Inhaltsverzeichnis für Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7 in Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial (2024)

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Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets &
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7SLEEPINGSLEEPING BENEFITSYou can only sleep in a bed when it’s night time, which in Minecraft’s world means when the sun dips fully below the horizon. When you sleep in a (secure) bed, it does two things. The first is that it moves time forward, allowing you to skip the night. The night is when mobs come out, so if you’re not looking for a fight it’s always worth doing.The other thing sleeping does is set your spawn point. Even if you don’t actually sleep in a bed (e.g. because it’s day), you can use one to set a spawn point so that, when you die, you appear by the last bed you slept in (as long as it hasn’t been moved or destroyed).You can also sleep in a bed to…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7SATURATIONWHAT IS SATURATION?In addition to the hunger bar, there’s another secret mechanic in the game related to hunger called saturation.Saturation determines how long your hunger bar stays full until it starts to deplete. As well as replenishing your hunger bar, every piece of food you eat restores a bit of saturation. Knowing how to manage this will mean you can eat less and stay healthy longer, resulting in fewer breaks for food and more fighting, crafting and mining!When you start, the saturation level is 5. Most activities decrease this, and when it reaches zero your hunger bar starts to shudder and slowly deplete. The good news is that saturation depletes very slowly. Swimming reduces it by 0.01 for every block you swim, so you’d have to swim 100 blocks to…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7FRIENDLY MOBS GUIDEFRIENDLY FLYING MOBSBATS can be found in caves. They have 6 health, can’t fight and drop nothing.Secret: Between 20th October and 3rd November, they spawn more frequently to celebrate Halloween.BEES live in nests and hives that generate on trees in forests. They can sting the player if provoked, inflicting Poison. They have 10 health and can pollinate crops, speeding their growth.Secret: Hives must contain five bees for a player to collect honeycomb.PARROTS live in jungles and can imitate the sounds of hostile mobs. They have 6 health and drop 1-2 feathers. They come in five colours – red, blue, green, cyan and grey.Secret: If music is playing from a nearby jukebox, parrots will perch and dance.FRIENDLY LAND MOBSCATS are found in villages and swamp huts. They have 10 health, and…5 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets &
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets &
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7summoning GOLEMSIRON GOLEMSIron golems are mainly used for protection – they attack hostile mobs and can also act as an extra target for mobs that might attack you. This gives you more time to counter-attack (or escape!) as you prefer.Making an iron golem requires four blocks of iron plus one pumpkin. Blocks of iron aren’t currently generated anywhere, so you’ll have to craft them from iron ingots. You need nine ingots per block, so you’ll have to collect or craft 36 ingots in total.To summon an iron golem, place four iron blocks in a small “T” shape, then a pumpkin (or Jack O’Lantern) on top. The pumpkin has to be placed last! If it’s worked, it will instantly become an iron golem. Note that the blocks either side of its “feet”…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7Repairing GEARDURABILITYA tool’s durability is normally decided by its material. Wood and gold have low durability, while diamond and Netherite have high durability – a gold pickaxe has 32 durability, an iron one has 250, and a diamond one has 1561.Each time you use your tool – to break a block, fire an arrow, light a fire – it reduces the durability by one. If you do non-standard things, like break a block with a sword or hit a mob with an axe, it depletes the durability by two. When durability reaches zero, the item breaks forever – but you CAN stop that happening.REPAIRSYou can perform simple repairs using a grindstone, found in a weaponsmith’s house or crafted from two sticks, a stone slab and any two planks.If you have two…3 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7Surviving SECRETS>> You can’t eat most food when the hunger bar is full. The three foods you CAN eat are chorus fruit, golden apples and milk because they all have beneficial effects other than restoring your hunger bar.>> Steak and porkchops are the most efficient way to regain health – not least because they stack in your inventory! Rabbit stew and cakes restore more health, but you can only carry one of each in an inventory slot.>> Crops won’t grow when you’re asleep, or if you walk too far away from where they’re planted.>> One in every 50 potato plants you harvest will drop a poisonous potato, which is slightly greener than a normal potato and can’t be planted or baked. If you eat a poisonous potato, you have a 60%…3 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7WITCH HUTSAPPEARANCEWitch huts only generate in swamp biomes, both on dry ground and in shallow water. They’re usually on tall stilts, and can only be accessed by building your way up to the entrance.Inside, you’ll find a few reasonably uncommon items. You can scavenge a plant pot from the windowsill, which also contains a single red mushroom, and there’s always a cauldron inside.In the Bedrock Edition, the cauldron will contain an amount of a random potion from a list of Swiftness, Slowness, Weakness, Healing, Poison, Water Breathing, Fire Resistance, Night Vision and Harming. Sometimes these potions are splash variants!SECRETSWitch huts won’t generate in the swamp hills variant of the swamp biome, so you’re safe there!As well as a witch, a single black cat spawns alongside each hut. These never despawn. Additional…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7SHIPWRECKSSHIPWRECKSThese ruined ships can be almost intact or extremely damaged. They can spawn high up in icebergs, just on land or deep below the ocean, and they might be upright, on their side or upside down.Inside, you’ll find up to three chests with