Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (2024)

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Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (1)

MyRecipes Member

Rating: 3 stars


These were good, not great. Love portobello mushrooms, ut think there are better recipes out there.

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (2)


Rating: 5 stars


Simple and easy to make, and my boyfriend and I both loved these (we're both picky eaters). This will be a favorite for Meatless Mondays!

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (3)


Rating: 3 stars


A quick and easy summer lunch or light dinner. I will keep it in mind!

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (4)


Rating: 5 stars


I used Cremini mushrooms and did it under the broiler instead. SO DELICIOUS! And super easy!

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (5)


Absolutely delicious. However, this is so ridiculously messy it is embarrassing to be seen eating it. I also wonder in what world 1 teaspoon of olive oil is actually enough to coat anything more than the silicon bristles on the basting brush, much less four pitas...took about 6 teaspoons (i.e., 1/8 cup) of olive oil to actually do the job. The taste was good enough that I might make it again, only dicing the mushrooms & tomatoes to serve pizza-style.

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (6)


Rating: 4 stars


Not "worthy of a special occasion" but better than "has potential". The flavor combination is outstanding. I grilled the pitas on our Traeger grill 2 minutes on each side. After taking them off the grill, I immediately put the feta (and a slice of cheddar for DD who doesn't like feta) on the pita so it can get a little melty. Then grilled the portobellos 6 minutes on each side. I did not grill the tomatoes. I did enjoy a splash of balsalmic over the top before eating. Next time I think I'll slice the mushrooms and dice the tomatoes so we can eat it more in a pizza-style. Everyone at the table devoured it. I served it along with watermelon wedges. Very filling.

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (7)


Rating: 5 stars


Very good but I would never use jarred garlic. Always fresh garlic!

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (8)


Rating: 5 stars


My husband loved this recipe. It is so easy and healthy. I used whole grain pita rounds and added fresh baby spinach.

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (9)


Rating: 4 stars


I really enjoyed this meal. I changed it a little by using a boboli pizza crust and grilling all ingrediants directly on my outdoor grill. It came out great! I bought enough ingredients to fill the pie (about 3 large mushrooms, and 1 tomato). Served alone. Will definately make again.

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (10)


Rating: 4 stars


I altered this recipe in a few ways, though I'm sure many would think it delicious as written. I used Naan as the base of the recipe. I brushed it with the olive oil/garlic mixture (I used fresh garlic), I also used mozzarella on my serving because I don't care for goat cheese, and used the goat cheese on my hubby's. I then put roasted red peppers on top of the cheese (instead of tomatoes), and threw it in the oven while I cooked the mushrooms. (I marinated them in balsamic like Jennifer suggested) and also salt & pepper. We don't have a grill so I just cooked them in a pan until they were cooked through. I topped them with fresh basil & a little more salt & pepper. We both LOVED these. My husband said they were "restaurant quality" :) This will definitely be in my rotation of dinners now. I'm always on the lookout for yummy but wholesome vegetarian recipes! Try this recipe, you won't be sorry!

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (11)


Rating: 4 stars


I made this with the balsamic addition. It was a great, easy, fast dinner. Pretty filling as well when paired with a salad. I did not add roasted pepper but can imagine that would really add to it. Didn't need any salt, only minimal pepper--less than what is called for it you marinate the mushrooms first.

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (12)


Rating: 5 stars


Took the advice of others and used balsamic to glaze the bellas. Absolutely wonderful and filling!

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (13)


Rating: 4 stars


My husband loved this and it was very easy! I used naan bread from Costco for the base instead of pita bread, and mixed fresh basil in with the goat cheese. I sprinkled a little Mrs. Dash Garlic Herb on the tomatoes for an added kick as it needed a little something. Delicious and a lovely presentation.

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (14)


Rating: 4 stars


Really liked this recipe. I must not have grilled the vegetables enough though because they were still very moist and juice just poured out when I took a bite. I actually found these really easy to stack and store in the fridge to reheat in a toaster oven later. Nothing got soggy and the flavors seemed to meld a little overnight. Also the juiciness was reduced reheating this way. Will DEFINITELY make again.

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (15)


Rating: 4 stars


Yum could eat this all the time, did need the balsamic vinegar, didn't even know how much I liked goat cheese. Can't wait for the summer tomatoes to be in season.

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (16)


Rating: 3 stars


Very tasty, but really messy and hard to eat.

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (17)


Rating: 5 stars


we love this, I have made it for years. We sometimes skip the pitas and put the goat cheese between the grilled mushroom and tomato. I am making it tonight!

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (18)


Rating: 4 stars


I made this last night for a light dinner. I was decently surprised. I used suggestions like drizzling balsamic vinegar over the tomatoes and mushrooms prior to grilling. I don't have a grill or grill pan so I used my gorge foreman, which worked okay. the times were messed up a bit. I also added roasted red pepper on top which I think was quite an addition! I am not a huge fan of goat cheese but wasn't bad. I might try it with fresh mozzerella next time. Served it with cantalope, mango, pineapple, and strawberries freshly chopped drizzled with a couple tablespoons of lime juice.

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (19)


Rating: 5 stars


Absolutely delicious! They were a little hard to eat because of how juicy the mushrooms got after cooking, but it was worth the messy eating!

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (20)


Rating: 5 stars


I thought this was excellent. I followed Jennifer's recipe using balsamic, and I also used basil flavored goat cheese. This has a nice mild taste as is, but I think I will also add some roasted red pepper next time.

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (21)


Rating: 2 stars


I did it without reading the reviews. It was okey. I think if I had done it like Jennifer-see review, it would have worked. I'll retry it. But I know, for me, it's an everyday meal not special occasions.

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (22)


Rating: 5 stars


We make this for dinner a few times per month in the summer. I've made it as is, but now I do a few things differently - 1. I add in a roasted red pepper, 2. I marinate all the vegetables in a little balsamic vinegar, 3. I cook everything on the outdoor grill, and 4. When its done, I slice the vegetables and put it on the pitas and eat like a pizza. We love it!

Grilled Portobello-Goat Cheese Pitas Recipe (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.