water Jet (5% chance level 1).This deep blue robe flows and ripples as if pushed by an invisible tide.

Silk Current (12 def, 0 armour)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (44)Temporal Augmentation Robe - Designed In-Style (9 def, 3 armour)
Powered by
arcane forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / cloth ; tier 4
It is part of a set of items.
Oddly it never produces a hat.
When wielded/worn:
+9 (+3 eff.)
Damage when hit (Melee):
20 physical / 10 temporal
Changes stats:
+5 Mag / +3 Wil
Changes resistances:
+10% temporal / +10% physical / +13% all
Changes resistances penetration:
+20% temporal / +20% physical
Changes damage:
+20% temporal / +20% physical
+23 (+11 eff.)
It can be used to activate talent Temporal Reprieve (costing 50 power out of 50/50) :
Effective talent level: 1.0
Power cost: 50 out of 50/50.
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a spell
Description: Transport yourself to a safe place for 1 turns.Designed by a slightly quirky Paradox Mage, this robe always appears to be stylish in any time the user finds him, her, or itself in. Crafted to aid Paradox Mages through their adventures, this robe is of great help to those that understand what a wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey mess time actually is. Curiously, as a result of a particularly prolonged battle involving its fourth wearer, the robe appends a very long, multi-coloured scarf to its present wearers.

Temporal Augmentation Robe - Designed In-Style (9 def, 3 armour)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (45)pair of hardened leather boots 'Blizzardwill' (0 def, 3 armour)
Crafted by
a master
2.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / feet ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Effects on melee hit:
20 arcane resource burn
Changes resistances:
+18% cold / +5% arcane / +3% light
Changes damage:
+3% cold
Maximum encumbrance:
Physical save:
+8 (+3 eff.)A pair of boots made of leather.

pair of hardened leather boots 'Blizzardwill' (0 def, 3 armour)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (46)Snow Giant Wraps (0 def, 2 armour)
Infused by
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / hands ; tier 3
It is part of a set of items.
This would be great with a mighty matching belt.
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+4 Str
Changes resistances:
+10% lightning / +10% cold
Knockback immunity:
Maximum life:
Learn an unarmed attack talent or enable 'Always show glove combat' to see combat stats.
It can be used to activate talent Throw Boulder (costing 6 power out of 6/6) :
Effective talent level: 2.0
Power cost: 6 out of 6/6.
Range: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a nature gift
Description: Throw a huge boulder, dealing 148.56 physical damage and knocking targets back 5 tiles within radius 1.
The damage will increase with your Strength.
Two large pieces of leather designed to be wrapped about the hands and the forearms. This particular pair of wraps has been enchanted, imparting the wearer with great strength.

Snow Giant Wraps (0 def, 2 armour)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (47)Spellhunt Remnants (1 def, 2 armour)
- Heavy armour training

Infused by

arcane disrupting forces
Crafted by
a master
1.50 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / hands ; tier 1
When wielded/worn:
+1 (+0 eff.)
Changes stats:
+2 Cun / +2 Wil
Changes resistances penetration:
+5% nature
Changes damage:
+5% nature
Spell save:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Maximum life:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Mental crit. chance:
Learn an unarmed attack talent or enable 'Always show glove combat' to see combat stats.
Can't be worn by those with arcane powers.
It can be used to destroy an arcane item (of a higher tier than the gauntlets)

Activation costs 1 power out of 150/150.

These once brilliant voratun gauntlets have fallen into a deep decay. Originally used in the spellhunt, they were often used to destroy arcane artifacts, curing the world of their influence.