a variety of loot. There are several types of chest themed around maps, valuables or supplies.Map chests contain buried treasure maps, paper, feathers, books, clocks, compasses and empty maps.Valuables chests contain iron ingots, iron nuggets, emeralds, lapis lazuli, gold nuggets, gold ingots, bottles o’ enchanting and diamonds.Supplies chests contain suspicious stew, paper, crops (watch out for the poisonous potato!), coal, rotten flesh, gunpowder, enchanted leather armour, bamboo, pumpkins and TNT.SHIPWRECK SECRETSShipwrecks are mostly made out of pre-crafted wooden items, so they’re an excellent place to scavenge. You’ll…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7FINDING FOSSILSLOCATING FOSSILSFinding fossils in the Overworld is very difficult as they only spawn underground and rarely intersect with caves. You’ll have to go digging! The good news is that they only appear in two biomes, so you don’t have to search EVERYWHERE – just in deserts and swamps. They always appear a little way beneath the surface – around 15-20 blocks below sea level.Fossils also appear in the Nether. Nether fossils appear only in the soul sand valley biome, scattered on top of the landscape.In either case, the smartest thing to look for are the white bone blocks that make up most fossils. They don’t generate anywhere else, so if you see one it’s definitely part of a fossil!Unfortunately, as in real life, there are no shortcuts when it comes…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7STRONGHOLDSLOCATING STRONGHOLDSIt’s very difficult (though not impossible!) to find a stronghold just by luck. The best way is to use an eye of ender, which will literally show you the direction to go to find one.To craft one, combine an ender pearl (which is dropped when you kill an enderman, or traded with villagers) with blaze powder (which can be created using blaze rods, which are dropped by blazes in the Nether). When you have several eyes of ender, you can start searching.If you throw an eye of ender, it will move in the direction of the nearest stronghold. You can follow the trail it leaves to recollect the fallen eye, but there’s a one in five chance of it shattering! This is why you need lots before you start.…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7PILLAGER OUTPOSTSOUTPOST COMPOSITIONOutposts only generate near villages, 100 to 400 blocks away. They’re much larger than most buildings and made of roughly the same blocks that form woodland mansions. They can appear in plains, desert, savanna, taiga, snowy taiga and snowy tundra biomes – the same biomes where villages generate.As well as a main watchtower, they can include wooden cages containing captured iron golems, logpiles, fake human targets made of straw, pumpkins and fenceposts, and tents made out of wool and fenceposts.Inside each outpost, you’ll find outpost captains, pillagers and vindicator mobs. They also contain a single chest with a variety of loot.OUTPOST SECRETSSome outposts are generated in an overgrown state – their cobblestone is mossy and there are vines hanging from it. They’re otherwise the same as a normal outpost.Pillager…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets &
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7THE NETHER: A Need to Know GuideGOING DEEPERThe Nether is the most hostile of Minecraft’s three dimensions. Getting there is quite easy, but surviving is a much more difficult task! Before you enter the Nether, make sure you’re stocked up on armour and weapons, not to mention the stuff you’ll need to get back if you get lost!Surviving in the Nether is tough, especially if you don’t bring your own resources. Food is scarce, water evaporates immediately, wood is difficult to come by, and just crossing the terrain is hard! There are loads of mobs, and while many will leave you alone if you don’t attack them, you’re just one slip away from being ganged up on!NETHERRACKMost of the Nether is made up of Netherrack, a deep red coloured block that will burn forever once ignited.…3 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7NETHER FORTRESSESRECOGNISING FORTRESSESNether fortresses are easy to spot. Built entirely out of Nether bricks (as Nether brick blocks, Nether brick fences or Nether brick stairs), they’re composed of long corridors and walkways suspended high above the floor of the Nether. Often, you’ll see their huge support structures set into lava oceans, making them easy to locate! They also carve their way into the Netherrack, creating large tunnel networks.In short, you can’t miss them!LOOT TO LOOK OUT FORNether fortresses have a lot of loot in them, most of which is pretty good. Chests are easy to spot, and the narrow field of vision means it’s hard for mobs to sneak up on you – so as long as you’re careful, they’re pretty easy to explore. One thing to note is that they…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7Reaching THE ENDThe End is the third and final dimension in the Minecraft world. It’s the home of the ender dragon, and a place where you can find all sorts of rare and weird things. Beating the ender dragon is the game’s main challenge, but once you’ve done that the End has a lot more to discover.Here’s everything you have to do in order to reach the End and give yourself a chance of winning!>> Start the game. Build a shelter, and craft yourself some decent armour and tools. Each night, go out and kill mobs, looking particularly for endermen. You need to collect as many ender pearls as you can, but 64 should be more than enough to get you experience and reach the End.