The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

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The Owensboro Messengeri

Owensboro, Kentucky

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SECTION ONE PAGE SIX 'UMING YBUTH' HRTV IS RAIDED our Young Men Arrested By Police Charged With Moral Offense Los Angeles April 3 (P) our young men were charged today with moral offenses after a police raid on what Deputy District Attorney lorence Woodhead described as parties at Culver City rank Bauer alias Speed Mor gan pugilist was accused of plying 16 year old Barbara Page with liq uor and with contributing to the delinquency of a minor Criminal attack charges were filed against Elwood Jackson 3rd 19 Harvey Ruble 24 and Ted Bar ber Jackson was accused In connec tion with the alleged transporta tion of Miss Page to Mexico where they planned to marry Deputy VERY SPECIAL ord Tudor $369 ord Tudor $289 ord Tudor $499 ord Tudor $219 ord Tudor $139 ord Tudor 99 ord Tudor $449 ord Tudor $399 SEE THESE Chev Coupe $229 Chev Coach $159 Chev Coach 69 Chev Coach $339 Chev Coach $279 Ply 49 35 Ply Coupe $39929 Ply Tudor 99 good buys ky MILES SERVICE BUY A BETTER CAR 99 69 89 $469 136 Vz ton Harry Holder Motor Co Incorporated Owensboro 1 ton Platform 1 ton Pickup $399 33 iy2 $289 Vz ton $429 Panel $199 THE MESSENGER OWENSBORO KY SUNDAY APRIL 4 1937 Woodhead said the ceremony was never performed The other two men were charged with attacking Vallee Rice daugh ter of wealthy parents and Mar jorie olsom both 18 years of age Sheriff's deputies announced they had questioned 36 persons mostly girls about parties they attended in the Culver City house Schultz Remains As School Head Merger in Union County Does Not Affect Him Hartford Ky April 3 red Schultz native Ohio countian sup erintendent of the Sturgis city schools the past thirteen years will remain as head of that unit of the Union county system under merger plans recently adopted there Prior to the merger the Sturgis board of education re elected Schultz for four years and the county board accepted the action according to Supt Wright of Union coun ty Merger of Sturgis with the coun ty system and the erection of a $60000 building to accommodate the high school students from Pride and Grove Center while high school students in the Boxville territory attend Morganfield will eliminate three county high schools and by transporting the students to the two larger centers give them the benefits of improved high school facilities Morganfield retains its independent high school the city board having refused to merge with the county Clarke Otte and His Wife Held or Disturbing Peace Louisville Ky April 3 Clarke Otte former commonwealth attorney and his third wife Evelyn were arrested early today on charges of drunkenness and disturbing the peace Trial Commissioner Luther Roberts paroled the couple for appearance Monday They were arrested during an ar gument at a road house during which one patron suffered a bitten finger County Patrolmen Isaac and red Allman who arrest ed the couple said they were unable to learn who did the biting Otte is a member of counsel for Brig Gen Henry Denhardt who is accused of murdering his former fiancee Verna Garr Taylor Den trial is scheduled for April 20 in Henry circuit court On the Air BY BUTTERIELD Time Is Central Standard New York April 3 President next broadcast on the networks is to come the morning of April 14 He will discuss Latin American relations speaking from the Pan American union at Wash ington in connection with Pan American day He will be Introduced by Secre tary of State Cordell Hull who also is scheduled to speak in an evening broadcast of a special con cert that day To celebrate the Twentieth an niversary of the United States' en try into the World war NBC OBS Is to have an hour's broadcast at 12:30 pin Sunday Announced as speakers are Gen John Per shing Jeanette Rankin former member of congress and Harry Melbourne shell shocked veteran Part of the program will come from a celebration at St Mihiel rance Sunday Is to Bring: TONIGHT 9:30 WLW (CST) DR KEN RAD in Unsolved Mysteries" WEA Violin recital from Genoa Italy Oberlin a Cappella choir 4:00 Marion Talley 6:00 Jack Benny (WrSM) 7:00 Want To Be an Actor? (WSM) (Pack) Morris Announces His Candidacy or Sheriff of Daviess (PACK! MORRIS (Pack) Morris for many years one of the most alert and efficient peace officers of Owens boro and Daviess county formally announces his