Spellhunt Remnants (1 def, 2 armour)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (48)Decayed Visage (0 def, 0 armour)
- Magic 25
- Willpower 20

Powered by

arcane forces
Crafted by
a master
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / head ; tier 3
When wielded/worn:
Effects on melee hit:
20% chance to reduce damage dealt by 24%
Damage when hit (Melee):
10 vim draining blight
Changes stats:
+5 Str / +5 Mag / +8 Wil
Changes resistances penetration:
+5% physical
Changes damage:
+12% blight / +13% arcane
Mental save:
+7 (+3 eff.)
Silence immunity:
Maximum vim:
Spell crit. chance:
Light radius:
It can be used to activate talent Vimsense (costing 25 power out of 45/45) :
Effective talent level: 2.0
Power cost: 25 out of 45/45.
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a spell
Description: Feel the very existence of creatures around you for 5 turns, in a radius of 10.
The evil touch will reduce their blight resistance by 7% and all saves by 12, but also make them aware of you.
The resistance and save reduction will improve with your Spellpower.
A desiccated mask of human skin, all that remains of a necromancer from the Age of Pyre who failed to achieve lichdom. The transformative process partially succeeded, leaving him unable to die as his body slowly rotted from the inside out over several years. Now his spirit resides within this last bit of mummified flesh, still hungering for eternal life.

Decayed Visage (0 def, 0 armour)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (49)Steel Helm of Garkul (0 def, 6 armour)
- Heavy armour training
- Strength 16

Infused by

3.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / head ; tier 2
It is part of a set of items.
Another of Garkul's heirlooms would bring out his spirit.
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+5 Str / +4 Wil / +5 Con
Changes damage:
+10% physical
Talent mastery:
+0.20 Technique / Thuggery
Physical save:
+12 (+4 eff.)
Spell save:
+12 (+4 eff.)
Mental save:
+12 (+4 eff.)A great helm that belonged to Garkul the Devourer, one of the greatest orcs ever to live.

Steel Helm of Garkul (0 def, 6 armour)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (50)Un'fezan's Cap (1 def, 0 armour)
Powered by
arcane forces
Infused by
psionic forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / head ; tier 3
It is part of a set of items.
Needs something equally stylish and cool to go with it.
When wielded/worn:
+1 (+0 eff.)
Changes stats:
+8 Cun / +4 Wil
Changes resistances:
+10% temporal / +10% physical
Talent mastery:
+0.20 Chronomancy / Timetravel
+8 (+4 eff.)
+8 (+2 eff.)
Reduces paradox anomalies(equivalent to willpower):
It can be used to activate talent Wormhole (costing 15 power out of 15/15) :
Effective talent level: 1.0
Power cost: 15 out of 15/15.
Range: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a spell
Description: You fold the space between yourself and a second point within a range of 10, creating a pair of wormholes. Any creature stepping on either wormhole will be teleported near the other (radius 5 accuracy).
The wormholes will last 3 turns and must be placed at least two tiles apart.
The chance of teleporting enemies will scale with your Spellpower.
This fez once belonged to a traveler; it always seems to be found lying around in odd locations.
Fezzes are cool.

Un'fezan's Cap (1 def, 0 armour)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (51)Nature's Blessing (8 def, 6 armour)
- Strength 20

Infused by

Infused by
arcane disrupting forces
9.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / light ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
+8 (+2 eff.)
Ranged Defense:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Changes stats:
+3 Wil / +4 Con
Changes resistances:
+20% nature / +25% arcane
Talent mastery:
+0.20 Wild-gift / Antimagic
Spell save:
+18 (+6 eff.)
Stun/Freeze immunity:
Life regen:
Healing mod.:
+20%Worn by Protector Ardon, who first formed the Ziguranth during the mage wars between the Humans and the Halflings. This armour is infused with the powers of nature, and protected against the disruptive forces of magic.