>> Collect enough diamonds to craft a…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7END CITIESFINDING END CITIESEnd cities only generate in the outer islands of the End, and even then they’re incredibly rare, often with thousands of blocks between them. The best way to find one is to identify the large empty space that separates the central island from the outer island, and explore around the edge of it.Build a tall structure so you can recognise your starting point, and follow the edge until you arrive at an End city or your original start point. This will provide some bearings from which to mount your search, and there’s usually one close to the rim of the outer islands.END CITY ITEMSAlthough similar in nature to villages in the Overworld, End cities are much more complex. They’re mostly made of tall towers linked by walkways.Climbing them…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7SHULKER BOXESSHULKER BOX USEShulker boxes have 27 storage slots, just like a chest, but they keep their items inside when the block is broken. When placed in the inventory, a full shulker box will only take up a single space, and you can access the items inside by placing it in the world, then opening it like you would any other chest.If you craft lots of shulker boxes, you can increase the amount of items you can carry substantially. They’re particularly useful for allowing llamas and horses to transport large numbers of items! Renaming a shulker box on an anvil gets you an achievement, and is useful for labelling their contents.COLLECTING SHULKER SHELLSTo make a shulker box, you need to collect shulker shells, which are dropped by shulkers. Each shulker has…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7Enchanting GEARENCHANTING TABLESEnchantments make your weapons and armour more effective and give you special abilities that you can use while wearing it. Learning to use enchantments is important if you want to reach (and survive!) the game’s harder areas!The easiest way to enchant items is with an enchanting table. To enchant items, you need the following:▪ An enchanting table (4 x obsidian, 2 x diamond, 1 x book)▪ 1-3 Lapis lazuli pieces per enchantment▪ Several experience levels▪ An item that accepts enchantments (tools, armour and books)▪ Optionally, some bookshelves (6 x wood planks, 3 x books each)When placed around an enchantment table, bookshelves increase the level an enchantment can reach. You do have to spend more lapis lazuli and experience points to get higher level enchantments, though! When powering up enchantments…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7Zombie SIEGESWHAT CAUSES A SIEGE?Unless you spend a lot of time hanging around in villages overnight, you probably won’t have experienced a zombie siege event because they’re quite rare. On the surface, they seem to happen almost at random, but there are some things that can trigger them. Sieges will only start in villages that have 10 beds and 20 villagers, so you also need to make sure the villages you’re waiting in are quite large!A siege can occur in any village, no matter how well lit or well defended it is. Each night, at exactly midnight (18000 on the Minecraft clock), the game has a one in 10 chance of trying to start a siege. From that point on, it attempts to start one every second until dawn begins –…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7RESPAWN THE DRAGONBRING BACK THE DRAGONThe ender dragon is one of the toughest foes, and there’s only ever one in your world at any time. Once you’ve killed it, you might think all the fun’s over. Well, that’s not the case. If you want to fight the dragon again, you can respawn it.HOW TO DO ITSummoning a new dragon is fairly easy: you have to craft four End crystals, then place one on each side of the exit portal that allows you to leave the End – the one that the egg appears on top of.(Note that you do NOT need a dragon egg in your possession, or even close by, in order to respawn the dragon. The egg is purely a trophy and/or cosmetic item.)To craft an End crystal, you need…3 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7THE OVERWORLD: A Need to Know GuideYOUR NEW HOMEThe Overworld is the most varied and friendly of Minecraft’s three dimensions – the Overworld, the Nether and the End. Whether you play alone or with friends, you’ll spend most of your time in this dimension, exploring its landscape, gathering materials, and creating your own items and structures.The Overworld is made of blocks and populated by mobs – that’s short for “mobiles”, meaning anything that has a mind of its own, from fish to creepers to villagers. Some are hostile, some are friendly, and you’ll have to learn the difference pretty quickly!BIOMESThe Overworld is divided into medium-sized “biomes” which have their own properties. A desert biome is mostly made of sand blocks with very few interesting features, while a jungle biome grows thick with trees and fruit. Every…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7CRAFTINGHOW TO CRAFTYou need to put the items you wish to craft with on a crafting grid. Players have a 2x2 crafting grid for simple creations (e.g.combining coal and a stick to make torches), but you can access a wider 3x3 crafting grid on a crafting table, or use specialised tools such as anvils, brewing stands and more. We’ll get to them!To craft, place the items on the crafting grid. Sometimes they have to be in a particular pattern, but the recipe book, which fills in as you discover new blocks and items, will help. If you can craft something with the inputs you’ve used, it will appear in the output slot next to the crafting grid. Remember, you haven’t crafted it until you remove the item from the output…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7HEALTHHEALTH AMOUNTSEvery mob has a health bar, and that includes you! Your health bar is represented by 10 hearts, with each heart representing 2 points of health. That means you have, in total, 20 health points. When your health reaches zero (i.e. all the hearts have turned black), you die and will return to the spawn point, which is either the world spawn (where you started the game), the last bed you slept in, or a respawn anchor (if you’ve built one in the Nether).LOSING/GAINING HEALTHYou can lose health in a number of ways. Being attacked by a hostile mob is an easy way to get hurt, as is falling from a high place onto solid ground. Status effects like poisoning can also deplete your health, as can remaining underwater…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7COMBATPREPARING FOR COMBATMinecraft is full of enemies that want to keep you from living a peaceful life, but you CAN fight back. All you need is a weapon and some armour! When you attack a mob, it flashes red and loses health. Depleting a mob’s health will kill it and allow you to collect any items it drops, as well as experience. Of course, the same is true of you, so be careful!WEAPONSThe main weapon is a sword, which you can craft very early on. Swords are good for fighting up close, though you can