candidacy today for the office of sheriff of Daviess county subject to the action of the Democratic primary election to be held Saturday August 7 Mr Morris was born in the ad joining county of McLean In his youth he came to Daviess county with his parents and resided in the Panther neighborhood where he was reared on a farm He was always interested in public affairs and early in life took an active interest in Democratic politics While he has never before been a candidate am a cand'date for that nomina tion subject to the action of the Democratic primary in August I was born in the neighboring county of McLean When I was a small boy my father moved to the Panther section of Daviess county and I was reared in that neighor hood While I have served the people of this county as deputy sheriff and the people of the City of Owensboro as Captain of Police I have never before been a candi date for an elective office The years I spent as a deputy sheriff and as a police officer have given me a rather intimate knowl edge of this county and its people and I believe that the training which I have obtained has quali fied me to fill the office acceptably I am familiar with the duties of that office and I realize its importance not only to the liti gants in court and to the county government but also to the people as a whole If I should be honored with the Democratic nomination and elec I shall surround myself with capable Intelligent courteous and sober deputies to assist me in con ducting the office It will be my constant purpose to supervise per sonally all of the activities of the deputies and in that way to be sure that prompt and courteous sen' ice is given to everybody who has business with the of fice In addition to that I shall be appreciative of every vote that I receive Sincerely yours (PACK) MORRIS 550000 British Miners to Vote on National Strike London April 3 (P) Officials of the Miners Confederation of Great Britain announced today that 550 000 coal miners throughout Eng land and Wales would ballot April 15 and 16 to determine whether there should be a national coal strike The vote will be taken on the question of supporting 1501 miners who are striking at Harworth where owners have refused to recognize the union Union officials said that if a strike were called 200000 miners unaffiliated with the union would be effected in addition to the 550 i 000 members I I Ohio Woman Dies of Burns Received in Coal Oil Blast Dayton April 3 (TP) Mrs Louise Stettler 21 died in a hospital today of burns received Thursday when she poured kerosene on a fur nace fire In an effort to revive the flames the resulting explosion igniting her clothing Atlantan Takes Position With Axton isher Co Atlanta April 3 (TP) The Atlanta Journal said today it had learned "from a reliable source" that Robert Jr of Atlanta former as sistant secretary of the treasury will become chairman of the board of Axton isher Tobacco company Louisville Ky Robert is now secretary of the Democratic National committee for office his support has always been sought by candidates for office Mr Morris was offered and accepted a post as deputy sheriff a number of years ago which posi tion was filled In a competent manner by him He was praised by tlie court officials and attorneys for his efficiency and energy being familiar with every detail con i ected with carrying out the duties of the cifice or the last few years Mr Morris has been captain of the Owensboro police department being assigned to night duty He has filled the post with marked ability and has won unstinted praise from his su periors or liis vigilance He is courteous to everyone with whom he comes in contact but fearless when it comes to discharging his duty as a peace officer His friends who are legion in Daviess county are of the opinion that lie is de serving of promotion as a result of his years of fnitliful public service While Mr Morris has always been loyal to the Democratic party and its nominees he has never allowed political affiliations to swerve him in his discharge of his duty as an official If nominated and elected Mr Morris pledges himself to con duct the office of sheriff of Daviess county on a high plane and not sklrk any of the important duties connected with that most im portant office Mr announcement fol lows To The People of Daviess County: A want to be the Democratic can didate for sheriff this year and I announce to all the voters that I Special Sale Of BABY CHICKS I XZ jV Barred