Nature's Blessing (8 def, 6 armour)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (52)reinforced leather armour 'Siloma' (12 def, 7 armour)
- Strength 18

Powered by

arcane forces
Crafted by
a master
9.00 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: armor / light ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Physical power:
+21 (+7 eff.)
+12 (+4 eff.)
Damage when hit (Melee):
2 temporal
Changes stats:
+7 Str / +11 Mag / +10 Wil / +2 Cun
Changes resistances:
+33% lightning / +6% temporal / +14% light / +13% darkness
+22 (+11 eff.)
Spell crit. chance:
+16 (+5 eff.)
Mental crit. chance:
Infravision radius:
+2A suit of armour made of leather.

reinforced leather armour 'Siloma' (12 def, 7 armour)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (53)Sanguine Shield (0 def, 15 armour, 40-48 power, 220 block)
- Shield usage training
- Strength 39

Crafted by

a master
7.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / shield ; tier 4
When used to attack (with talents):
Base power: 40.0 - 48.0
Uses stat: 120% Str
Damage type:
Accuracy bonus:
+2.0% proc dam (max 200%)
Crit. chance:
Block value:
Lifesteal (this weapon only):
When wielded/worn:
Damage when hit (Melee):
15 draining blight
Changes stats:
+10 Con
Changes resistances:
+25% blight / +10% light
Talent mastery:
+0.30 Cursed / Bloodstained
Talent granted:
+1 Block
Life regen:
+5.00Though tarnished and spattered with blood, the emblem of the Sun still manages to shine through on this shield.

Sanguine Shield (0 def, 15 armour, 40-48 power, 220 block)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (54)This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level.
living stralite shield of lightning resistance (+17%) (0 def, 8 armour, 48-57 power, 142 block)
- Shield usage training
- Strength 35

Infused by

Crafted by
a master
7.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / shield ; tier 4

When used to attack (with talents):
Base power: 47.5 - 57.0
Uses stat: 100% Str
Damage type:
Accuracy bonus:
+2.0% proc dam (max 200%)
Crit. chance:
Block value:
Damage (Melee):
+16 nature
When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+17% blight / +16% nature / +22% lightning
Talent granted:
+1 Block
Maximum life:
+37.00Handheld deflection devices.

living stralite shield of lightning resistance (+17%) (0 def, 8 armour, 48-57 power, 142 block)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (55)9 agate
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / black ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+1 Str / +1 Dex / +1 Mag / +1 Wil / +1 Cun / +1 Con
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+1 Str / +1 Dex / +1 Mag / +1 Wil / +1 Cun / +1 Con
Latent Damage Type: AcidGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

9 agate

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (56)367 alchemist agate
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: alchemist-gem / black ; tier 1

When used as an alchemist bomb:
Bomb damage +5%
Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

367 alchemist agate

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (57)16 onyx
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / black ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+3 Str / +3 Dex / +3 Mag / +3 Wil / +3 Cun / +3 Con
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+3 Str / +3 Dex / +3 Mag / +3 Wil / +3 Cun / +3 Con
Latent Damage Type: AcidGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

16 onyx

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (58)10 aquamarine
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / blue ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+2% all
When used to imbue an object:
Changes resistances:
+2% all
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

10 aquamarine

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (59)10 lapis lazuli
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / blue ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
+6 (+2 eff.)
Physical save:
+6 (+2 eff.)
Spell save:
+6 (+2 eff.)
Mental save:
+6 (+2 eff.)
When used to imbue an object:
+6 (+2 eff.)
Physical save:
+6 (+2 eff.)
Spell save:
+6 (+2 eff.)
Mental save:
+6 (+2 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

10 lapis lazuli

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (60)14 opal
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / blue ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+2 Str / +2 Dex / +2 Mag / +2 Wil / +2 Cun / +2 Con
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+2 Str / +2 Dex / +2 Mag / +2 Wil / +2 Cun / +2 Con
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

14 opal

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (61)4 sapphire
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / blue ; tier 4

When wielded/worn:
+8 (+2 eff.)
Physical save:
+8 (+3 eff.)
Spell save:
+8 (+2 eff.)
Mental save:
+8 (+3 eff.)
When used to imbue an object:
+8 (+2 eff.)
Physical save:
+8 (+3 eff.)
Spell save:
+8 (+2 eff.)
Mental save:
+8 (+3 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

4 sapphire

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (62)12 topaz
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / blue ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Physical save:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Spell save:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Mental save:
+4 (+2 eff.)
When used to imbue an object:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Physical save:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Spell save:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Mental save:
+4 (+2 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

12 topaz

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (63)dream-smith's dwarven-steel pickaxe (dig speed 16 turns)
Infused by
psionic forces
3.00 Encumbrance.