also create ranged weapons like bows and crossbows.If you get attacked when not carrying a weapon, don’t worry – other items can be used to deal damage. Axes are a good choice because their sharp…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7HOSTILE MOBS GUIDECAVE SPIDERS live in mineshafts. They originate in a monster spawner surrounded by cobwebs. They have 12 health and can do 2-3 points of damage, inflicting the Poison effect. They drop 0-2 string and rarely a spider eye.Secret: In light levels of 9 or higher, they’re neutral unless already attacking.CREEPERS are the iconic Minecraft villain! They have 20 health and when they get close they explode, doing 22.5-64.5 damage and destroying blocks. They drop 0-2 gunpowder and a random music disc if killed by a skeleton.Secret: If struck by lightning, a creeper becomes charged up.ENDERMEN can appear in the Overworld, the End and the Nether. They can teleport and pick up blocks, and become hostile if looked at. They do 4.5 to 10.5 damage and have 40 health. They drop…5 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7Ore and RESOURCESGRAVELGravel generates anywhere stone can be found, but especially in the gravelly mountains biome. Collect it with a shovel – one in 10 blocks drops flint (useful for crafting arrows) and the rest can go towards crafting concrete powder (equal parts sand and gravel).STONEAbundant throughout the Overworld, stone turns into cobblestone when mined with a pickaxe, which is the main ingredient in many different recipes. Cobblestone can also be smelted back into stone, 20 blocks of which can be sold to mason villagers for an emerald.SANDFound on beaches and in deserts, sand can be mined with a shovel and crafted into concrete powder with gravel, or into TNT with gunpowder. You can also smelt it into glass, or craft four blocks of sand into one block of sandstone. Sand is…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets &
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7Fishing SECRETSFISHING RODSYou can collect a fishing rod as treasure or by trading, but it’s easy to make one with two string and three sticks! A standard rod has 65 durability, and loses one point per successful catch, so they last a while.HOW TO FISHYou can fish in any still water you find. Cast your rod into the water, then watch the red and white bobber. When it gets pulled down under the surface, reel it in (you have about half a second to act!) and the thing you’ve caught will fly out of the water towards you.You get 1-3 experience points for each successful catch, and the rod loses one durability. If you reel in too early or late, the rod will be undamaged.Casting a rod onto the ground will…3 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7Weapon and Armour SECRETSSWORDSTo perform a critical hit with a sword for extra damage, jump up, then hit the target mob as you’re falling down. Critical hits do 150% the damage of an attack (rounded down), but are some of the most powerful strikes in the game.BOWSAll bows have a durability of 385. The distance an arrow flies depends on how much you draw the bow. At its minimum, an arrow that hits on target will travel one block and do one point of damage. At most, they travel over 100 blocks and do 10 points of damage.CROSSBOWSCrossbows take longer to load than bows, but are more powerful and more accurate. The least amount of damage they do is 6 points, and the most is 11. Once the crossbow is fully drawn, you…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7VILLAGESLOCATIONSVillages are only found in plains, savanna, taiga, snowy taiga, snowy tundra and desert biomes. They range from just one or two houses to huge settlements of 20 or more. If large enough, they’re protected by an iron golem, while villagers may keep cats, horses, cows and sheep. Remember to check every building – there’s bound to be loot around!VILLAGE POPULARITYIn each village, you have a popularity rating, which starts at zero when you first enter the village. You can raise it to a maximum of 10, or lower it to a minimum of-30. Your popularity level can affect the price of items when trading, and if it drops to-15 or lower the village’s iron golem will attack on sight. Trading with a villager will raise your popularity by one…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7RUINSLAYOUTRuins seem to be the remains of ancient villages. They’re made out of sandstone or stone bricks depending on the temperature of the biome they appear in. Quite often, you’ll find magma blocks embedded in or around ruins, which suggests some kind of volcanic activity might be the reason they sank! Occasionally, you’ll find ruins on or near beaches, but never far from the sea.You can find ruins in (or at the very edge) of the following biomes: ocean, cold ocean, frozen ocean, warm ocean, lukewarm ocean, deep ocean, deep cold ocean, deep frozen ocean and deep lukewarm ocean.TREASUREMost ruins contain a treasure chest that will hold a selection of the following items: coal, wheat, buried treasure maps, enchanted books, enchanted fishing rods, emeralds, leather tunics and golden helmets. They…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7JUNGLE TEMPLESINSIDE THE TEMPLETemples have three floors, and are mostly built out of cobblestone and moss stone. A puzzle inside leads to two chests, but you have to get past several traps before you can open them. The chests may contain useful ingots and diamonds, as well as bamboo, saddles, emeralds, enchanted books and horse armour.Jungle temples are one of the few places where mechanisms generate. As well as a huge amount of rare moss stone, each temple provides you with a free source of redstone dust (15 pieces), tripwire hooks (4), chiselled stone bricks (3), levers (3), sticky pistons (3), dispensers (2) and redstone repeaters (1).LOOTING THE TREASUREGetting in and out of a temple safely is tricky, but it can be done. Bring a pair of shears!