Rocks White Rocks Rhode Island Red Buff Orpingtons and Others Per 100 When you buy your chicks from Sears you are assured of healthy highest quality stock All the leading va rieties Sears Roebuck and Co Incorporated 115 MAIN ST PHONE 1480 OWENSBORO KY 8:30 Album of amiliar Music (WSM) Gladys Swarthout new time (WSM) 9:30 Drama Victoria to George (WSM) 8:00 am Sunday at Aunt Su san's dedicated to radio's most iso lated listeners (WHAS KMOX) 12:30 pm World war 20th an niversary program (WHAS) 2 Philharmonic (WHAS KMOX) Joe Penner (WHAS KMOX) Phil Baker (WHAS) 7:00 Moore and Broderick (WHAS KMOX) Eddie Cantor (WHAS KMOX) 8:00 Detroit Symphony Dusoli na Giannini (WHAS KMOX) Community Sing (WHAS KMOX) WJZ 11:30 am Radio City Sym phony 1:00 Magic Key (WSM) We the People (WSM) 4:30 Colonel and Budd 6:30 Ripley program 'WSM' 7:00 Sunday Symphony new time Rippling Rhythm California concert WOR 6:00 orum hour Senator Rob ert Wagner and Mayor iorello LaGuardia of New York in dis cussion of housing Monday Expectations 1:00 pm Character forum Phil Girls Old Traveler's Tales 11:15 New Edwin Hill daily series 1:15 School of the Air re turns 2:00 Colonel Jack Major variety 11:30 arm and Home hour Mule Auction (WSM' 1:00 Navy Band 3:00 Let's Talk It Over CharlesP Taft LET SEARS MODERNIZE YOUR HOME Buy on Sears Easy Payment Plan 1 jrji CtM IIH I'l tfar AS rot xww A A aw mvaak JBM BB dJW £Mg Ml Mg a La aas aw ISs Sears offers you free engineering service on your plumb ing and heating job Call Murphy phone 1480 Sears offers you most for your money No job too small or too large SEARS ROEBUCKjAND CO Incorporated 115 Main St Owensboro Ky Phone 1480 PRINCE PH CHIEU WEDS COMMQNEH Heir Presumptive to Orchid Throne of Manchoukuo Marries Japanese Girl Toklo April 3 Prince Pu Chieh heir presumptive to the or chid thron? of Manchoukuo was married today to a Japanese com moner 23 year old Hlroko Saga In the first of two ceremonies to solemnize the dynastically import ant marriage The brother of Emperor Kang Teh of Manchoukuo and his Japa nese bride united in a simple Shin to ceremony will complete their mariage six months hence in Chi nese rites at Hsinklng capital of Manchoukuo An act of imperial succession promulgated March 1 to govern the throne of Japanese dominated Manchoukuo made Pu Chieh heir presumptive to the childless em peror The act like Japan's suc cession laws barred women from the throne Emperor Kang minister of the imperial household Hs Chia and the close family were the only witnesses to the ceremony As priests chanted an ancient ritual the bridal couple exchanged nine cups of connubial rice wine sealing their marriage vows as they drank it Thus Hlroko Saga daughter of an Illustrious family of Japanese nobles but a commoner because not of royal blood became a prin cess of the royal house that once ruled China Emperor Kang Teh the former Henry Pu Yi was once boy emperor of the Chinese empire State Agents Unable To Get Warrants in Kenton County rankfort Ky April 3 (TPi As sistant Attorney General A unk will go to northern Kentucky next riday to confer with officials there over difficulty encountered by state agents in obtaining warrants for liquor law violators ield men from the division of alcoholic control who have been investigating liquor law violations in Kenton and Campbell counties have reported to headquarters here they have been unable to have warrants issued because of a con troversy over whether such war rants should be signed in the coun ty courts or city police courts Vitamin is instilled Into milk by two methods Irradiation and vitex processes SEARS APPLIED ROOING Increases The Value of Your Property BECAUSE Material and workman ship is absolutely guaran teed by Sears Your insurance rate is lower with roofing like Sears put on over the old style roof Improves looks and dur ability of property Increases property values makes selling or renting much easier USE OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN A guaranteed roof for every purpose Home Roofs Barn Roofs actory Roofs lat Building Roofs and Brick Siding Our roofing engineers will gladly help you with your roofing problems DO ALL THE SEARS PAINT AS GOOD AS THE BEST AT LOWER PRICES MASTER MIXED HOUSE PAINT COVERS 800 SQUARE EET TO GALLON 18 COLORS TO SELECT ROM CUTS PAINTING COST 25 ABOVE GOVERNMENT SPECIICATIONS Wi 959 I In 5 Gallon Lots 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The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.