Type: tool / digger ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+2 Str
Changes damage:
+9% mind / +8% fire
Mental save:
+7 (+3 eff.)
When carried:
Talent granted:
+1 Dig Allows you to dig a wall, remove a tree, create ways.

dream-smith's dwarven-steel pickaxe (dig speed 16 turns)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (64)Mummified Egg-sac of Ungolë
Infused by
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: misc / egg
When carried:
Light radius:
It can be used to summon up to 2 spiders

Activation costs 80 power out of 42/100.

Dry and dusty to the touch, it still seems to retain some shadow of life.

Mummified Egg-sac of Ungolë

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (65)8 emerald
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / green ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+3% all
When used to imbue an object:
Changes resistances:
+3% all
Latent Damage Type: NatureGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

8 emerald

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (66)3 jade
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / green ; tier 4

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+4% all
When used to imbue an object:
Changes resistances:
+4% all
Latent Damage Type: NatureGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

3 jade

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (67)14 spinel
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / green ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
+2 (+0 eff.)
Physical save:
+2 (+1 eff.)
Spell save:
+2 (+0 eff.)
Mental save:
+2 (+1 eff.)
When used to imbue an object:
+2 (+0 eff.)
Physical save:
+2 (+1 eff.)
Spell save:
+2 (+0 eff.)
Mental save:
+2 (+1 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: NatureGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

14 spinel

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (68)Searrain
Powered by
arcane forces
Crafted by
a master
1.00 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: lite / lite ; tier 3
When wielded/worn:
Damage when hit (Melee):
23 fire
Changes resistances:
+8% blight / +7% fire / +8% darkness / +3% mind
Changes resistances penetration:
+15% fire
Changes damage:
+18% mind
+4 (+2 eff.)
Spell crit. chance:
Light radius:
Infravision radius:
See invisible:
The wearer is treated as an undead.
The wearer no longer has to breathe.
It can be used to activate talent Retch, placing all other charms into a 30 cooldown :
Effective talent level: 1.0
Power cost: 30 out of 30/30.
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Description: Vomit on the ground around you, healing any undead in the area and damaging anyone else.
Lasts 10 turns and deals 31 blight damage or heals 39 life.
Creatures standing in the retch also have 9% chance to remove a physical effect each turn; undeads will be stripped from a detrimental effect while others will be stripped from a beneficial effect.
When you stand in your own retch your racial -20% global speed is cancelled.
A normal brass lantern, enhanced by alchemy to make it brighter.


maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (69)Summertide Phial
Infused by
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: lite / lite ; tier 1
When wielded/worn:
Damage (Melee):
15 Lite Light Burst (radius 1)
Changes resistances:
+30% light
Changes damage:
+10% light
Light radius:
Healing mod.:
When attacking in melee, deals 15 light damage and lights tiles in radius 1.
It can be used to call light, dispelling darkness and lighting tiles in radius 20.(143 power, based on Willpower)

Activation costs 10 power out of 15/15.

A small crystal phial that captured Sunlight during the Summertide.

Summertide Phial

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (70)Wintertide Phial
Powered by
arcane forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: lite / lite ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
Light radius:
Infravision radius:
It can be used to cleanse your mind of up to 3 (based on Magic) detrimental mental effects

Activation costs 40 power out of 60/60.

This phial seems filled with darkness, yet it cleanses your thoughts.