▪ Enter the temple…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7DUNGEONSWHAT ARE DUNGEONS?Dungeons are underground rooms made of cobblestone and mossy cobblestone. They’re unlit inside, and contain a monster spawner (which spawns zombies, skeletons or spiders) as well as up to two chests. They vary in size slightly from 7-11 blocks long.Dungeons are always connected to caverns (unless a gravel or sand cave-in has sealed up the access point) so you can find them without digging, and while they usually appear close to the surface they can be found at any level of the map as long as you’re in a cave. It’s technically possible, though rare, for them to appear above sea level in mountain caves. Usually, you’ll discover them underground.Dungeons don’t have a roof when they spawn, so if they spawn just below deserts or gravel it’s sometimes…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7RUINED PORTALSWHAT ARE RUINED PORTALS?No one can say where they came from, but ruined portals are the wreckage of Nether portals that were presumably built some time in the distance past. They can appear anywhere in the Overworld or the Nether in a variety of sizes and states of disrepair.There are 13 types of portal in total – ten small and three large. If you wish, you can repair them by filling in the gaps in the frame and replacing the purple, crying obsidian with regular obsidian. At this point, you can use them to travel back and forth between the Overworld and the Nether.Ruined portals are particularly useful if you get stuck in the Nether without any obsidian – as long as you’ve got the diamonds to mine obsidian, you…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7RAVINESWHERE TO FIND RAVINESRavines are large, vertical caves that often intersect with the surface, although it’s possible for them to form entirely underground too. They’re found naturally in all biomes except for the tundra (ice plains), deserts and mushroom fields. It’s even possible for them to form underwater!Ravines are roughly five blocks wide and can be up to 40 blocks deep. It’s possible for multiple ravines to form connected to one another.TIPS▪ To enter a ravine, the best thing to do is carve steps down one side so you can easily walk up and down, but if you want to do it quickly place a water block on the edge to create a simple water elevator that you can swim up and down.▪ Because of their size and depth, ravines…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7BIOMESCOLD BIOMESSNOWY TUNDRA Large, freezing cold biomes with only a few trees. Rabbits are the only friendly mob. Villages, igloos and outposts can appear in this biome.ICE SPIKES Technically a tundra variant, it’s full of tall, ice-based structures that can reach up to 50 blocks in height.SNOWY TAIGA Filled with spruce trees, it spawns the same mobs and structures as snowy tundra, except that spruce trees are abundant and sweet berry bushes can grow here.TEMPERATE BIOMESPLAINS Flat, grassy expanses with a little water in, passive mobs are common, including horses and donkeys. You can find both pillager outposts and villages here.FOREST Packed with birch and oak trees. Variants include the Birch Forest, which only spawns birch trees, and the Tall Birch Forest, which spawns double-height birches.FLOWER FOREST Despite the name,…3 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7NETHER MOBSBLAZES only spawn in Nether fortresses. They’re the only mobs that take damage from snowballs! When killed, they drop 0-1 blaze rods. Blazes have 20 health and drop a lot of experience – 10 points!GHASTS have the longest range of all mobs – they can hit you from 100 blocks away. When killed, they drop 0-2 gunpowder and 0-1 ghast tears. You can hit their fireballs back at them to cause damage, which results in a very powerful explosion. Luckily, they have only 10 health!HOGLINS are boar-like animals that attack on sight, tossing you into the air. They have 40 health, and drop 2-4 porkchops and 0-2 leather. They’re excellent sources of food in the Nether! If you bring one to the Overworld or the End, it will turn into…3 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets &
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7THE End – A Need to Know GuideTERRAINWhen you enter the End, you’ll have to defeat the ender dragon before you can proceed – but once the dragon has been slain (and we’ll tell you how to do that later on!) you can come and go as you please, as long as it’s through the pre-established portals.The End is made up of large floating islands of End stone, surrounded by a deadly void. Initially, you arrive on the centre island, which is studded with obsidian pillars and where the dragon lives. This island is surrounded by a huge gap of several hundred empty blocks before a new landscape of islands begins, and this is where you’ll find everything else in the End!TRAVELLING AROUND THE ENDGetting around the End is extremely difficult. The islands are spaced quite far…3 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7END SHIPSWHAT ARE END SHIPS?End ships float near End city walkways. These ships are highly desirable because they contain brewing equipment, chests and – in an item frame below deck – the incredible elytra, which allow you to glide in mid-air!Not every End city has an End ship attached to it, but you shouldn’t have to locate more than two or three to find one that does. Watch out for the masthead too – it’s a rare dragon head you won’t find anywhere else!DRAGON HEADSThese decorative heads resemble the actual ender dragon’s head, but can be placed as blocks or worn as armour. Wearing a dragon head doesn’t prevent you from being seen by the dragon, but it IS pretty scary! If you attach redstone power to a dragon head, it…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7ELYTRAFINDING ELYTRAElytra are found on End ships, which appear docked in the sky at around half of all End cities, so they’re extremely rare! To reach the End ship, you’ll need to go up the walkway system, then build your way across to it (or, if you’re feeling really daring, wait for a shulker to give you the Anti-gravity effect).Once you reach the ship, you’ll find the elytra stored below deck in the hold. Walk to the back of the ship and you’ll spot them in an item frame on the wall. Don’t worry – there are no repercussions for grabbing them! This is your reward for making it this far.ELYTRA USEElytra are worn in your inventory armour slot instead of a chestplate. When active, they appear as two large…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7Summoning THE WITHERSUMMONING A WITHERYou can summon the wither at any time by placing four blocks of soul sand or soul soil in a “T” shape, with three wither skeleton skulls on the top row. Soul sand and soul soil are easy to find in the Nether, but the skulls can only be found by killing large numbers of wither skeletons. It takes around 120 wither skeleton kills to get three wither skeleton skulls.If you’ve built the totem correctly (and you’re not in Peaceful mode), it will turn into a white wither as it crosses over into our dimension from wherever it remains. When the wither properly awakens, it will cause a large explosion that damages anything close by, so get out of the way once the third head is placed!Prepare for…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7CONDUITSCRAFTING A CONDUITThe first thing you need to do is collect raw materials. To build a complete conduit, you need:▪ 1 x Heart of the sea▪ 8 x Nautilus shells▪ Up to 42 x prismarine-type blocks Collecting a heart of the sea is fairly simple – they’re commonly found in buried treasure chests!Nautilus shells are the hardest part of the conduit to get hold of. You can collect one by killing a drowned that is carrying one, as a treasure item when fishing, from treasure chests, or by trading with a wandering trader.The prismarine blocks can be any type of full-block prismarine variant – regular, dark, bricks or even sea lanterns – but not slabs, stairs or double slabs. Get them from any ocean monument.ACTIVATIONMaking a conduit is simple: using…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets &
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7BLOCKSWHAT ARE BLOCKS?Blocks make up the landscape of Minecraft. The ground is made of stone, dirt and gravel blocks, the ocean is made of water blocks, and even the sky is (technically) made of air blocks! The rough size of a block is 1 metre cubed, and the player is about 1.6 blocks tall. Anything that isn’t an item or a mob is probably a block of some kind.Blocks can be mined, collected, destroyed, moved – even, in some cases, eaten! They have a huge number of properties, and learning how they interact is essential.INTERACTING WITH BLOCKSWhen you place the central cursor over a block, you‘ll notice it will become brighter (or get a small, black outline around it, depending on which version you’re playing). This shows you which block…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7MININGHOW TO MINEMining doesn’t just mean breaking stone; breaking any block is mining it. You can mine by punching something with your fist, or using a tool like a pickaxe or shovel on it. When you start mining a block, it gradually becomes more cracked until it breaks, at which point it will drop an item, drop itself or disappear. If you stop mining before a block’s fully broken, it will reset – you can’t partially mine blocks, then come back later!Blocks are mined at different speeds. You can usually make it quicker using the correct tool. Stone blocks require a pickaxe, dirt, gravel and sand blocks need a shovel, wood blocks need axes, and so on. Sometimes you can’t collect a block without using the right tool or material.…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7HUNGERTHE HUNGER BARIt might sound like a restaurant, but your hunger bar is what tells you whether you need to eat food or not. Portrayed as 10 meat icons, each one represents 2 points of hunger. Unlike health, which remains constant until the player takes damage, hunger gradually decreases over time (unless your difficulty mode is set to Peaceful). Beware – the rate it depletes speeds up if you do things like sprint or jump.When your hunger drops low enough – below 6 points – you start to lose health too and the ability to sprint. On Easy difficulty, you stop losing health at 10 points, on Normal difficulty you stop at 1 point, but beware – on Hard difficulty you can starve completely to death!On the plus side, while…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7EXPERIENCEWHAT IS EXPERIENCE?The experience bar, just above the inventory hotbar, starts off empty and fills up with green blocks to indicate your progress to the next experience level. Each level is harder to reach than the next, requiring you to collect more and more experience.Experience appears in the form of flashing yellow and green orbs, which can be collected by walking closer to them. You’ll know you’ve collected experience when you hear a small chime.GETTING EXPERIENCEThe quickest way to get experience is by killing mobs. Target mobs with equipment, as you get 1-3 points extra per item they’re wearing or holding!You can also collect experience by mining ore (you get more points for rarer ores), smelting blocks into other blocks, breeding friendly mobs, successfully catching things while fishing, trading with…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7MOB DROPS UNDERSTANDINGKILL DROPSMost mobs only drop something when killed. Many have a common drop – something they try to drop every time they die – and a rare drop, which they only drop on occasion. Salmon and cod, for example, drop their raw form every time one is killed, but one in 20 times (or so!) they may also drop a bone or bone meal.Drops you get from kills are usually more valuable or rarer than other kinds, and you have the advantage of collecting experience as well. However, sometimes it’s better to leave the mob alive. If you want wool, for instance, you get more by shearing a sheep than by killing it – partly because the sheep drops less wool when killed, but also because the wool will grow…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7SCAVENGING FOODSCAVENGING BASICSThe easiest way to find food is to look for it in and around your spawn point. Different biomes have different types of food available, but there’s usually something nearby that you can eat without having to kill anything!APPLESIf your home biome has oak or dark oak trees, you can break their leaves to collect apples. You only get one apple in every 200 broken leaves, on average, but the apples appear even if the leaves decay, so destroy the tree trunks and wait – if nothing else, you’ll collect free sticks and saplings this way! Apples restore 4 hunger points and 2.4 saturation.MELONSIn jungle biomes, melons grow in patches, and to eat them all you have to do is break the melon block. It will drop 3-7 slices,…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7BREEDING