Wintertide Phial

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (71)Eye of the Dreaming One
Infused by
psionic forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: tool / misc ; tier 1
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+5 Wil
Mental save:
+10 (+4 eff.)
+5 (+1 eff.)
The wearer is asleep.
Lucid Dreamer: This item allows the wearer to act while sleeping.
It can be used to activate talent Sleep (costing 20 power out of 25/25) :
Effective talent level: 3.0
Power cost: 20 out of 25/25.
Range: 7
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a mind power
Description: Puts targets in a radius of 1 to sleep for 3 turns, rendering them unable to act. Every 11 points of damage the target suffers will reduce the effect duration by one turn.
When Sleep ends, the target will suffer from Insomnia for a number of turns equal to the amount of time it was asleep (up to ten turns max), granting it 20% sleep immunity for each turn of the Insomnia effect.
At talent level 5 Sleep will become contagious and has a 25% chance to spread to nearby targets each turn.
The damage threshold will scale with your Mindpower.
This ethereal eye stares eternally, as if seeing things that do not truly exist.

Eye of the Dreaming One

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (72)Orb of Many Ways
Powered by
unknown forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: orb / orb
It can be used to activate a portal

Activation costs 10 power out of 30/30.

The orb projects images of distant places, some that seem to be not of this world, switching rapidly.
If used near a portal it could probably activate it.

Orb of Many Ways

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (73)Scrying Orb
Powered by
unknown forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: orb / orb
When carried:This orb will automatically identify items you find.

Scrying Orb

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (74)6 garnet
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / red ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+6% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
When used to imbue an object:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+6% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
Latent Damage Type: FireGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

6 garnet

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (75)5 ruby
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / red ; tier 4

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+4 Str / +4 Dex / +4 Mag / +4 Wil / +4 Cun / +4 Con
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+4 Str / +4 Dex / +4 Mag / +4 Wil / +4 Cun / +4 Con
Latent Damage Type: FireGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

5 ruby

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (76)Rod of Recall (1/1)
Powered by
unknown forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: charm / rod
It can be used to recall the user to the worldmap after 40 turns

Activation costs 202 power out of 400/400.

This rod is made entirely of voratun, infused with raw magical energies that can bend space itself.
You have heard of such items before. They are very useful to adventurers, allowing faster travel.

Rod of Recall (1/1)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (77)Transmogrification Chest
Powered by
unknown forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: chest / sher'tul
When carried:
It can be used to transmogrify all the items in your chest at once (also done automatically when you change level)

Activation costs 0 power out of 1000/1000.

This chest is an extension of old Sher'tul places of power. Any items dropped inside are transported to an other place, processed and destroyed to extract energy.
The byproduct of this effect is the creation of gold, which is useless to process, so it is sent back to you.

When you possess the chest all items you walk upon will automatically be put inside and transmogrified when you leave the level.
Simply go to your inventory to move them out of the chest if you wish to keep them.
Items in the chest will not encumber you.

Transmogrification Chest

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (78)Telekinetic Core
Infused by
psionic forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: charm / torque ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
Physical power:
+3 (+1 eff.)
Changes stats:
+5 Wil
Changes resistances:
+5% physical
Changes damage:
+6% physical
Physical save:
+12 (+4 eff.)
+3 (+1 eff.)
It can be used to activate talent Psionic Pull (costing 18 power out of 35/35) :
Effective talent level: 3.0
Power cost: 18 out of 35/35.
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Description: Pull all foes toward you in radius 5 while dealing 74 physical damage.
The damage will increase with your mindpower.
This heavy torque appears to draw nearby matter towards it.

Telekinetic Core

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (79)Brightbloom [power 260] (25 cooldown)
Infused by
2.00 Encumbrance.

Type: charm / totem ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+12% light
Changes resistances penetration:
+15% mind
Changes damage:
+6% light / +12% mind
Mental crit. chance:
It can be used to summon a resilient tentacle up to 5 spaces away for 8 turns. Each turn the tentacle will strike a random enemy in range 3 dealing physical damage and attempting to pin them.

(Tentacle Stats)
Life: 613
Base Damage: 290
Armor: 30
All Resist: 25

Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 25 turns.