GUIDEBREEDING MODEMost friendly mobs can be put into breeding mode, allowing you to turn two animals into a whole herd, given time. To breed mobs, you just need to get two adults in close proximity and feed them the right kind of food. They’ll enter breeding mode by showing hearts rising from their heads, then spawn a baby mob, giving you experience points at the same time. It takes five minutes for the adult mobs to recover before they can breed again, and around 20 minutes for the baby mob to grow to adulthood.HOW TO BREED EVERY MOBMost mobs need to be fed a certain food to breed, though sometimes other conditions must also be met! Here’s how to get each type of breedable mob into breeding mode:BEES: Feed them…3 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7TRADINGVILLAGERSTrading means swapping emeralds with villagers for goods that relate to their profession. There are 15 professions a villager can have, which you’ll recognise from their clothing. All but two of these (the unemployed and the nitwit) can be traded with.Each villager has 8-10 trade slots, with several trading options per slot. Each trade can be made a set number of times before it gets disabled and villagers must return to their workstation to regenerate their trade slot.EXPERIENCE LEVELSWhen you trade with a villager, both the player and villager receive experience, and when the villager has enough experience they’ll level up to unlock new trades. There are five experience levels for a villager, represented by a badge colour on their outfit:▪ Novice – Level 1 (Stone Badge)▪ Apprentice – Level…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7JOB SITE BLOCKSGET A JOB!Job site blocks allow unemployed villagers to choose a profession. Some of them are obvious – a cartography table makes a cartographer, for example – but others are less clear, like how a composter makes a farmer. You can collect and craft these blocks for yourself to make crafting and other activities easier, so it’s worth learning what they are.Villagers may also use a job site block to change profession, if their original job site block has disappeared. A villager must visit their job site block to replenish their trades once they’ve run out of items to sell.BLAST FURNACE (Armourer) An upgraded version of the furnace, the blast furnace can’t cook foods but smelts ore and metal twice as fast as a normal furnace.SMOKER (Butcher) The counterpart to…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7IGLOOSINSIDE IGLOOSInside every igloo, you’ll find a redstone torch (giving off light that won’t melt snow!), as well as a furnace, bed and crafting table, plus a rug made out of white and light grey carpet tiles.The really interesting part is hidden, though, as half of all igloos have a secret basem*nt beneath them. The only way to tell if you’ve found one of these special igloos is to pull up the carpet and search for the trapdoor. You should find the entrance directly opposite the main door, a couple of spaces away from the back wall. The trapdoor leads to a basem*nt containing a brewing stand, cauldron, chest, priest villager and a zombie villager, plus everything you need to cure the zombie villager, such as a splash Potion of…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7OCEAN MONUMENTSFINDING MONUMENTSIt’s possible to find monuments by skimming across the ocean in a boat and looking for the telltale sea lanterns that light their entrance. These things are huge, so there’s no mistaking them! They’re found only in deep ocean biomes, so you may have to travel far from the mainland.The easiest way to find one is to buy an ocean explorer map from a cartographer villager that you’ve levelled up to their highest badge through frequent trades.BEATING MONUMENTSBeating a monument doesn’t hold much reward – inside you’ll find a treasure chamber with eight gold blocks surrounded by dark prismarine, protected by an elder guardian, plus they’re the only place you can find sponges. Mostly, you beat it for the challenge!Your chances can be improved if your armour has enchantments…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7DESERT TEMPLE SECRETSTHE MYSTERIOUS PYRAMIDEach pyramid-shaped temple hides four treasure chests, but also an explosive trap, which WILL kill you if you don’t take care. The chests will contain enchanted books, saddles, golden apples, ingots, emeralds, diamonds, diamond horse armour, and enchanted golden apples. Most of these things are quite rare, so it’s usually worth the risk!Desert temples also contain a few rare blocks that you might want to bring back with you, such as one blue terracotta and up to 59 blocks of orange terracotta. Temples are also a good source of chiselled sandstone and smooth sandstone, which make great decoration.EMPTYING THE LOOTTo help you take home the treasures within a desert temple, here’s our step-by-step guide to getting in and out of one alive!▪ Desert temples are built on top…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7MANSIONSLAYOUTWoodland mansions are semi-randomly generated, so every mansion’s internal layout varies. Most have three floors containing a selection of rooms linked to a winding corridor, with a large foyer at the entrance and staircases between each floor. The top floor is always a little smaller than the other two, allowing access to the roof.Woodland mansions are incredibly dangerous – they’re full of evokers and vindicators, in addition to housing the traditional Overworld mobs, such as creepers and skeletons!If you manage to defeat an evoker, you can collect the ultra-powerful totem of undying, which – if held in your hand – will immediately bring you back to life when you die, saving your inventory from loss. It’s also possible to find large amounts of loot and rare blocks in mansions –…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7ABANDONED MINESSTRUCTUREMines are full of items and enemies, which make them great places to explore and build experience without too much danger.The start of a mine is a large room with a flat floor covered in dirt and containing up to four exits. There are mineshafts extending out of this room, and more mineshafts leading off those to form a maze.Mineshafts may intersect with natural caves, so you don’t always enter at the “start”, and the layout is random, so you never know what you’ll find! Staircases and intersections allow you to move up or down a level, but there isn’t always any logic to these features.Mines are filled with common enemies like creepers, zombies and skeletons, but the narrow shafts make it easy to fight them off with a sword…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets &
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets &
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7NETHER BIOMESNETHER WASTES are the most common biome, mainly composed of Netherrack, gravel and soul sand. Look out for quartz blocks, Nether gold ore and ancient debris here. You’ll also find magma blocks, which burn to walk on! They have huge lava seas, and house both Nether fortresses and bastions.SOUL SAND VALLEYS are tinted blue and filled with exposed fossils. They’re a good place to find ghasts. They’re free from lava, and mostly made of soul sand and soul soil. Giant basalt pillars stretch from the floor to the cavern ceilings. You can find both bastions and Nether fortresses in this biome, as well as lots of soul fire and mushrooms of both types.CRIMSON FORESTS are red fungal forests where piglins and hoglins reside. The amount of fungus growing here makes…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7NETHERITE GEARWHAT IS NETHERITE?Netherite is a form of metal found only in the Nether. You can craft it by digging around the Nether to find ancient debris. This can be smelted into Netherite scrap, which you can craft with gold to create Netherite ingots.Netherite items have special properties – they float in lava, can’t be destroyed by fire, and are more durable than diamond. The armour also own appe com Now has its unique appearance compared to other forms of armour. wonder it’s so sought after!Netherite blocks are as blast resistant as obsidian, but can also pushed with pistons. Like other resource blocks, it’s crafted from nine its component material – in this case, nine Netherite ingots – and can crafted back into nine ingots too.FINDING ANCIENT DEBRISThe ore form of…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7THE ENDER DRAGONTHE DRAGONThe ender dragon is usually the first boss mob you’ll face in Minecraft. It may also be the hardest – though the wither is probably scarier! The ender dragon is already nearby when you arrive in the End, and immediately hostile to you. There’s no choice but to fight it if you ever want to return to the Overworld.Before you enter the End, make sure you’ve got everything you need to defeat the dragon. We recommend strong armour with some good defence enchantments, an Infinity-enchanted bow, and plenty of healing potions and food!STATSThe dragon has 200 points of health. It has several types of attack, which do differing amounts of damage. The dragon’s melee dive does 6-15 damage points. Its wings do 3-7 points. Dragon’s breath delivers 3 points…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7ENDER CHESTSWHAT ARE ENDER CHESTS?Ender chests contain a single storage area that can be accessed from any other ender chest. This makes them great for transporting rare items large distances without the danger of carrying them yourself. Craft an ender chest at the start and a second when you get where you’re going, and you can instantly grab the items placed there originally.Ender chests contain 27 storage slots, which can be used to store items like any other chest, but every player has access to their own storage area and no one else’s. The items in an ender chest can’t be shared by players. This means that in multiplayer, one chest can be used by lots of people and will contain different items for each player.GETTING ENDER CHESTSTo build an ender…1 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7BREWINGBREWING EQUIPMENTPotions allow you to power yourself up with temporary stats boosts and permanent health effects. They can also be used to weaken and harm enemies. While you can find a few in the game, you’ll mostly have to make them yourself by brewing.To start brewing, you need to either craft a brewing stand (using a blaze rod and three cobblestone blocks), or collect one from a village church or igloo basem*nt.You’ll also need several glass bottles (craft three bottles from three glass blocks), a water source and some blaze powder. You also need your potion ingredients!BASE POTIONSTo make a base potion, fill your glass bottles with water and place them into a brewing stand, then put blaze powder into the fuel slot. Now, add Nether wart to create an…3 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7Pillager RAIDSHOW A RAID STARTSWhen you encounter pillagers, one in the party will carry an illager banner. This is the leader of that group. If you kill the leader, they drop their normal items as well as their banner, but something else happens: you’re given the Bad Omen status effect.The Bad Omen effect makes it more likely that a village will be raided the next time you enter it. Each leader you kill adds a level to your Bad Omen status effect to a maximum of level 6, so killing multiple leaders will make the raids worse and worse. A level 6 raid means you and the villagers will have to survive 10 waves of attacks. That’s tough even if you’re fully tooled up!WHAT HAPPENS IN A RAIDIf a raid starts,…2 Min
Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial|Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7Light a BEACONBEACON MATERIALSThe ultimate monument to your complete mastery of Minecraft, beacons look amazing, are useful as a navigation tool, and give you positive status effects when you’re close by.To create a beacon, you’ll need at least nine iron, gold, emerald, diamond or Netherite blocks, each of which is crafted from nine ingots of gems. The material makes no difference to how the beacon behaves – you can mix and match these blocks however you like (e.g. you could have three iron blocks, two gold blocks and four emerald blocks), but nine is the smallest amount you can make a beacon with.You also need to craft a beacon block, which you can do with three obsidian, one Nether star and five glass blocks. Note that to collect a Nether star, you…3 Min
Inhaltsverzeichnis für Minecraft Secrets & Cheats Volume 7 in Minecraft Secrets & Cheats: 100% Unofficial (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.