When used:
* Cleanse 3 total effects of type disease, wound, or poison.
Natural totems are made by powerful wilders to store nature power.

Brightbloom [power 260] (25 cooldown)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (80)Honeywood Chalice
Infused by
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: charm / totem ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+5 Str
Changes resistances:
+10% nature
Changes damage:
+5% physical
Talent granted:
+1 Battle Trance
Physical save:
+10 (+3 eff.)
Life regen:
Healing mod.:
+10%This wooden cup seems perpetually filled with a thick sap-like substance. Tasting it is exhilarating, and you feel intensely aware when you do so.

Honeywood Chalice

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (81)Velutira [power 314] (15 cooldown)
Infused by
2.00 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: charm / totem ; tier 3
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+6 Wil
Critical mult.:
Mental save:
+6 (+2 eff.)
Defense after a teleport:
Resist all after a teleport:
New effects duration reduction after a teleport:
It can be used to sting an enemy dealing 502 nature damage over 7 turns and reducing their healing by 50%

Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 15 turns.

When used:
* Gain a 20% chance to evade weapon attacks for 2 turns.
* Reduce 3 talent cooldowns by 2.
Natural totems are made by powerful wilders to store nature power.

Velutira [power 314] (15 cooldown)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (82)9 amethyst
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / violet ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+4% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
When used to imbue an object:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+4% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
Latent Damage Type: ArcaneGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

9 amethyst

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (83)Glyssra [power 260] (15 cooldown)
Powered by
arcane forces
2.00 Encumbrance.

Type: charm / wand ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Damage when hit (Melee):
2 mind
Changes stats:
+2 Cun / +1 Wil
Critical mult.:
Mental save:
+3 (+1 eff.)
Equilibrium when hit:
Mental crit. chance:
It can be used to create a radius 3 storm for 5 turns. Each turn, creatures within take 62 lightning damage and will be dazed for 1 turn (312 total damage)

Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 15 turns.

Magical wands are made by powerful Alchemists and Archmagi to store spells. Anybody can use them to release the spells.

Glyssra [power 260] (15 cooldown)

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (84)Lightbringer's Wand
Powered by
arcane forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: charm / wand ; tier 3
When wielded/worn:
Damage when hit (Melee):
18 light
Changes resistances:
+12% darkness / +12% light
Changes damage:
+10% light
Spell save:
+15 (+5 eff.)
Light radius:
It can be used to summon a stationary shining orb within range 5 for 15 turns that will illuminate its area and deal 50 light damage (based on your Magic and Strength) to your foes within radius 5 each turn

Activation costs 35 power out of 35/35.

This gold-tipped wand shines with an unnatural sheen.

Lightbringer's Wand

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (85)Burning Star
Powered by
arcane forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: gem / white ; tier 3
When carried:
Light radius:
Latent Damage Type: Light
It can be used to map surroundings within range 20

Activation costs 30 power out of 30/30.

The first Halfling mages during the Age of Allure discovered how to capture the Sunlight and infuse gems with it.
This star is the culmination of their craft. Light radiates from its ever-shifting yellow surface.

Burning Star

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (86)9 quartz
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / white ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Stun/Freeze immunity:
When used to imbue an object:
Stun/Freeze immunity:
Latent Damage Type: ColdGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

9 quartz

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (87)amber
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / yellow ; tier 4

When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+8% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
When used to imbue an object:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+8% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
Latent Damage Type: LightGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.


maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (88)14 ametrine
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+2% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
When used to imbue an object:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+2% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
Latent Damage Type: LightGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

14 ametrine

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (89)11 citrine
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Light radius:
Infravision radius:
When used to imbue an object:
Light radius:
Infravision radius:
Latent Damage Type: LightGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

11 citrine

maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (90)6 zircon
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+1% all
When used to imbue an object:
Changes resistances:
+1% all
Latent Damage Type: LightGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

6 zircon
maroh the level 39 Dwarf Wyrmic by vihoang (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.